The latest Richard Urban Show:
#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families and Communities
Tackling the root cause of societal decline.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1482
No matter how long you have been in the Unification Church, you should not leave your sins buried as they are. They need to be cleansed. You need to start afresh with a clean slate, be resurrected anew, and become men and women who can live in the Garden of Eden with- out sinning. You need the awareness of God’s intention for the complete unity in love of your mind and body, as created by Him. Do you understand? Otherwise, you cannot return to the homeland.
You need to find the way back to your house in the homeland, where our origi- nal house is located, and where God, our original Parent, dwells. That is where the descendants of the nation who have the birthright of the firstborn should live and reign over all other nations based on the life of the imperial family. That place is your new home. How shall you go about finding your way back, not to your birthplace but your new home- land, the original home? First, you need to acquire the qualification to enter that homeland. In order to do so, you must achieve a realm of oneness through total mind-body unity. (233-168, 1992.8.1)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1189
Cain represents Satan’s side. It is the position of the elder brother. Abel represents God’s side. This is the battle. Originally, God would have loved the first- born son, and then the younger son. Due to the Fall, the first son, Cain, stands on Satan’s side. He belongs to Satan’s side.
In order to save him, God designated Abel. God designates Abel to restore the right of the firstborn son. This cannot be achieved by force; you have to inspire people by love. You have to achieve restoration by melting them with love. If you cannot stand in the position of having loved them, if you cannot win their heart through offering your love, then you will not be in a position to truly love your own son or daughter. As viewed from God’s ideal of creation, the first- born son was originally to be loved first rather than the second child. (140-38, 1986.2.1)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3
true love
Chapter 2
The Reality of Love
Section 3. Parental Love
3.2. Parents’ love is complete even after being shared over and over again
Why is it that we love our children? Why is it that we cannot help loving them? It is because loving our children is like inheriting God’s great work of creation on the horizontal, substantial level. We are feeling the joy God felt after creating Adam and Eve. We are inheriting God’s love and God’s authority to create. (76-45, 1975.1.26) Continue reading “Which Is Greater, Conjugal Love or the Love between Parents and Children?”