Husband and Wife Should Create a Love Nest with God in the Middle

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1456

You will not be able to find the path of salvation in following your present habitual lifestyles. You need to walk a completely new path of atonement. The providence of salvation is that of restoration, and the providence of restoration is that of re-creation. In accordance with this, in order to be recreated, you need to be restored to the original position before the Fall, the state of complete self-denial. In such a state, there would be no self-awareness, no habits, and no surnames like Kim or Lee, as at present. You need to attain such a state of emptiness. Taking into consideration God’s original standard of creation, you can see that every being created by Him was initiated from a state of non-being. (213-98, 1991.1.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059

Parents should set a good example in their life of faith. In the family, they should show their children how fervently they practice all aspects of a life of faith, including prayer life and family services. They should help the children recognize how important the time for Pledge is. They should not just hold Pledge service at that particular time, but as parents, they should also teach their children about God’s will. (31-269, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 4. The Ideal of Love is Fulfilled in the Family
4.1. God’s ideal of creation is the completion of the four-position foundation

    What is God’s purpose of creation? He did not create Adam and Eve just to look at them. He did not create men and women just so they could get old on their own and die. It was so that they could grow to maturity and, through their hearts that long to relate to the opposite sex, build the true Kingdom of Heaven on earth with God at the center. It was so that they could create a love nest with God in the middle. Here a man, Adam, represents heaven, and a woman, Eve, the earth; this is heaven and earth. Thus, although they are two, their horizontal union unifies heaven and earth. When they achieve unity through God’s love, the cosmos will be unified automatically. (21-43, 1968.9.1) Continue reading “Husband and Wife Should Create a Love Nest with God in the Middle”

The Most Important Work of the Unification Church is the Blessing

Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
First Blessing Preparation Class begins January 16th, 2024.
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1442

    You need to restore 160 couples in order to connect them to the world. Jacob had 12 family members, Moses had the 72 elders, Jesus had the 120 followers, and the returning Lord has 160 head disciples. That means that they are the head disciples. Jesus called his followers his disciples. The words “head disciple” are being used for the first time by me. No one else knows about that.
    Since Japan is the Eve nation, True Father has taught it every secret he knows. I have taught you things that even Korean leaders have never heard of before. So, if you do not fulfill your responsibility, it will be on your heads. If you fail to liberate 160 families, you cannot inherit the victorious realms of the first, second, and third Adam. If you fulfill only the realm of the first Adam, you cannot form a connection with the second or third Adam. However, the returning Lord has fulfilled the missions of the first, second, and third Adam, and will engraft you as long as you have laid the foundation of formation, the realm of the first Adam. (265-127, 1994.11.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1417

    The most important work of the Unification Church today is the Blessing bestowed upon you as couples. The Blessing of couples is the seed of love planted by God in Adam’s couple. As such, it should be disseminated.
    All of you gathered here know what cell reproduction is, don’t you? In that tiny cell is contained the whole tree, is it not? When you sow it, a whole tree grows from it. The roots, branches, leaves, stems, flowers – in fact, all parts that make up a tree are contained in that cell. The conceptual blueprint is contained in it.
    Couples are blessed to become the embodiments of True Parents, and through their children, reach out to the nation and world, becoming its roots; just as the roots and leaves of a tree absorb essential elements and control the tree’s carbon assimilation and the separation of elements from the air, Blessed Families should perform similar functions. A tree takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen to its surroundings. Isn’t that strange? How can it do that? That is an expression of the harmony and beauty of creation. The universe is a world of love – it is not a cold-hearted and desolate place, but an enclosure of love. Just as the seeds are all wrapped in a shell, God also wants to reside in that realm of love that is the universe – the enclosure of love – with His plus and minus dual characteristics.
    For God to dwell enwrapped in the universe of love, there must be unity in love between Him as the subject and the universe as His object. He can only be enveloped by the love that is shared by the two sides in the process of giving and receiving. That is why love is eternal and great. It is also boundless. Wouldn’t you want to rest in such a place? The conclusion is the same. That is the seed of God’s love. You must return to that seed.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 3. The Ideal of Love to Be Attained Through Adam and Eve
3.2. Husband and Wife Stand as Second Creators

    When a woman is expecting a baby, a new world emerges for her. When the baby starts moving, she has so much hope. This is how women should be. They have many dreams, like the ones God had when He created. To have the thought “I hope my child grows up and becomes so and so in the future” is in keeping with the heart God had when He prepared to create Adam and Eve. Such are women’s three-dimensional dreams. With the thought “I am not alone. The entire world is in the hands of my child, and he or she is growing in my womb,” her mind embraces the whole world in love. (228-263, 1992.7.5) Continue reading “The Most Important Work of the Unification Church is the Blessing”

Are People Better than God, or Not?

Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
First Blessing Preparation Class begins January 16th, 2024.
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1611

The time has now finally arrived when everyone should unite, starting with the True Parents’ family and extending to all tribes, clans and Blessed Families, and for all to settle. When North and South Korea are united, the world will want to follow us in every ideological aspect. Thus it will become one world. The words “cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and the rooting out of Satan’s lineage” signify the complete elimination and transformation of that of satanic lineage. From the year 2000, which marks my eightieth birthday, all tribes living on earth will be bound for heaven. In other words, just as the Israelites departed from Egypt, we will depart from this world which is the hell created by Satan. Moses headed out of Egypt when he was eighty; similarly, as the king of families, the True Parent will set out from this fallen world. (300-305, 1999.4.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 852

The spirit world is a place filled with the concept of true love. The Kingdom of Heaven is where you go after fully experiencing true love on earth equally with all your five senses. When you reach that state, you can do everything in the spirit world. The ideal environment for life begins from there. You do not know how wondrous this is. (246-44, 1993.3.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 3. The Ideal of Love to Be Attained Through Adam and Eve
3.1. God created Adam as a body of the invisible God

    Why did God create human beings? Man is east and woman west. Centering on the vertical God, a plane of four directions is needed. Since this covers 360 degrees, it has infinite area. What do we want to do with this space? The production unit, the starting point that produces the people for God’s kingdom, is the earth. Hence, the people of God’s kingdom are those who have lived on earth. Go and take a look around sometime. There is no kingdom other than the one on earth. Some say that there are people living in other parts of the universe. But that simply is not so. The entire universe was created for us. (206-209, 1990.10.7) Continue reading “Are People Better than God, or Not?”

Our Body Is God’s Temple

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1827

Where can we find clean water? The ocean water is completely polluted. However, the North Pole has snow eight hundred meters deep. That is fresh water that was accumulated thousands of years ago. It is not polluted, but clean, even after ten thousand years. It is the same with the South Pole. What if we were to build a cultural city like New York below the ice, do you think many people will come to see it or not? This could actually be done. Don’t you feel excited just thinking about it? If you build a tunnel in the ice, it will not collapse, but last for ten thousand years. By spraying cold water on the inside surface once a year, the ice will stay frozen and eventually become solid. (302-99, 1999.6.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1137

    Fallen people became false beings; therefore they need to receive grafts. From the standpoint of lineage, your ancestor is someone other than God. Why could you become only His adopted children? It is because you have a different father and mother. Hence, it is logical to conclude that the Fall has to do with lineage. What is the Fall? It means inheriting the wrong lineage. It is correct to say that human beings fell due to false love. That is why the assertion made by the Unification Church that human beings fell due to love, cannot be denied. It is written in the Bible that Adam and Eve fell by eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and fell, isn’t it? Do you know what that fruit was? Was it a fruit at all? Was it a fruit that can be blown down by the wind and roll on the ground? It was not.
    Satan entered minds of Adam and Eve and became one with them, so they inherited Satan’s lineage. Why can God, who has so much love, not forgive Satan? Jesus said that everybody, even murderers and robbers can be forgiven, once they believe in him. Then why can Satan not be forgiven? It is because he defiled the lineage of humankind. What does that mean? From God’s point of view, Satan is the adulterer, the one who violated His love. (156-226, 1966.5.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 2. God’s Purpose forCreating Human Beings
2.2. God invests the essence of His love and life

    There is a force that moves us toward the final destination of our desire and our desire’s greatest standard of perfection. We need to discover the fact that this force is operating within us. The Bible says that our body is God’s temple, but we do not understand what this means. These are words of great importance. This is because however great God may be, when we form a partnership of love with God in which we can whisper words of love, and when we become one with God in that love partnership, we receive the right to inherit the universe. Through the principled foundation of love, this world, the spirit world, the incorporeal world and the world of substance, all created by God, can attain the right to inherit from the universe. Unfortunately, people are ignorant of this amazing fact. (137-67, 1985.12.18) Continue reading “Our Body Is God’s Temple”

God Does Not Have a Love Organ

Happy New Year!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1619

God’s kingdom in heaven and on earth must be unified through love. The sphere of the royal family of heaven will become the center of everything, both in the spiritual and physical worlds. Thus, unity comes about wherever members of that family may be. My theme here is the unity of God’s kingdom on earth and in heaven through love. For the first time, everyone can become united through love centering on the royal family. All nations in the world will be unified, as will all tribes in heaven. (232-326, 1992.7.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1482

    Where on earth is God? Where would His dwelling place be? God settles in the most precious thing of all, namely love. Then if this love happened to be that between a man and a woman, where would He reside? He lives perpendicularly in the deepest part of the love that is completely united and unchanging. The central place of His residence would be the place where man and woman attain oneness.
    When you reach a mystical state while praying, such that you undergo spiritual experiences, then if you call out to God, “Heavenly Father,” you will hear the answer coming from inside you, “Why are you calling me? I am right here!” “Here” would be the center of your heart. He would be at the central point of love, in a perpendicular position, inside the person whose mind and body are completely united. If you consider God’s point to be the intersection of two perpendicular lines, it would be a position of complete self-denial. (224-148, 1991.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 1. God’s Motivation for Creating Is Love
2.1. God created human beings as His object partners in love

    God has no need for the likes of knowledge or other things; He needs love. The reason we say that human beings are the center of this universe is that the world was created to manifest the ideal of love. The saying “Human beings are the lords of all creation” makes sense then because human beings, as the representatives of the loving God, have the privilege to receive love first in the central place before the Lord. (132-244, 1984.6.20)

    For what reason did God create human beings? He did not create them just to watch His sons and daughters live their lives. He created them in order to share love with them. This is the only conclusion I can come to, however deeply I think about it. The purpose of our creation is love. Life was created based on God’s love; God did not generate love by first creating life. In other words, life began because love started budding in God’s heart. Since life started from love, the result must also be produced through love. Since the beginning was love, the end must also be love. This is why we human beings are miserable when love is taken away. (57-21, 1972.5.21)

    What does God need? God does not need even life. As the initiator of life, why would He need that? Then what does He need? He needs love. Why does God need love? He needs love because love is something that exists only in a reciprocal relationship. Without being a God who needs love, He would be unable to make a relationship with the created world and human world. Since the conclusion is that God cannot make a relationship with the world of existence without coming with a heart of love, He fixed love as the standard. (121-100, 1982.10.24)

    God values human beings most. Why does He value them so? Because He needs an object partner for His love. No matter how much love God may have, He is unable to feel love without having a love partner. God can experience love only in a relationship with a partner. The reason God values human beings most is that they are His object partners whom He can love. (143-309, 1986.3.21)

    Why did God create human beings? It was in order to fulfill love. This love does not start with God; it is found in His love partner. Without a partner, it cannot be found. For God to attain the most precious thing, He needs a partner. God cannot experience it without a partner, which is why He created one. God seeks a partner so that He can realize absolute love through that partner. Therefore, God exists for the sake of love. Even God exists for the sake of love. This is why love is so amazing. (143- 310, 1986.3.21)

    People exist for God, and God exists for people. Therefore, true love begins from the point where one lives for the sake of others. From what were human beings born? They began from God’s love; in other words, they were born because of love. Love is the origin. (143-309, 1986.3.21)

    God created people in order to love, because He needed someone with whom to share His love. You cannot be in love all by yourself; without a relationship with a partner, love cannot be experienced. Because God absolutely needs love, He created all things and then human beings as the lords of creation, representing all things. God gave people the value of His object partners in absolute love because God absolutely needs them. Human beings were created as His object partners so that love would be under joint ownership. Hence, people themselves are God’s bodies. When Adam and Eve – the bodies of God – become a couple, it means that God becomes a couple. Then, in the heavenly world, God, in the form of Adam and Eve, becomes the ancestor of humankind and rules over the spiritual and physical worlds. (138-212, 1986.1.21)

2.2. God invests the essence of His love and life

    God created all things in the Garden of Eden and then created the first ancestors as their masters. When He created human beings, He did not do so for His amusement, or as a hobby. It is impossible to express with words how hard God worked and the efforts He devoted to creating human beings and establishing them as the center of all things in the creation.
    In creating human beings, God utterly devoted Himself in His many efforts, giving all His heart and soul and the essence of His life. He totally poured out all His love and affection. He created human beings to exist in a relationship with Him that no force could ever undo or sever. Because God created people in such a way, He can feel peaceful as He beholds them. All affection and happiness can dwell within God only through them. (20-205, 1968.6.9)

    God is the Father of human beings, and human beings are God’s sons and daughters. Since God created them by investing the core of His bone, core of His flesh and core of His bone marrow, when such people pull on God, He cannot help being pulled along. And when God pulls them, they cannot help being pulled along. God created human beings in such a way that, within this relationship, they have shared His essence and purpose. If there were prose or poetry with which God could praise human beings whom He had created in this way, it would be the greatest work of art, far beyond the level of any poets or writers of this world. The object of this praise is neither God nor all things of creation, but the representatives of all things, human beings. (20-207, 1968.6.9)

    Out of everything in God’s creation, we human beings are the only ones that can become the complete object partners of God’s love. God devoted all His heart and energy, totally investing Himself, to create the object partners of His love. What does God want to achieve by giving Himself out completely? He wants to establish the core of love in the universe. This is the ideal of creation. (166-147, 1987.6.5)

    God does not have a love organ. It exists in God’s creation, but not in God. Even if it were to exist, it would exist internally, in His heart, and would not appear with a form. What would He need it for? The ones who have love organs are Adam and Eve, human beings. Thus, you should know that human beings have something that is more precious than what God has. (206-125, 1990.10.3)