Originally, Perfected Man and Woman Would Naturally Live in the Kingdom of Heaven

Cheon Seong Gyeong 626

The Apostle Paul’s experience of seeing the third heaven of the spirit world became the driving force that empowered him in his missionary activities for fourteen years. Do you understand? You must have such experiences. That also holds true for me. (27-128, 1969.11.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1023

From now on, there will be no forgiveness for problems with man-woman relationships. Don’t even mention forgiveness; God does not want to deal with this. What was the Fall? Didn’t it occur because people failed to control themselves sexually? The greatest problems for people are the problems of food, clothing, shelter, sexual desire, and excessive desire for material things; these are the roots of sin. Those who fail to control these things will not become a leader. (194-87, 1989.10.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 1

The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 7. What Human Beings Can Be Most Proud Of

    God created a man and a woman. He intended for them to reach perfection, marry, become established as the heavenly husband and wife, and live in the heavenly kingdom. God’s plan was to make Adam and Eve the first husband and wife in history and establish the foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven upon their relationship. If this plan had been realized, God’s first two blessings, to be fruitful and to multiply, would have been achieved then and there. God gave Adam and Eve the power to multiply His children. Had they not fallen, they would never have passed sin on to humankind. Continue reading “Originally, Perfected Man and Woman Would Naturally Live in the Kingdom of Heaven”

God, Adam and Eve Must Unite Centered on Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1330

    The Blessed Families must be placed on the horizon that is transnational, trans-global, interracial and inter-religious. Everything will end with the Blessing of 3.6 million couples. The world will have to learn the doctrine of the Unification Church in order to restore the family. With what power can one person unite 3.6 million couples, transcending national boundaries? The fact that I have such a power is something that we can take pride in eternally. Then would the marriage of one couple, similar to the coming together of pigeons, be a big problem? Through the Blessing, we will be able to leave behind the environment in which the tribe has to worry about the marriages, and in which mothers, together with their husbands, have to spend many a sleepless night worrying about wedding plans.
    That is why even the primary school teachers must know about the Blessing. When asked, “Teacher, is it true that 3.6 million couples were married at the same time?” how should the teacher answer? Should he say it is a lie? Then he would be the one lying. If he cannot give an answer to the question: “How was the marriage performed?” he would fail as a teacher. (272-229, 1995.10.5)

Here is a report about the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing main ceremony.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1261

The people who belong to the realm of Satan have no connection whatsoever with the bloodline of God. In other words, the whole of humankind, which was supposed to have been born as the children of parents of goodness, was instead born from evil parents. They spread out across the world, as the family, tribe, a people, nation and world centered on evil. (55-133, 1972.5.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 690

    Until now, God has worked to overcome all the difficulties that might be faced in order to achieve a decisive victory. Here, the question is whether you have become the princes of victory. You must be able to say that you have become one with that heart and are completely inseparable from it. In other words, the pivotal axis of your life has to be the conviction that you are with God and that you are together with the True Parents.
Only if each of you becomes the self that can continue on the same course for a thousand years, ten thousand years even, will a linkage be established between God’s Kingdom on earth and His kingdom in the spirit world. This means that you will be the masters of heaven and the masters of earth, and then God’s Kingdom on earth and in the spirit world will be opened up for the first time.
    Such a bond is not something formed in a position of comfort. It is formed in a position of extreme difficulty, a position so serious that it could not possibly be any more serious, a position where life and death are on the line, a position where there is an increased level of risk.
    That is why the Bible says, “Whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Jesus’ expression may sound archaic, but this is the normal approach and attitude for going the way of restoration and for progressing through the world of heart.
It is clear that each person must strive to achieve such a state, and that path will become the true course. (31-73, 1970.4.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 1

The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 6. All Beings Are Perfected through Love

    Individual perfection results from the continuous give and take action between the mind and the body, based on the foundation of love established by God at the beginning. Both the mind and the body should grow, mature, and then unite completely. Perfection can only be achieved when one’s life is rooted in love, when it matures centering on love, and when that love puts out buds and bears fruit on that foundation. When the foundation of love is established in this way, God can then come and reside there, connected through love. Until love fully matures, the foundation to bear its fruits cannot be established. Continue reading “God, Adam and Eve Must Unite Centered on Love”

Maturity Means Waiting for Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1470

Where is the righteous path in life? From where did human beings originate? They were born from love; then what path should they follow in life? It is that of love. For what should they die? The logical conclusion is love. What kind of love is that? It is that which can be welcomed by the macrocosm, not just the microcosm. The purpose of life can be perceived as originating in the heart of the macrocosm and approved by God, the angelic world, all creation, all people, and our parents. That purpose is to live in the universe, to love in it, and to die in it. (83-164, 1976.2.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 860

God is the Creator who made heaven and earth. He is the origin, the very parent of all beings in this world. He is the origin of the value of all existence. Because of Him, this phenomenal world of today came to exist. Such an absolute being does not change according to the changing of the ages. An absolute being does not change. He is not limited by time and space. He transcends all limitations and is the one who governs every limitation. Who is that being? We do not only call Him God. He is our “Father,” so we call Him “Heavenly Father.” What do you call God? He is your Father who gave birth to you. The word “rebirth” exists because of the Fall, but it was God, your Father, who originally gave birth to you. Your physical father forms a bridge between you and God. But after your physical father goes to the spirit world, you will call him your brother, not your father. In the same way, you will call your physical mother your sister. (21-249, 1968.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 1

The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 5. The Time for Adam’s and Eve’s First Love

God told Adam and Eve “not to eat of the fruit,” because it was not the time for them to love. Since they were still in their growth period, God gave the commandment to wait until they became mature. (Blessed Family – 310) Continue reading “Maturity Means Waiting for Love”

God Created Adam and Eve for His Own Love and Joy

Cheon Seong Gyeong 618

    While our members are praying, spiritual phenomena are taking place. Such things called spiritual phenomena do exist. The spiritual forces enter our bodies like electric power. You would know if you had these experiences; you will experience a force stronger than your normal awareness entering your body, as if you were in contact with high pressure. When you experience supernatural and superhuman emotions, your body will certainly reject them, since your body carries the fallen nature. Your body will surely come to repel this divine nature from God.
    Therefore, if some kind of godly nature flows strongly into fallen humankind, fallen people cannot be purified in a natural way. When this power flows in, it does not come in at once but enters in an alternating plus and minus manner in the way sound waves are transmitted with alternating amplifications and attenuations. This power comes in sometimes strongly and sometimes weakly, all the while cultivating us. You will have vibrations, lose your consciousness, and the phenomenon in which spiritual forces act strongly takes place. This is manifested as spiritual phenomena.
    What will happen next if you continue having such experiences? Your physical body and your physical fallen nature will become purified, and through this you will naturally come to accept these works 100 percent. When that happens, even without such phenomena you can enter a state higher than the spiritual phenomena and then receive all that heaven teaches while not being overwhelmed at all. You have to go through these courses to reach that level of purification, as well as the phases of receiving revelations and directions.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1083

You should not speak or act with just any words and actions. You should be raised to the position of God’s son and daughter and speak and act as God’s son and daughter. (91-89, 1977.1.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 1

The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 3. God’s Eternal Partner in Love

God created this world. If we were to ask Him, “Why did you create this world?” He would answer, “Because it is good.” In other words, God created this world because He thought it was good, he felt joy from it, and wanted to receive more joy from it. How do you achieve goodness or joy from something? You receive joy in the form of love. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that God created this world to feel joy through the realization of love. For the realization of love, God created this world. God created the universe to feel joy through human beings and the creation becoming one and thus establishing a harmonious world of love. God feels joy from seeing and becoming one in love with human beings, forming true relationships of husband and wife and then establishing a family, tribe, people, nation and world of true love. That was God’s ideal of creation. (Blessed Family – 302) Continue reading “God Created Adam and Eve for His Own Love and Joy”

Why Did God Create Human Beings?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1706

    When male and female came into being, would the entire body have been made first, or the sexual organs? Is the gender, female or male, decided midway in the growth process, or is it decided at first with the coming into existence and then the being grows as such? How about it, Dr. Yoon? Isn’t it decided before they begin to grow? Such is the case. Who decides whether a being should be male or female? Can you become a male just because you want to be one? Women must remain absolutely as female, and men must remain as male. They cannot change back and forth.
    Can I become a woman like Mother through wishful thinking? It was already decided at the time I came into existence. It is determined at that moment when the sperm meets the ovum. The sexual organs are decided before the emergence of man and woman. One cannot be almost a man and then become a woman at the last minute. The man is a man absolutely, just as the woman is a woman absolutely. (197- 51, 1990.1.7)

Richard:  Here, amazingly, 34 years ago, Rev. Moon addresses clearly the transgender issue.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1228

Why should religious people obey absolutely? It is necessary in order for them to become absolute object partners in relation to the absolute Subject partner. And when facing evil, don’t you ever become its partner, even if you have to die. I am telling you, never become accomplices of evil! The commandment to love means that you should love people, but do not love the sin people are united with. You must understand this. (57-57, 1972.5.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 1

The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 2. God’s Absolute Requirements

    Why did God create the universe? Continue reading “Why Did God Create Human Beings?”