It Is a Sin Not to Bear Children

Cheon Seong Gyeong 823

You know about the four great realms of heart and the three great kingships. As couples, you must accomplish these things. If you can do this, you can freely come down to the earth from the spirit world at any time. (253-71, 1994.1.7)

The perfection of the four great realms of heart is made possible by a couple becoming one in love through marriage. If this unity is broken, then the realms of the children’s heart, siblings’ heart, couples’ heart, and parents’ heart will remain incomplete. You need to perfect these realms of heart in order to pass smoothly to the spirit world. Yet, because of the Fall, no one has ever achieved perfection in these realms of heart. This is why you need to carry out restoration through indemnity. (249-289, 1993.10.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1331

When you look at my family, you can see that I have children in the vertical position. On the horizontal foundation, who among the True Children represents the position of the horizontal Abel? It is Heung-jin. He is the second son. In order to establish the 36 Couples, people representing Jesus’ three main disciples had to be secured, restoring the number three. The first three, the archangeltype couples, fulfilled this role. After the number three had been regained, 36 couples representing Adam’s family, Noah’s family, and Jacob’s family could come forth. The first of the three Couples, who themselves represent the 36 Couples, was that of Kim Won-pil. Providential history cannot allow just anyone to stand in that position. He must have a suitable ancestral background aligned with the dispensation in the spirit world; otherwise, he cannot stand in the position of the eldest son. The one who fulfilled these requirements was Kim Wonpil. The one who occupied the position of the second son was Eu Hyo-won and the third was Kim Young-hwi. (169-109, 1987.10.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 1. The Essence of the Teachings of the Family Federation

1.3. God’s love and True Parents’ love

    God’s love is the love of a vertical parent, and True Parents’ love is the love of horizontal parents. Since you are the people that have inherited these, your minds are the fruit of the tradition that has received the love of the vertical God and parents. Likewise your bodies are the fruit of the tradition that have received the love of horizontal True Parents. In order for these fruits to form the horizontal basis of a family and form a sphere with a vertical center you need to be a husband or a wife and have children. So it is a sin not to bear children. You should not be a childless person. Is there flesh without bone? No, because it would have nowhere to attach itself. (184-309, 1989.1.1)

    God’s masculine and feminine characteristics are separated into the forms of Adam and Eve. What unites them and makes them one again? Love. As they separate and reunite, God can experience how strong the love is that is contained within Himself. Otherwise, He would not know. Although God has love within Himself, He does not experience that love. He knows about it only through meeting a partner. Through people, He feels the love that is inside Himself. God is the vertical Father, and Adam and Eve are parents centered on horizontal true love. (185-187, 1989.1.8)

    God is the bone of love. God’s love is like the bone and human love is like the flesh. The bone and flesh become one in order to take shape. This is the principle. Just as you have bones, God’s love is the love that is like the bone. True Parents’ love is the love that is like the flesh. (181-206, 1988.10.3)

The Establishment of True Parents is the Fruit of God’s Historical Work

Cheon Seong Gyeong 714

    The mind stands in God’s stead. Your mind represents your predecessors, your ancestors. The mind represents the teacher as well as the ruler. Yet, how long has the mind been held in disdain and contempt? The mind represents the one being who, as the center of the universe, stands in the position of the true parent, the true teacher, and the true lord. It exists as the subject of true love. How much has the mind been sacrificed to keep us in order on the earth?
    Though it is treated contemptuously and dragged around, when you have evil    thoughts and commit theft at dawn, your mind protests against you time and again saying, “Hey, you wretch!” How long have we trifled with such a mind? It stands in the place of parent, teacher, and lord. In the world of the mind, no trials are needed. You know yourself better than anyone else. No third party or witness is necessary.
    We cannot stand proudly before our parents; we are ashamed before our teachers, before the rulers of our nation, and we are ashamed before God. Hence we must repent. In order to return to our original homeland, we must repent. In the original homeland, we must attend God as our King. He is the King of the universe, nation, tribe, and family.
    God is the Teacher of the universe, nation, tribe, and family. He is also their Lord. This is the three-great-subjects thought. Having the essence of the love that lives for others and then forgets about doing so, this three-great-subjects thought represents the heavenly nation.
    If we could entirely possess the three great-subjects thought, that would be most ideal. But even if we do not, when we stand in the position of true parents, teachers will stand on the right, and lords on the left. Therefore, it would be best if you can stand in one of these three positions. Whether you become true parents, true teachers, or true lords, if you stand in at least one of those positions, your registration in the Kingdom of Heaven will not be a problem. (209-154, 1990.11.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1506

The cosmos-centered ideology is for the sake of achieving mind-body unity. It is to establish the family as the embodiment of God’s love, and to implement these ideas in the spiritual and physical worlds. The Chinese character for ju (宙) in cheon-ju (cosmos) means “house.” That’s why the term “cosmos-centered ideology” is being used. The cosmos is the combination of the incorporeal and corporeal worlds. How does this relate to us? We need a family. If you cannot achieve oneness on the family level, the cosmos-centered ideology will have nothing to do with you. The God-centered family is the ultimate standard to complete the ideal about which such a cosmos-centered ideology teaches. If you cannot sing the song of peace and praise happiness in the family on earth, you will be unhappy in the spirit world. (26-190, 1969.10.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 1. The Essence of the Teachings of the Family Federation

1.2. True families determine the center of the universe

    When True Parents appear, a true family will be established, and a true person’s purpose can be realized. True Parents is the name that can be praised eternally from the past, to the present and on into the future. The fact that the True Parents have appeared on this earth, that True Parents are here, is the most joyful gospel of all gospels. Humankind these days is wicked. Due to the power of evil, a realm of death is emerging, and the world cannot find any direction. The establishment of True Parents is the fruit of God’s historical work of over six thousand years., In this age, when countless people are wandering around aimlessly, True Parents are the ones who have appeared as a central model to find their destination for them and show them the direction to take. With the advent of the name True Parents, the eternal heavenly kingdom of the future begins, a world that reflects God’s ideal at the time of creation in the Garden of Eden. This was true in the past; it is true in this age, and it will be so in the future. Therefore, you should know that, judging from all of history, encompassing the past, present and future, the True Parents, who have appeared on earth are the central point that determines the center of the universe. History starts anew from here, becomes ordered from here and bears fruit from here. It is because history bears fruit here that the past resurrects here. The world becomes ordered as one world and a new Kingdom of Heaven is realized. Continue reading “The Establishment of True Parents is the Fruit of God’s Historical Work”

You only need the Ideology of True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1487

Those whose lives are under girded by great power are true people. True people have a background of infinite power that propels them forward in the direction they wish to take. They would know in a second if the direction were wrong. The Unification Church that you know is not a worthless church. It has a deep and high background, a background of great force backing it up. As such, once you have risen to such a level through your own efforts, everything would be taken care of thenceforth. In this aspect, you need to decide on the direction you should take by yourselves. This is something you alone must determine. It is something you know best. (120-313, 1982.10.20)

Richard: One of the most damaging ideas among Christians is that Christ will come at the Second Advent and rapture all the believers. This is generally based on a flimsy extrapolation of 1 Thessalonians 4:17. This leads to an irresponsible attitude where you don’t have to be concerned about all the disasters and suffering in the world. This is dead wrong. Read this excellent article.
This article talks about the origins of the Scofield Bible, which is one of the chief sources of the doctrine of the rapture, which was unknown in Christianity before the 19th century.
Note: I don’t agree about the author’s interpretation of how the Second Coming will occur. Never the less, the information on the origins of the Scofield Bible and the doctrine of the rapture is definitely worth reading.
Find out more about the Second Advent of Christ.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1512

    Existing theologies depict the Creator as a divine being and created human beings as essentially inferior and secular. They treat the whole of humanity as sinners. However, this perception is wrong. God created humankind because of love.
    If God were the owner of the vertical love only, the children conceived by Him would maintain just a single vertical line. He would not be able to have them expand horizontally. On account of this, He is not the one who would give birth to His children. Instead, He would have them born through true parents. The couple standing in the position of the parents of horizontal true love is the True Parents. They possess the horizontal love at a right angle to the vertical love of God, the True Parent.
    That is why the love of both parents is necessary. On the one side stands the Parent who is the Creator, and on the other side stand the physical True Parents, the object partners of God, who were created in pursuit of the ideal. That is why God is in the position of the spiritual Parent and the True Parents are in the position of the physical Parents. In this way, human beings were supposed to be born connected to both the vertical love and horizontal love. (182-258, 1988.10.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 1. The Essence of the Teachings of the Family Federation

1.1. The philosophy of the Parents

    To be a child of filial piety, you should know what kind of people your parents are. Do you really know what kind of people they are? Have you ever considered whether your knowledge of your parents comes just from the teachings you have received, or do you truly know them? You have come to the Unification Church and are walking the path of sons and daughters of filial piety. But you used to be little babies with dirty diapers. You used to be little babies biting and sucking your mother’s milk. You grew up that way, receiving your parents’ love. If there is a philosophy which is the best one in this world, it must be the parent-centered philosophy. Parent-centered philosophy is the best. You are not little children anymore. You all must learn. This is what parents want.     Although you were born from Mother’s womb, you are still adopted sons and daughters, so you must be loyal to those parents. When you become a parent yourself, a four-position foundation is created. You can never have heavenly children all by yourself; having heavenly children clearly requires that heavenly parents appear first.
    For these heavenly parents to come, the eldest son must come first. Since the elder son Cain, betrayed the heavenly way, the eldest son must walk Cain’s course in reverse and rise to the position representing God. The four-position foundation must then be established. Before that point, you are all babies. No matter how great you may be in the world, you should have a heart like that of a baby. This way, you have to be born again through Mother’s womb and Father’s bone. (16-191, 1966.3.22)

    Although religions differ from each other, they have been prepared to follow a path of goodness. They will surely continue. However, religions that insist that only their way is correct are losing power because the connection of heart could not take place in the direct dominion… This is because a period remained that corresponded to the seven-year course that began from the formation level of the completion stage and went through the growth level of the completion stage and the completion level of the completion stage; thus we have entered the stage at which we can retrieve those who had fallen away from the original line in the indirect dominion so they may cross back over the line into the direct dominion. This cannot happen without True Parents being at the center. Now there is no ideology you need other than the ideology of True Parents. There is nothing else. We should not accept anyone’s unrighteous ideology. I cannot endorse Kim Il-sung’s ideology or anyone else’s. There is only one ideology, that of the True Parents. (136-51, 1985.12.20)

We Can Use as a Bulwark the Ideology of True Parents, True Teacher and True Owner

Happy True Parents Day! (Established 1960)
Stacey and I were also able to see the awesome total solar eclipse yesterday in Medina, Ohio. We thank God for His awesome glory!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 684

    Jesus did not die on the cross as the son. If he had been in the position of the son having spirit and body unity, becoming a victorious offering to God, there would be no need for him to come again. He could not offer his total self.
He could offer only half of himself. He lost his body and could offer only his spirit. This represents a level equivalent to the angelic realm in the spirit world.
    Therefore, Christians cannot enter Heaven but go instead to a spiritual realm lower than paradise and wait there. That spiritual realm is under the dominion of the archangel.
    In order to secure a victorious realm in the spirit world, that victorious realm must first be established on earth. This was the purpose of Jesus’ coming and this is why Christianity must restore and establish the victorious realms in both the spirit world and on earth and inherit the realm of the archangel. That is the mission of Christianity. Because there has been no substantial perfection in Christianity, only spiritual perfection, Christianity emerged placing prime importance on the spirit world.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1536

What are we heading for? We are on our way to God’s kingdom, beginning with the kingdom on the family level to that on the tribal, global and final- ly universal level. That is our ultimate goal. Those who, while on earth, think of the world as their country and all the people in it as their brothers and sisters, and inherit such world-embracing traditions will, without a doubt, pass on to the place nearest to God’s kingdom. This is only logical. (161-225, 1987.2.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 5

Section 6. True Parents and the Nation

    Why have we sacrificed until now? It was to become the parents of the tribe.
How splendid this is! What do we do after the nation and world are unified through such sacrifice? The place of unification does not disappear. You stand in the position of the father or mother in that place of unity.
    What a holy thing it is to be parents! Parents always sacrifice and serve with love. If you think about it, you realize what a joyful thing it is to be able to become true parents. This is true even in America, where I have been working in this way up until now. When I unify the American people by way of love, they will know that I did it with the resolve of the Parent. Then, the indivisible nation and world will be established here. When that happens, the True Parents will be welcomed wherever they go. Continue reading “We Can Use as a Bulwark the Ideology of True Parents, True Teacher and True Owner”

The Term “True Parents” Brings with it all the Blessings in Heaven and Earth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1112

You pass through the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle and by fulfilling your portion of responsibility as a human being you are connected in love. You there by enter the realm of direct dominion. Then, the vertical dispensation can be realized horizontally and horizontal dispensation can be realized vertically. If you push it down, it becomes horizontal and if you pull it, it becomes vertical. That is why you can have dominion vertically and horizontally. (193217, 1989.10.4) When the perfect love of God manifests, Satan cannot appear. That comes with the completion of one’s portion of responsibility. When that is fulfilled, a connection of love is made between the realms of indirect and direct dominion. This is where vertical and horizontal love is connected. When that occurs, relations based on God’s lineage and flesh and blood are formed through that vertical and horizontal love. A lineage is born. Satan cannot interfere with that lineage which is initiated through the love of God, through the connection with vertical and horizontal love. There is no connection with Satan. Thus, in order to inherit the heart of God, you must inherit the pure original lineage centered on the love of God. That is the issue. (173285, 1988.2.21)

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    What stage have we reached now? The time has come to link the spiritual and physical worlds on the global stage. Such unification does not take place quietly, but rather both heaven and earth are shaken. The world tried to stop God from achieving it in a bitter struggle, but He won. It was accomplished at the Washington Monument Rally. Starting from 1976, the satanic world can no longer accuse God. Satan can no longer accuse God directly. He might still accuse our ancestors in the spirit world, but not God.
    In addition, all the spirits in the spirit world will be mobilized to drive away the satanic forces from the earth. In this way, a foundation is formed for goodness to exceed the works that Satan has done until now. The spirit world will guide people to believe in the Unification Church. Jesus, other great religious leaders, and their own ancestors will appear to them and push them by spiritually chastising and punishing them if they do not.
    The spirit world will bring together everything that was divided until now and initiate a movement that binds together all the divisions of the world today through heart; a movement that brings together the world representatives based on a standard that transcends racial differences to unite their hearts. Therefore, when the spirit world is united and makes contact with the physical world, a light will shine forth and a worldwide movement will begin on a large scale.
    Until now East and West have had different spirit worlds. How was it possible to unite them? Through love. I brought together people from East and West into races and tribes centered on God’s love through the joint weddings of the Unification Church.
    I have laid the groundwork on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and world. Heaven and the spirit world are completely depending on us. (91160, 1977.2.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 5

Section 5. True Parents and Eternal Life

The Kingdom of Heaven and True Parents

    In order to meet your spouse and receive the children you can love, you must follow the Parents. When you have received your children, you should be able to say, “Oh, I am following the path through which I can command an entire heavenly nation.” How splendid this is! It is the same in the earthly world. You are walking the path in order to receive the unified tribe, unified world and unified heaven together with your family. Why then do you have to follow True Parents? You follow them in order to inherit this entire universe. How wonderful this is! God and True Parents embrace every thing. This is the Way of the True Parent, and what a tremendous ideology it is. Those Unification Church members who are determined to be loyal to God’s will consider the Unification Church as their own, whether they are in Korea, in South America, in Africa or elsewhere.
    The amazing thing about True Parents is that, through them God will bequeath this entire universe to us. We gain this amazing inheritance through True Parents when we meet them, make a determination to be eternally one with them, and follow through with this determination. (12439, 1983.1.16) Continue reading “The Term “True Parents” Brings with it all the Blessings in Heaven and Earth”