Vertical and Horizontal True Love Must Meet at Ninety Degrees

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1843

North America has three of the great fishing grounds in the world. These are the waters off Alaska, the waters of the Atlantic from Nobaska Point up to Canada, and the Gulf of Mexico. You do not know how abundant the marine resources in these locations are. If you really knew, you would be astonished. A vein of gold would dry up after several decades of digging, but ocean resources are eternal. They have no owner. That is why I have made a twenty-year plan and have now been investing in the marine industry for fifteen years. The people in the marine industry in America are holding demonstrations, shouting out, “Rev. Moon is a heretic!” and “Out with Rev. Moon!” They are making all kinds of noise, but it does not matter because the key point is competence. (191-73, 1989.6.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1067

The man should take responsibility for all the disputes that arise in a family. He should maintain the central position of authority in the family. (21- 87, 1968.11.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 5

The Kingdom of Heaven and True Parents

Section 4. The Kingdom of Heaven and True Love

    The coming of True Parents marks the beginning of a new love, a new culture, and the birth of an ideal history. Through True Parents there begins new life, a new family, a new nation and a new world. They also represent the beginning of the heavenly nation and of God’s love. The term True Parents represents far more than just the words themselves. You should know that many individuals, families, and nations have suffered and died in order to make a relationship with the coming age. The blood of hundreds of millions of sacrifices is crying out to you at this time.
    The Bible says that Cain accused God when he killed Abel and shed his blood. This is the only place where such a history can be set right through the liberation of resentment. The people who have gathered to inherit this mission and undergo the amazing task of restitution are the Unification Church members. If you truly come to know this, you cannot complain about your life or situation even in your dreams, even though you may die a thousand times. (67-226, 1973.6.27) Continue reading “Vertical and Horizontal True Love Must Meet at Ninety Degrees”

Man Is Born for the Sake of a Woman

Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Let’s work together to protect our children.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required

Registration Deadline: November 13th

Register Now
Register Now

Cheon Seong Gyeong 672

    If I had worked for only the family until now, why would I have been persecuted? I am confident that if my father, mother, clan and all my remote relatives were gathered in one place, I could inspire them all through my words. I am supremely confident of bringing them all to God’s will. However, I could not do that because it was not God’s will. Jesus was driven away by his own relatives because he could not do it either.
    However, you have passed all this and welcomed the circumstances of this era in which you can witness to your relatives. You may hold on to your parents and express your sincere heart to them, even shedding tears. In that sense, you are in a better situation than I. If your parents or relatives are unwilling to accept God’s will, now is the time for you to move their hearts through tearful pleas or any other means. The time when you can freely witness is here. Although you may have a difficult time dealing with your elder brother, you can at least witness to your younger siblings, even if you have to do so forcibly to make them believe. Although you have ushered in such a time, if you do not fulfill your responsibilities, you cannot face God. Henceforth, I, too, cannot deal with such people.
    Those who do not do this cannot go to heaven. You go there only by forming your family. (21-65, 1968.9.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1011

    The church is the base through which the past, present, and future are connected. Therefore, it acts as a mediator through which indemnity conditions can be established; it is a place where the Word, nobility of character, and quality of heart can unite. (The Way of the Spiritual Leader – 238)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Four

The Love of Man and Woman
in the Original Creation

Section 2. The Reason Men and Women Are Born

What is the original purpose of a man’s birth? We cannot deny the
fact that he is born for the sake of a woman. Likewise, woman is not
born for her own sake. We should know that a problem will arise if a
woman fails to comprehend on her own that she is born for the sake
of a man. Because God, the great owner of heaven and earth,
established this as a principle of creation, we cannot enter the world
of goodness, truth, happiness, and peace or the world of love and
ideal unless we follow this principle. (Blessed Family – 337)

A woman is born to meet a man, and a man is born to meet a
woman, are they not? This is the highest truth. Therefore, we
should find the realm of blessing that conforms to this principle.
Deviating from this highest realm of truth constitutes the highest
evil. (21-201, 1968.11.20)

Men and women are physically opposite. Whereas women are
one-directional, men are three-directional or four-directional.
Women are more likely to enjoy staying at home, and men are
more likely to enjoy traveling the world. The characters of men
and women are opposite. How can men and women become one?
They become one through love. Love unites human beings and
God. (38-255, 1971.1.8)

Why is man born? He is not born for the sake of academic
pursuits, money, or political power. He is born for the sake of
woman. Man is born for the sake of woman. Men have larger
physiques, not so they can earn a living only for themselves, but so
that they can earn a living for their children and wives. Man’s
sexual organ and woman’s sexual organ are different. For whom
do they exist? They did not come into existence for their own
sake. Man’s sexual organ came into existence for the sake of
woman. Likewise, woman’s sexual organ is for the sake of man.
Have you ever thought like this? This is not something to laugh
about. What is the symbol of the love of man and woman? Where
is the final destination of love? It is the sexual organ which makes
them one body. (143-275, 1986.3.20)

The sexual organ becomes a channel through which the mind and
body can completely merge through love. That which man has is
not his, and that which woman has is not hers. Man has what
belongs to woman, and woman has what belongs to man. Men
and women are not born for their own sake. They should know
clearly that they are born for the sake of their partner. Why are
men and women born on earth? They are born in order to love
each other. Since God is the great king of wisdom, He switched
ownership of their love organs. (132-146, 1984.5.31)

A man has a sexual organ, but that does not mean that he is its
owner. The same is true for woman. Those who have acted
carelessly with no regard for their sexual organ’s ownership will be
judged. If men know that they will receive punishment under the
most fearful law, would they dare think of other women instead of
their own wives? Conversely, can wives think of other men instead
of their own husbands? (Blessed Family -340)

God’s Love and Human Love Are the Same in Essence

Sunday, November 19th:
Unification Principle Study

10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Lunch is included.

Understand what God’s will for your life is by studying the Unification Principle.  This study includes God’s Ideal for the Family, what went wrong and the Role of True Parents.

Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Register Now

Register Now

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

Everyone must realize that free sex is Satan’s domain of love filled with ensnaring evil spirits to bring about the downfall of humankind and expand hell on earth. From the viewpoint of the God of absolute love, the grandmother and grandfather are one; they cannot be separated. They must absolutely become one centering on God, and centering on love. What is love? It is fitting convex and concave together absolutely; mother and father, husband and wife, son and daughter – all must unite in this way absolutely. This is what God wants. (280-135, 1996.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 719

Then what constitutes good and evil? God wants the good and evil spirit realms and people on earth to be harmonized. Once they are, every individual will pursue the fulfillment of the ideal dual purposes: the purpose of the individual and the purpose of the whole. People have dual purposes, that of the individual and that of the whole.

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Four

The Love of Man and Woman
in the Original Creation

Section 1. The Original Love of a Man and
a Woman

When man and woman are in love, whether their love is in accord
with God’s will and the standard He requires of them is the
question. Is their love in accord with the model of love in God’s
mind? We come to the conclusion that if the first man and woman
had become one in love based on the love of God, then their love
would have become the universal model of love. God must have
desired such love from human beings. Likewise, man and woman
must have wanted this love from each other. Such true love must
be the core of the universe. It becomes the standard of
measurement. (Blessed Family – 334)

God’s love and human love are the same in essence. Love causes
oneness. Why do a man and a woman long for each other? It is
because a man can possess God only through a woman, and a
woman can possess God only through a man. In other words, they
long for each other because God comes and dwells where a man
and a woman have become one in love. (Blessed Family – 334)

Considering that the source of the dual characteristics is God, we
should simultaneously sing praises for the noble value of God and for
the dignity and value of men and women. (Blessed Family – 334)

When God’s beloved woman lives in a man’s heart and God’s
beloved man lives in a woman’s heart as well, these two become
his object partners, and when they love each other, God will be
delighted to see this love and all things will rejoice. Heaven and
earth will rejoice to see a man and woman with these values
embrace. When man and woman embrace each other in mutual
fondness, this mutual fondness becomes the point where the
universe unifies. This is how the original image unfolds in God’s
ideal. (Blessed Family – 334)

Originally, a man should meet a woman with whom he can rejoice,
and a woman also should meet a man with whom she can rejoice.
More than this, it should be an encounter over which both God and
all things of creation can rejoice. Then, all creation will be mobilized
for this couple and want to be ruled by them. Birds will sing and
butterflies will flutter and dance with joy. God will rejoice, people will
rejoice, everything will rejoice. Had the first human ancestors started
history by establishing such a position, the world would be the
original, ideal world. (Blessed Family – 334)