Candidate Interviews on The Richard Urban Show:
#181-Interview with Bill Ridenour-Republican Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 100
#182-Interview with Erika Kolenich-Libertarian Candidate for WV Governor
#183-Interview with Jack Hefestay-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Charles Town District-Jefferson County WV
View all Candidate Interviews
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1850
Given the unlimited supply of marine resources in the seas surrounding the United States, the U.S. Maritime Administration is encouraging the development of the marine resources of America. But few people enjoy life at sea. For that reason the U.S. government developed a subsidy plan that would permit an individual to take ownership of a two million dollar, 120-ton fishing vessel by meeting two conditions: that person would pay ten percent of the boat’s price and work the boat for two and a half years. As you know, 120 tons is enormous.
For the same reason I am developing ocean resource businesses in three hundred ports. I specifically designed and made ships. I designed and made small fishing boats and even created a truly handsome ship that is good for training. To train people in catching fish, I am making a fleet of ten boats linked together with one large ship. That means one person goes out with eleven ships at his command. I let it be known that if five such commanders would make such a fleet, I would give a thirty-thousand-dollar boat to them. Then we can sell even these smaller boats for thirty thousand dollars each. Currently, I am also planning for the development of the fishery cities. (110-202, 1980.11.17)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1232
A true filial son is the one who obeys. A true loyal subject even when being chased and put to death by traitors never calls his king incapable. A true loyal subject is a person of integrity and loyalty, who sheds tears with a sorrowful heart, and wishes his king a long life even when persecuted by treacherous courtiers to the point of death. This is absolute obedience. The only way to bring about success through absolute obedience is the way of true love. (164-48, 1987.5.3)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4
Chapter 6
Transformation during Young Adulthood, and true Marriage
Section 1. The Significance of Marriage
We might say that marriage is a ceremony that allows us to open the door of the palace of happiness and enter in. Therefore, marriage is a great event for humankind. Love transcends time and space and is the greatest thing for humankind. Marriage is the ceremony that reveals and confirms this greatest love. (Blessed Family – 356) Continue reading “Without Marriage, Love Would Not Have Started in the Human World”