Comfort God’s Heart as Rev. Moon Has Done

CSG p. 2072 pr 1

I told everyone to return to their
hometowns, didn’t I? I also came to the
Republic of Korea and won over all the
top men. We’re at the point that when
people hear the name Rev. Moon men-
tioned they say, “That man is a patriot!”
As you approach even the prominent
people in society and ask them, “We’re
doing this and that in order to hold a
national conference to prepare for a uni-
fied election of North and South Korea.
Will you support us or oppose us?” They
will answer, “Why should we oppose
you? Of course we’ll support!” We get
this affirmation as we work. Until now
no one has given us such affirmation. If
they do oppose me, I will flex my mus-
cles a bit and knock them out of their
position. If I intervene, then no matter
how relentless the argument or how loud
the protest, it will all dissipate. Know-
ing that, all of you must breakthrough at
your tong and ban levels. (213-51, 1991.1.13)

Isaiah 55

The Lord says:
“My thoughts and my ways
    are not like yours.
Just as the heavens
    are higher than the earth,
my thoughts and my ways
    are higher than yours.

10 “Rain and snow fall from the sky.
But they don’t return
    without watering the earth
that produces seeds to plant
    and grain to eat.
11 That’s how it is with my words.
    They don’t return to me
without doing everything
    I send them to do.”

Continue reading “Comfort God’s Heart as Rev. Moon Has Done”

The Coming Battle for God’s Kingdom

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
Join us for this life-changing seminar, register now as space is limited:

2 Kings 17

12 Even though the Lord had commanded the Israelites not to worship idols,[e] they did it anyway. 13 So the Lord made sure that every prophet warned Israel and Judah with these words: “I, the Lord, command you to stop doing sinful things and start obeying my laws and teachings! I gave them to your ancestors, and I told my servants the prophets to repeat them to you.”

Isaiah 23

The Lord All-Powerful planned it
    to bring shame and disgrace
to those
who are honored
    by everyone on earth.
10 People of Tyre,[h]
    your harbor is destroyed!
You will have to become farmers
    just like the Egyptians.[i]

Continue reading “The Coming Battle for God’s Kingdom”

Be a Successor to Jesus and to Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
Join us for this life-changing seminar:


To subjugate Cain, we must love him
all the way to the end. Without being
such people, we cannot save Cain. To go
to heaven, we must obtain Satan’s certificate.
What is Satan’s certificate? In order
for a criminal to be released, he must
first go through a prosecutor, then an
attorney, and finally a judge. From this
perspective, Satan is like the prosecutor,
God the judge, and Jesus is the attorney.
If Satan ensnares a person saying, “You
did this and this, did you not?” and says
to God, “This person should be dealt
with in this way,” God’s hands are tied.
But Jesus, in the position of an attorney
would say, “Heavenly Father, this person’s
ancestors did such and such things
and he is from a good lineage. Since he
is accused on these counts, he should be
given an indemnity condition related to
his crimes so he can be freed from accusation.”
This is what has been happening.

pp 708-709 p.

Isaiah 65

16 I am God! I can be trusted.
Your past troubles are gone;
    I no longer think of them.
When you pray for someone
    to receive a blessing,
or when you make a promise,
    you must do it in my name.
I alone am the God
    who can be trusted.

Continue reading “Be a Successor to Jesus and to Rev. Sun Myung Moon”

Jesus Did Not Die Because He Wanted To

New Blog Post by Richard Urban at Urban Life Training:
Is Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage a Viable Choice?

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
Join us for this life-changing seminar:

Luke 22

35 He said to them, “When I sent you out without a purse, bag, or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “No, not a thing.” 36 He said to them, “But now, the one who has a purse must take it, and likewise a bag. And the one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one. 37 For I tell you, this scripture must be fulfilled in me, ‘And he was counted among the lawless’; and indeed what is written about me is being fulfilled.” 38 They said, “Lord, look, here are two swords.” He replied, “It is enough.” (NRSV)

Isaiah 65

I will destine you to the sword,
    and all of you shall bow down to the slaughter;
because, when I called, you did not answer,
    when I spoke, you did not listen,
but you did what was evil in my sight,
    and chose what I did not delight in. (NRSV)

Continue reading “Jesus Did Not Die Because He Wanted To”

The Israelites did not Know the Heart of Moses

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
Join us for this life-changing seminar:

Cheon Seong Gyeong

At Seodaemun prison, a lady evangelist
who had persevered for a time in
the Unification Church but who then left
after things did not turn out the way she
wanted, said to me, “Oh, this has turned
out well for you. Would this happen to
the son of God?” I answered “Yes, I am
not someone who will disappear in prison.
I will make great leaps toward a liberated
world.” I will never forget her face. I
heard that she recently died in miserable
circumstances, and I felt pity for her. This
is how I live. I know everything about
how the five presidents of Korea treated
me. Yet I do not show this. I do not
seek revenge. They did not know. I have
to meet them and teach them. After saying
what I need to say, I have to resolve
everything. (204-118, 1990.7.1)

p. 157 pr. 4

Cain and Abel have no original portion
of responsibility to fulfill. Then who
would have had responsibility? It would
be Adam and Eve, the parents. Since I
was given this obligation in the providence
of restoration, I took responsibility
for what you had failed to achieve
and for the errors committed by Christianity.
For forty years, in the position
of the parents, I corrected everything
on the levels of the individual, family,
tribe, people, nation and world. In
this way, I completed the individual’s
portion of responsibility in restoration
through indemnity, erected walls
to shut Satan out, and established the
realm of the fulfillment of one’s portion
of responsibility. This is how a new
world can begin thenceforth.
Since I have now achieved all this on
a level even beyond that of the world, it
has now become possible to build God’s
kingdom. Thus, a new term has emerged
– the establishment of God’s Kingdom
1608 Book 10 • The Way in the Completed Testament Age
or homeland. This is all in accordance
with the Principle. (148-163, 1986.10.8)

p. 1607 pr.4

Continue reading “The Israelites did not Know the Heart of Moses”