The Ladder of Love is Being Disconnected

Genesis 46

33 The king will call you in and ask what you do for a living. 34 When he does, be sure to say, “We are shepherds. Our families have always raised sheep.” If you tell him this, he will let you settle in the region of Goshen.

Joseph wanted them to say this to the king, because the Egyptians did not like to be around anyone who raised sheep.

Matthew 20

20 As Jesus was telling what the kingdom of heaven would be like, he said:

Early one morning a man went out to hire some workers for his vineyard. After he had agreed to pay them the usual amount for a day’s work, he sent them off to his vineyard.

About nine that morning, the man saw some other people standing in the market with nothing to do. He said he would pay them what was fair, if they would work in his vineyard. So they went.

At noon and again about three in the afternoon he returned to the market. And each time he made the same agreement with others who were loafing around with nothing to do.

Finally, about five in the afternoon the man went back and found some others standing there. He asked them, “Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?”

“Because no one has hired us,” they answered. Then he told them to go work in his vineyard.

That evening the owner of the vineyard told the man in charge of the workers to call them in and give them their money. He also told the man to begin with the ones who were hired last. When the workers arrived, the ones who had been hired at five in the afternoon were given a full day’s pay.

10 The workers who had been hired first thought they would be given more than the others. But when they were given the same, 11 they began complaining to the owner of the vineyard. 12 They said, “The ones who were hired last worked for only one hour. But you paid them the same that you did us. And we worked in the hot sun all day long!”

13 The owner answered one of them, “Friend, I didn’t cheat you. I paid you exactly what we agreed on. 14 Take your money now and go! What business is it of yours if I want to pay them the same that I paid you? 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Why should you be jealous, if I want to be generous?”

16 Jesus then said, “So it is. Everyone who is now first will be last, and everyone who is last will be first.”

Humankind Wanders In Search of the Truth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 21, 1958

Matthew 7:1-12

The fall was the loss of God’s love. When we think of the course of the fall, through what kind of path did it go? At the very first, Eve lost God’s love. Next, Adam lost God’s love and their children did the same. You know this very well. Human history was the history of losing love.

Who was the first person to step forth after having discussed love? It was Eve. Who was the next? It was Adam. Next were Cain and Abel. These are the archetypes of fallen history. This model of fallen history took place in the beginning. Individuals have been walking through this kind of history ever since.

Love is a center that can command the whole universe. It is a subjective center, a commanding center, and a tolerating center. This is the ideology of love. This ideology was to be the foundation of history. Continue reading “The Ladder of Love is Being Disconnected”

Find the World of Conscience

Matthew 23

They pile heavy burdens on people’s shoulders and won’t lift a finger to help. Everything they do is just to show off in front of others. They even make a big show of wearing Scripture verses on their foreheads and arms, and they wear big tassels[a] for everyone to see. They love the best seats at banquets and the front seats in the meeting places. And when they are in the market, they like to have people greet them as their teachers.

But none of you should be called a teacher. You have only one teacher, and all of you are like brothers and sisters. Don’t call anyone on earth your father. All of you have the same Father in heaven. 10 None of you should be called the leader. The Messiah is your only leader. 11 Whoever is the greatest should be the servant of the others. 12 If you put yourself above others, you will be put down. But if you humble yourself, you will be honored.

Isaiah 10

The Lord says:

I am furious! And I will use the king of Assyria[c] as a club to beat down you godless people. I am angry with you, and I will send him to attack you. He will take what he wants and walk on you like mud in the streets. He has even bigger plans in mind, because he wants to destroy many nations.

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

Because human beings fell, they lost their bodies, their minds and their spirits. Human history is the history of humankind wandering around seeking the restoration of these things and the place of rest. Having passed the stage of wandering in search of material things, history has now reached the stage where human beings seek the conscience. What is more, you must understand that the world is standing in a face-off between two camps divided by thought and doctrine.

Since we are in a position where we must go through the course of restoration, we must seek the ideology centered on the mind, rising above the ideology centered on material things. You must understand that this is a necessary concluding point in the course of human history.

What then must we do after finding the blessed land of the mind? We must find the eternal, blessed land of love. What is the one condition of victory that can endure until the very end on this earth? That is a doctrine based on a love that transcends the heavens and earth, a love that can stimulate a person’s mind and set the universe in motion as well. This universe will never be put in motion by any other force. You will understand, through your conscience, that even God is seeking an ideal world filled with such an ardent feeling of affection. Continue reading “Find the World of Conscience”

You Must Restore 160 Families

Happy True God’s Day! (January 1, 2018 (February 16, solar) on the Heavenly or Lunar Calendar)

Matthew 22

22 Once again Jesus used stories to teach the people:

The kingdom of heaven is like what happened when a king gave a wedding banquet for his son. The king sent some servants to tell the invited guests to come to the banquet, but the guests refused. He sent other servants to say to the guests, “The banquet is ready! My cattle and prize calves have all been prepared. Everything is ready. Come to the banquet!”

But the guests did not pay any attention. Some of them left for their farms, and some went to their places of business. Others grabbed the servants, then beat them up and killed them.

This made the king so furious that he sent an army to kill those murderers and burn down their city. Then he said to the servants, “It is time for the wedding banquet, and the invited guests don’t deserve to come. Go out to the street corners and tell everyone you meet to come to the banquet.” 10 They went out on the streets and brought in everyone they could find, good and bad alike. And the banquet room was filled with guests.

11 When the king went in to meet the guests, he found that one of them wasn’t wearing the right kind of clothes for the wedding. 12 The king asked, “Friend, why didn’t you wear proper clothes for the wedding?” But the guest had no excuse. 13 So the king gave orders for that person to be tied hand and foot and to be thrown outside into the dark. That’s where people will cry and grit their teeth in pain. 14 Many are invited, but only a few are chosen.

Richard:  This is playing out now with the upcoming Book of Life Registration Blessing on Feb 28, 2018 in Newfoundland, PA.  Pastor Hyung Jin Moon has explained that the  accoutrements of Kings and Queens in Cheon Il Guk are Crowns and Rods of Iron, specified as an AR 15 type rifle.  Here is the definition of accoutrement:
additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity.
These are the Biblical items of dress specified above.

2 Kings 20

13 Hezekiah welcomed[e] the messengers and showed them all the silver, the gold, the spices, and the fine oils that were in his storehouse. He even showed them where he kept his weapons. Nothing in his palace or in his entire kingdom was kept hidden from them.

14 Isaiah asked Hezekiah, “Where did these men come from? What did they want?”

“They came all the way from Babylonia,” Hezekiah answered.

15 “What did you show them?” Isaiah asked.

Hezekiah answered, “I showed them everything in my kingdom.”

16 Then Isaiah told Hezekiah:

I have a message for you from the Lord17 One day everything you and your ancestors have stored up will be taken to Babylonia. The Lord has promised that nothing will be left. 18 Some of your own sons will be taken to Babylonia, where they will be disgraced and made to serve in the king’s palace.

19 Hezekiah thought, “At least our nation will be at peace for a while.” So he told Isaiah, “The message you brought me from the Lord is good.”

Richard:  Too many people are complacent and not thinking of the future.  We are now in a perilous situation where we are just one generation away from the United States being permanently degraded.  Those who understand the importance of Godly values and our constitutional freedoms are primarily those who are now around age 60.  This group is the one that enabled President Trump to win the last election.  (see my book review of The Day Christians Changed America:  If the younger generations do not understand these foundations of our freedom, then those who farm people for profits (such as big Pharma companies via dangerous vaccines), as well as manipulative large bankers, will gain ascendance as the dumbed-down population gleefully enjoy their (temporary) morsels.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1440-1441

2.2.2. Fulfillment of restoration of
160 families
You must raise all the members
of your tribes into Blessed Families,
between 160 and 180 couples. Only then
can you be registered in the kingdom.
Centering on this, you can seek the
nation. Since such a time has arrived,
should you become tribal messiahs, or
not? This era is not an era of individual
salvation. We are living in an age when
the family, tribe, nation, and world can
all be restored at the same time. So, if
you continue to linger at the level of the
family, what do you think will happen?
(285-207, 1997.5.4) Continue reading “You Must Restore 160 Families”

Joy Will Come Only After Experiencing Sorrow

Cheon Seong Gyeong 486

The value of sons and daughters is
such that they are an encapsulation of
love, not exchangeable for anything in
the world. Through sons and daugh-
ters, parents will experience the heart
by which God created the first human
ancestors, Adam and Eve. This is why
the parents rejoice when they look at
their children, singing out, “You are my
love, whether I look at you this way or
look at you that way.”
No matter what your baby does,
who is born through love, you do not
hate him but simply love him. This is
because he is part of your body, made of
your own blood and flesh and your love.
Whether he pees, takes a poop, or has a
runny nose, he is simply cute and lovely.
It is because love is dissolved into such
things. (Blessed Family – 894)

Matthew 1

Jesus Christ came from the family of King David and also from the family of Abraham. And this is a list of his ancestors. 2-6a  From Abraham to King David, his ancestors were:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers (Judah’s sons were Perez and Zerah, and their mother was Tamar), Hezron;…

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

John 10:31-36

What then must I do? I must resolve God’s sorrow by restoring myself, my family, my society, my country, the world and the universe into being acceptable to God. In this way, I should dominate all things with God’s authority and serve God. This is the crucial task you should pursue throughout your life. If you cannot relate to God this way, you will have nothing to do with God, even when God comes to the world, the country, the society or the family. Continue reading “Joy Will Come Only After Experiencing Sorrow”

Understand Your Historical Position

Matther 21

18 When Jesus got up the next morning, he was hungry. He started out for the city, 19 and along the way he saw a fig tree. But when he came to it, he found only leaves and no figs. So he told the tree, “You will never again grow any fruit!” Right then the fig tree dried up.

20 The disciples were shocked when they saw how quickly the tree had dried up. 21 But Jesus said to them, “If you have faith and don’t doubt, I promise that you can do what I did to this tree. And you will be able to do even more. You can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. 22 If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for.”

1 Cor 4

15 Ten thousand people may teach you about Christ, but I am your only father. You became my children when I told you about Christ Jesus, 16 and I want you to be like me. 

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

Today I will speak upon the topic, “Let us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals.”

Everyone, who has hope, desires to be at the center of hope. If God has a hope, you desire to be within this hope. The same mentality exists in a family, where all members desire to dwell within the master’s heart. It is the same with a country, the world and the will of the Father, who has been restoring the creation. Thus, you should be remembered in the heart of your leader. If you are religious, you should be remembered in the heart of the religious leader. Furthermore, if there is a God, you should be remembered in the heart of God. Continue reading “Understand Your Historical Position”