Ukraine-Russian War Perspective:
#131-Make Love, Not War; Rev. Moon’s Solution to the War in Ukraine
Cheon Seong Gyeong 2008
We long for the nation of God, because it is a place of love. It is a place where, instead of temporary love, eternal love that transcends time can continually exist. It is also a place where you can elevate yourself and be recognized for 100 percent of your value. It is the place where you are eternally happy. This is why all people are yearning for the heavenly nation. (25-284, 1969.10.5)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1242
If you have the opportunity to attend a Blessing Ceremony, you should not go thinking you are just a man or a woman and there is nothing else to it. When you attend the ceremony, you are there representing men and women who have come and gone in the world over the past six thousand years. You must understand that you have been invited as such. You should experience this reality deep in your heart. (30-169, 1970. 3.22)
Richard: You can receive the grace of the Blessing Ceremony by participating at
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1127
Our portion of responsibility is found everywhere. If you eat, then cleaning up is also our portion of responsibility. There are many responsibilities. The one who can fulfill a greater portion of responsibility is a great person. The founder of the Unification Church created many programs to help you fulfill your portion of responsibility. In a company, for instance, you have to lay down principles and rules for the sake of the whole enterprise and everyone must follow those rules. There can be no objections. You will be fired if you step outside those boundaries. What happened to Adam and Eve who tried to go some other way? They were driven out. (133-154, 1984.7.10)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 662
From where can the Kingdom of Heaven begin? Without dissolving God’s anguish, we cannot enter heaven. Since we have woven a history of sorrow since the Fall, we must restore all its ties. All the ties of the six millennia since Adam and Eve have to be restored. The Unification Church Principle teaches about a God of such sorrow.
Secular people detest sorrow and run away from it. The Unification Church Principle teaches about God’s sorrow, which is more miserable than any other sorrowful situation. If something sorrowful happened in the world, most people would avoid it and run away from it, but the motto of the Unification Church Principle is to go through such places of sorrow.
All people in the world try to avoid sorrow, but they are originally not supposed to be like that. The more we understand God’s sorrow and the contents of His misery, the stronger the force that actually emerges in the Unification Church to dissolve His anguish. That force becomes the motive of unlimited explosive action. This is the great force of the Unification Church. (21-112, 1968.11.17) Continue reading “Our Portion of Responsibility Is Found Everywhere”