World Peace Starts with God-Centered Families

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#143-Conflicts of Interest Corrupt Our Government

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1567

We have entered an era when we can come together in harmony through love with no need for indemnification because, after the restoration of the right of the eldest son, it is embraced in the bosom of the parents. War and struggle to restore the right of the eldest son are no longer necessary in the realm of parental love. In order to initiate this, the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages must be performed. Through this ceremony, the children in the positions of the first and second sons can be forgiven by those in the position of the parents, and we can enter the next era of forgiveness of parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)
Richard: Notice that this is not the age for war. We should not fund a war in Ukraine. Think of the tens of thousands of young people on both sides who have been killed. Why is there no effort to end this conflict, no negotiations? All the money being poured out there should be used to build a godly movement for peace. See here and use ‘Ctrl F’ to search for “ploughshares”

Cheon Seong Gyeong 742

   If you keep pace with the Unification Church by way of the principled standard, good spirits and ancestors in the spirit world who used to cooperate with the national fortune will work for you. Externally, you may appear unlucky with a flat face and small ears, but the spirit world sees you as a lucky child. Your ancestors within ten generations are anxious because the history of restoration is realized based on ten generations. Yet when an evil descendant appears, ancestors within ten generations judge him by saying, “Hey you! You are going to ruin us!”
    For this reason, those who have good ancestors will be actively supported by them. You all are standing in such a position. The spirit world will be eternally happy if you, who are in such a position, fight with excitement and style and win every battle wherever you go. Various evil spirits will fall back with surprise even before they show up. So these ancestors will attend you like a king.
    We must prepare a victorious foundation before God’s will with the heart that refuses to defile God’s tradition and dignity. You must pray about what kind of tradition you will establish. Now is a blessed time. (14-19, 1964.4.19)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Two

The Family Is the Model for the
Kingdom of Heaven

Section 8. The Family Is the Final Standard for
Completing the Cosmos-centered Ideology

Everything divides from one into many, which eventually merge
into a larger whole. In other words, one divides into many and
then unites again into one. From here it divides again and
becomes something even larger. Families exist within this larger
created object. These families all have the same form as each
other. The family is the place where the relationship of husband
and wife is established and the place that unites the husband and
wife. The tribe is a place that unites families, and the race is a place
that unites clans. Races combine to form one nation. Here families
play the central role. (26-189, 1969.10.25)
When the family is expanded, it becomes the horizontal world.
This is why no society can manage without the family. If families
cannot be restored, the world cannot be restored. Next we must
realize the cosmos-centered ideal through these families. The
word cosmos combines heaven and earth. Heaven and earth are
like a person’s mind and body. The mind and body must become
one. Just as a subject partner needs an object partner, one man
needs one woman. The union of a man and a woman leads to a
family. God’s foundation of love will not be attained without
working through this family. (26-189, 1969.10.25)
The cosmos-centered ideology is a philosophy that unites the
mind and body forming a family as the main body of love, and
connects that idea to the spirit world and physical world. The
character ju of cheon ju (cosmos) means a house. This is why we
are using the word cosmos-centered ideology. Cosmos combines
the spirit world and the physical world. What relationship does it
have with us? We need a family. If you fail to be at one in your
family, you have nothing to do with the cosmos-centered
ideology. The family serves as the final standard for completing
the cosmos-centered ideology. Those who cannot sing songs of
peace and sing praise for happiness here will become miserable
people either on this earth or in the spirit world. (26-189,

Hometown Is Where You Are Tied Up by Love

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#143-Conflicts of Interest Corrupt Our Government

Cheon Seong Gyeong 399

The family is an encapsulation of history. It is connected to history, with its origin in God. You inherit the family vertically. However, inheritance must take place in a perfectly vertical manner, at a ninety degree angle. The grandfather and grandmother, representing God, have already inherited this. (216-262, 1991.4.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1680

How complicated do you all think the sexual organs are? In terms of their structural development and shape, the sexual organs for sparrows, buntings and wagtails are identical. Well then, what would come from the mating of a sparrow and a wagtail? Is that even possible? The rascals, they are talking about things they have no knowledge of. If I were to argue with them, after exchanging a few words they would be struggling to give answers. Those scoundrels! Females and males! If we were to say that everything developed from the amoeba, how can we explain the existence of females and males, convex and concave? Why is it that all things are made in such a way that they can only reproduce by giving and receiving through these organs? Who determined that? Was it the evolutionists? They do not realize that formation of the origin of life, the internal energy, takes place through the unified foundation of male and female life forms, and is so great that it goes beyond the universal view. There are forty-seven differences between monkeys and human beings, or so I have heard. If the two were to mate, could they have offspring? When I posed this question to the communists in my schooldays, none of them could give me an answer! I could go on telling you hundreds of such stories, but there is not enough time. Such nonsense is unacceptable. (198-24, 1990.1.25)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Two

The Family Is the Model for the
Kingdom of Heaven

Section 7. The Family is Our Eternal Original

Family, the family is a good place. Why is it good? It is a good
place because my mother and father are there. It is a good place
because my elder sister and elder brother are there. It is a good
place because my younger brother and younger sister are there,
and it is a good place because my relatives are there. Thus, human
beings feel nostalgia for their hometown and the land of their
original hometown. They feel more deeply about their hometown
than they do for the nation. The place you long for even when you
live in the Republic of Korea is your hometown.

What place do you long for even though you like Korea, even
though you want to live in Korea, and even while you are living in
Korea? It is your hometown. Hometown, what kind of place is
your hometown? It is a place where your heart is lifted up in four
directions and three dimensions. What is that heart? It is a place
where you are tied up by love. Upward, your mother and father
are tying you up; left and right, the bond between husband and
wife is tying you up; downward, your sons and daughters and
relatives are tying you up tight with three dimensional love. This
is the original hometown.

People cannot help but long for their original hometown because
they look upon this starting point of happiness based on love as
the best. Then, what kind of place do you think God’s original
hometown is? What do you think God’s land of original
hometown is on this earth? We should think about these
questions. If God is the God of love, He must surely have prepared
a starting point for living on this earth, and where is this starting
point? To know this, we must understand how God has prepared
that starting point. What kind of place can become the starting
point of the original hometown where God’s family can be
created? It is none other than a place where a son dwells who
understands God as his real father. In other words, it is a place
where the son, the only-begotten son who can monopolize God’s
love, exists. Also it is a place where such a daughter dwells. It is a
place where such a son and a daughter marry and form a complete
family. (23-151, 1969.5.18)

Then who should be in the original hometown? Those who you
miss should be there. Your parents should be there and your
brothers and sisters should be there. And those who you long to
meet should be there. When you want to live with them there,
would you be satisfied if you just saw them for a moment? Would
you be satisfied if you met and just saw them for a short time?
When meeting and living with them, you should not be tired even
if you live with them for eternity. You should go and find such a
place. This is the Kingdom of Heaven that today’s religions
pursue. (23-80, 1969.5.11)

Today, the reason we long for the land of our original hometown
is that in that hometown there are parents, brothers and sisters,
and relatives, who are closer to us than anyone else. They always
guide us; they welcome us as they did in the past whenever we
visit them, and they sympathize with us, console us and receive us
with joy when we are having difficulties. Without this welcome
though, even if you longed for your original hometown and
returned there, your desperate longing heart would vanish, and
you would go back with feelings of deep regret. You should know
this. In the original hometown there have to be people who will
welcome you. (23-80, 1969.5.11)

The Family Is the Basis for Determining Our Happiness in Life

Cheon Seong Gyeong 610

    Why must you have sons and daughters? There surely has to be love. God has to exist, man and woman have to exist, and husband and wife have to exist. Next, the blood has to be mixed. The descendants are born with God’s blood and love blood, vertical blood and horizontal blood, mixed together. Therefore, unless you have descendants, you cannot have a place to play and rest in the other world.
    If husband and wife – just the two of them – live face to face till they turn eighty or ninety, will they be happy? They cannot live an interesting life. There has to be a daughter-in-law and grandchildren. For grandfathers and grandmothers, there is no greater happiness than holding their grandchildren.
    Those who could not have grandchildren cannot achieve harmony with heaven and earth and keep in step with north, south, east and west in the spirit world. (197-32, 1990.1.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1374

    August 25, 1992 was the day I conducted the 30,000 Couples Blessing. Thereby, the fallen parents were liberated and elevated to the same level as their children, and so all fallen descendants could also attain that level of faith and came to stand on an equal footing. This Blessing represented the formation, growth, and completion periods.
    At the 30,000 Couples Blessing, I blessed everyone who attended the week-long workshop and took the vow. The meaning of this is that, since their parents were liberated, the children were also liberated along with them, and so they have been enabled to hold a position of equal value and status. Since this standard can only be practiced and established logically, this is how the True Parents can stand as the sovereign of all families in the world. (249-137, 1993.10.8)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Two

The Family Is the Model for the
Kingdom of Heaven

Section 6. The Family is the Training Ground of
the Heart

We cannot live separate from the heart. Even if you are the president
of a country or possess global authority, you would not be able to live
if you had no place to express your heartfelt joy. You would not be
able to feel the deepest satisfaction from the people who are under
your command, your officers or the people who follow you. You must
feel it in your family. You should be able to return home and feel joy
through your wife and children. In such a way you should be proud of
this joy in front of others. This joy is a primal joy; not a secondary joy.
It is the same with God. Even if He was to restore the whole world,
without a family He would not feel joy. So we need our families after
all. (25-85, 1969.9.30)

Parents should be the head of the family and teachers should be
the head of the educational institutions which represent society.
Parents raise you by giving you milk thereby assisting your
physical development as well as helping you emotionally. Then
what is school for? It trains you for your future life in society. If
the family is the training ground of the emotions, then school is
the experimental training ground of society.

But society is not where training ends. Where does it end? It ends
with the nation. The nation has a president. Why is it that people
miss the president and want to be near him? When they have
experienced everything, from the family to the society, they go on
to the next level. The president is the fruit of the third stage after
the formation and growth stages. A seed divides, sends roots
down and a shoot up, and then, through circulatory action,
growth begins. After such division comes a synthesis when flowers
and fruit are produced.

Continue reading “The Family Is the Basis for Determining Our Happiness in Life”

The Heavenly Constitution Begins through Us

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2207

    We are bound together by the destiny resulting from the unfolding history of God’s providence, in which He has been pursuing His long-cherished goal of dissolving the anguish He has accumulated over six millennia. Accordingly, even though we have different surnames, we should live with greater love than blood brothers and sisters.
    Although you are attending parents who are not your natural parents, you are the people that seek to attend the Parents, centering on God, even more sincerely than you would your natural parents. On top of that, despite having our own country, we are the people that seek to live for the sake of God’s nation with loyalty, filial piety, and virtue. (47- 81, 1971.8.19)

    Now the final time has come. Parents must find “my country.” To do that, all Blessed Families are to stand in a circle horizontally around Father and Mother and represent them by progressively fulfilling the duties of filial children, patriots, saints, and divine children. You will thereupon occupy those positions and proceed to observe the laws of the palace and uphold the laws of God’s nation. You should understand that the Heavenly Constitution actually begins through us. This is what “my country” means. (197-87, 1990.1.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1399

I also needed to surmount twelve peaks after crossing over ten at first. The Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples is the twelfth peak. We must surmount them all. In the song ‘Arirang’, the word ‘arirang’ is a composite of ‘Ae,’ meaning love, ‘Ri,’ meaning village, and ‘Ryeong’ meaning hill. I understand that the word signifies the search for the village you love. In the song, the lyrics go on to say, “If you leave me, you won’t have gone ten ri (about 2.5 miles) before you become footsore.” That song also mentions the twelve peaks of arirang. At present, I am undergoing all manner of hardship to cross over the twelfth peaks. After this is accomplished, everything will be equalized, and we will all be able to go anywhere we wish. (289-263, 1998.1.21)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Two

The Family Is the Model for the
Kingdom of Heaven

Section 5. The Family Brings Together the Love
of Three Generations

The family encompasses history, the present and the future. So
what is the ultimate point that God has sought for six thousand
years? It is the family — the family where love is interconnected
and where all are united in love. Everything that exists comes
under its dominion.
We cannot cut our relationship with this absolute source of love.
The establishment of such a family was the original mission that
God gave Adam and Eve at the time of creation. God did not want
them to merely end up as a man, Adam, and a woman, Eve, but
instead dreamed of a new family where they would be united. This
is the first starting point towards establishing men and women.
Thus to be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven safely, you have
to find a family and within the realm of that family in this world,
enter and live in a place where you can feel satisfied in God’s love.
Only then can you go beyond this world as well. (30-85,
In order to form the family realm of love you have to be
unconditional. The parents represent the past, the husband and
wife represent the present, and the children represent the future.
Loving one partner during your lifetime is the equivalent to God
loving the world. It is a place where in oneness the parents, a
couple, and the children offer their love as an example
representing heaven and earth and tell their descendants to follow
them. The original homeland of the heart, the place where
heavenly affection is felt will be remembered in heaven and earth.
(30-78, 1970.3.17)
What has God been looking for up until now? He has not been
seeking a subject partner; rather He has been looking for an ideal
object partner. He has been looking for those who resemble God
What is the starting point that leads to such a result? It is the
family. There is nothing that can represent the universe better
than the family. To be one with the parents is for past and present
to meet. Here, you can love the past by loving your parents, love
the present by loving your partner, and love the future by loving
your children. Therefore, you can deeply experience the love of
three generations. The place where these three kinds of love are
concentrated is the family. (30-80, 1970.3.17)
Then where does life in the Kingdom of Heaven begin? It is the
family. It does not unfold somewhere else. The Kingdom of
Heaven is just a three-dimensional expansion of the family and
not something that goes beyond the family realm. Therefore when
you embrace your husband or wife, you should think that this is a
man of the world becoming one with a woman of the world. The
place where you can make the condition of having loved mankind
is none other than the family.
You should live your life this way. To love your parents is to
connect history with the present and to pave the road for God to
come to you. Therefore you have to love your parents. To love
your parents is to connect the human beings of history with
yourself as an inhabitant of the present, that is to unite the past
and the present. Furthermore loving your children centering on
yourself is to connect the present with the future. And the
philosophy that practices and sings the praise of such love for a
thousand and tens of thousands of years is Unification thought.
(30-82, 1970.3.17)

As True Parents, Love the People of the World with True Love

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#142-Beat Your Swords Into Plowshares

Cheon Seong Gyeong 967

Those who were blessed but failed to take part in registration are just the same as Adam’s family that fell. When you enter the spirit world a prison on the heavenly side will be created. The middle sphere of spirit world will be created. A paradise for Blessed Families will be created. Lee Sang-hun’s testimonies these days have become representative of the spirit world. Even in the middle sphere, those who have sinned must walk around with nametags indicating their earthly sins. They must be sanctioned according to how much they have deviated from the ninety-degree angle. No allowances will be made. Deviation has to be rectified even by force. Jagged parts should be cut off and made smooth. If this does not happen, they must be isolated in places like the North and South Poles. An age like this will come. You will see in the future. The spirit world is made that way. (300-158, 1999.3.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1765

God’s ideal of creation is to establish absolute couples. Absolute couples are established when they live, not for themselves but for each other, based on the absolute sexual organs. They came into being for the creation. Each was created for the sake of the other, not for themselves. Men were endowed with sexual organs for the sake of women. The female organs exist for the sake of men. They were created for the men. Those who use their sexual organs according to Satan’s desires, and do not follow the way of the Principle will go to hell. On the other hand, if you live for the sake of others centering on absolute love, you will enter God’s dominion. You will become members of the imperial household of heaven. (280-70, 1996.11.1)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Two

The Family Is the Model for the
Kingdom of Heaven

Section 4. The Family is a Model for the
Heavenly Kingdom

What kind of fortune should a person in the child’s position
receive? They should inherit the fortune of the grandparents and
parents. Why does one need grandparents? We need grandparents
because they represent the living history of the past. The parents
represent the present and the children symbolize the future.
Children contain east and west and also north and south. They are
also the center of the whole. The center of the grandparents, the
center of the parents, the center of the children and the center of
God — all these are founded on true love.

Continue reading “As True Parents, Love the People of the World with True Love”