Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187
Alaska, where the ceremony of The Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages was held, is becoming famous. The last time I came here I said I would build a church at the North Pole. If the Soviet Communist Party opposes it, I will take the responsibility. I will build the Unification Church at the North Pole. You have to spend your life in order to build the foundation of blessing for all people of the world, but before you die, come to our Church at the North Pole and offer your devotion for forty days and then you can die. Think about this. An ideal city will be created in a world of icebergs. Then, even though it will be thousands of miles away, everything can be supplied by the air. You should try living like this. It would be a wonderful thing. With the power of science today, that would be nothing. We can use prefabricated systems. So we will build an airfield and try to live there, so what problem could arise? We are creating a base in the tourist area of Kodiak… think about it. It will become a gateway unprecedented in history. (193-217, 1989.10.4)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1248
Why should you get married? It is in order to resemble the form of God. God exists with dual characteristics. He is a unified being in which both characteristics exist together in harmony. Man and woman were created to reflect the dual characteristics of God, and so, man and woman should come together in complete unity and harmony, become like the seed, and return to the position of the true character of God. (290-170, 1988.2.18)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 2
Death and the Spirit World
Section 1. The Inevitable Path of Our Life
1.1. The body is far from eternal life
The earth also breathes and moves. Your cells breathe as well. Do you want to live eternally on earth or do you want to live eternally in a place where you become an invisible entity of love? You should live eternally in a world where you become an invisible entity of love. Even when God wants to reveal Himself, you cannot see Him with your physical body. That’s why you need a spirit self.
God is the center of the invisible spirit. Therefore, He wants to give human beings, who are His counterparts, everything from the eternal realm of the ideal that He created. (111-111, 1981.2.1) Continue reading “This Fallen World Originates from Private Desires”