Love Does not Change, But People’s Hearts Change

The Richard Urban Show:
#171-Jack Hefestay on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 491

When determining who to entrust with responsibility for the family, no parents would want to choose those inferior to them. Why is this so? It is because parents always hope their children will outshine them. The same is true with 492 Book 4 • True Family respect to the nation. The rulers of a nation should wish for their successors to be greater than they are. Whether in the family or in the nation, the desire should always be for successors who are superior to them in every regard. This is something that is desired eternally, and that transcends the fortunes of history. (Blessed Family – 1002)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1366

February 8, 1975 was for me a most unforgettable day until now. I matched the Blessing candidates until just one hour and a half before the ceremony was to take place. Have you ever heard of such a wedding? I was still matching the couples until 8:30 a.m., even though the Blessing Ceremony commenced at ten o’clock in the morning. I stayed up the whole night, but marriage is very important in a person’s life and cannot be a game, so when a match was rejected, I proposed another and then another and so on. (83-226, 1976.2.8)
Richard:  Find your eternal match at  Be the one to find the one.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 4. Conjugal Love

4.2. Conjugal love cannot be fulfilled if it is shared with another person

According to people’s original nature, they do not want their partner’s love for them to be divided. The completeness of the horizontal love relationship between husband and wife is destroyed if that love is shared; whereas, this is not so in the vertical love relationship between parent and child. This is because of the Principle of Creation, which mandates that the husband and wife attain absolute oneness in love. In love, people have the responsibility to absolutely care for their partner. (277-200, 1996.4.16 Continue reading “Love Does not Change, But People’s Hearts Change”

The Place of Love between Husband and Wife Is Where God’s Love Can Enter

The Richard Urban Show:
#171-Jack Hefestay on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1122

First and foremost, you must accomplish your own portion of responsibility. Then, everything in heaven and earth resonates around a unified love. The relationships between father and son, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters are all unified centering on true love. If a wife insists on God-centered love then the husband must follow. If a mother insists on it the father must follow. If the grandchildren or children insist, the parents, grandparents and brothers and sisters must also follow. In that way, the family becomes the central foundation. As a result of the fulfillment of our human portion of responsibility the love of heaven, the love of earth, the love of the family, the love of parents and the love of brothers and sisters will all be realized. (218-124, 1991.7.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 941

Do you understand what I am saying, you good-for-nothings!? By saying insulting things in this way, I am establishing the condition for your forgiveness. Some may say, “Rev. Moon, how can you swear like that? This is my first time to see you and I cannot believe anything you say if you insult me in this way.” But I swear at you so that I can forgive you when the time comes. In this way, when they pass into the other world they will say, “Since you swore at me, I didn’t believe in the Unification Church.” Then that is understandable. I say insulting things to people to establish a state of forgiveness for them in the spirit world. But when I curse them it does not cause them pain in their heart. They just go back home. They may say, “Oh my, how dreadful!” but they will have forgotten about it by the time they get home. That is how the mind works. Do you understand or not? Those who say “I understand.” raise your hand. Now you‘ve got it. (283-211, 1997.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 4. Conjugal Love
4.1. Conjugal love is the flower of the whole universe

Through their becoming one in love as husband and wife, a couple attains the capacity to create in the same position as God, and their child is the result of that attainment. (52-314, 1972.2.3)

Heaven is looking for a husband and wife who are bound together as a pure man and woman and can represent heaven and earth with a passionate, crimson-colored heart of love. You should have such a love as a husband and wife and raise your sons and daughters in that love. (127-100, 1983.5.5) Continue reading “The Place of Love between Husband and Wife Is Where God’s Love Can Enter”

People Always Need Stimulation

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families and Communities
Tackling the root cause of societal decline.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1734

Internally, Adam and Eve’s marriage ceremony is God’s marriage: in other words, it is a dual wedding. What unite the two are the male and female organs. Without those, one’s life would not have come into being. Through the organs, the lineages and history of humanity have been perpetuated. Even God’s ideal world will be established by the children, the beloved children, who have passed through those gates. That is how His kingdom will be built. (290-81, 1998.2.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1500

How should love be between siblings? Based on what standard should they love each other? Siblings should love one another as their father and mother love them. From whom should they learn to love? They should learn from their parents. (66-120, 1973.4.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 4. Conjugal Love
4.1. Conjugal love is the flower of the whole universe

Man is a being having God’s yang image, and woman is a being having God’s yin image. A married couple is like the wrapping of heaven and earth in a cloth. They can feel the heart of God’s ideal love. (13-67, 1963.10.17)

God is a being with dual characteristics vertically aligned, and human beings are physical beings with dual characteristics horizontally aligned. As such, the ideal of husband and wife is for the two to become one and form a completely rounded, apple shape. This would serve as a parent body able to pull and attach the ideal of love in the four directions, having the form of their four characteristics. (127-79, 1983.5.5) 

When the husband and wife love each other explosively on the basis of the heart of loving God and loving humankind, God and the universe will be enraptured by this couple. This love cannot be anything other than that for the sake of God and humankind. Where does the root of this love lie? It does not lie within oneself. God is the source of love. He is the source of love for humankind. (35-239, 1970.10.19) Continue reading “People Always Need Stimulation”

Which Is Greater, Conjugal Love or the Love between Parents and Children?

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families and Communities
Tackling the root cause of societal decline.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1482

No matter how long you have been in the Unification Church, you should not leave your sins buried as they are. They need to be cleansed. You need to start afresh with a clean slate, be resurrected anew, and become men and women who can live in the Garden of Eden with- out sinning. You need the awareness of God’s intention for the complete unity in love of your mind and body, as created by Him. Do you understand? Otherwise, you cannot return to the homeland.

You need to find the way back to your house in the homeland, where our origi- nal house is located, and where God, our original Parent, dwells. That is where the descendants of the nation who have the birthright of the firstborn should live and reign over all other nations based on the life of the imperial family. That place is your new home. How shall you go about finding your way back, not to your birthplace but your new home- land, the original home? First, you need to acquire the qualification to enter that homeland. In order to do so, you must achieve a realm of oneness through total mind-body unity. (233-168, 1992.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1189

Cain represents Satan’s side. It is the position of the elder brother. Abel represents God’s side. This is the battle. Originally, God would have loved the first- born son, and then the younger son. Due to the Fall, the first son, Cain, stands on Satan’s side. He belongs to Satan’s side.

In order to save him, God designated Abel. God designates Abel to restore the right of the firstborn son. This cannot be achieved by force; you have to inspire people by love. You have to achieve restoration by melting them with love. If you cannot stand in the position of having loved them, if you cannot win their heart through offering your love, then you will not be in a position to truly love your own son or daughter. As viewed from God’s ideal of creation, the first- born son was originally to be loved first rather than the second child. (140-38, 1986.2.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 3. Parental Love

3.2. Parents’ love is complete even after being shared over and over again

Why is it that we love our children? Why is it that we cannot help loving them? It is because loving our children is like inheriting God’s great work of creation on the horizontal, substantial level. We are feeling the joy God felt after creating Adam and Eve. We are inheriting God’s love and God’s authority to create. (76-45, 1975.1.26) Continue reading “Which Is Greater, Conjugal Love or the Love between Parents and Children?”

Nothing Can Destroy the Parent-Child Relationship

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families and Communities
Tackling the root cause of societal decline.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1817

The resources for humanity’s future are buried in the sea. The resources found on the land’s surface are reaching their limits and cannot last for long. They will be exhausted in a few short years. The challenge becomes how to recover the resources hidden away in the oceans. In the future, humanity must research the development of the tundra plains. It is this future world where my interest currently lies. The food resources on land will not last for more than fifty years. In a few decades, this reality will rise up and hit us in the face. We must prepare for that time. This is the reason I place such an emphasis on our projects in Alaska. (236-22, 1992.11.2)

Richard: Tackling the world hunger crisis is one of the things closest to Rev. Moon’s heart.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1164

When Eve fell, whom did she deceive? She deceived God. Without God knowing, without consulting God, she fell when she denied God on her own. Adam was her husband as well as the son of God. Since Eve fell by denying the father and son, Adam was lost. In order to indemnify and restore what had occurred, God raised up Rebecca. Rebecca had to take God’s blessing from the father, Isaac, who represented God, and their son, Esau, who stood in place of Adam, without their knowledge. To reverse what had already occurred, Rebecca came to offer the condition, through Jacob, of restoring the birthright of the eldest son. This was merely a conditional offering. Rebecca and Jacob achieved this conditionally, not yet fulfilling substantial restoration. (114-17, 1981.5.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 3. Parental Love

3.1. Parents’ love is the love of the essence

Who are you? You are ones who have participated together in the fundamental root of the beginning of your parents’ love. This relationship cannot be severed because the cause and result started in one place. The source of parents’ love, which is the cause, and the love you have in your life, which is the result, are one. In this sense, it is possible to say that a parent and a child are one body. Without love we cannot talk about one body or oneness. We receive our parents’ love from the time we are in the womb. The love and all the attention of our parents should be focused on us from the moment our mothers become pregnant with us through the essence of love. Why is that? Because we are the fruit of love. So we were born in love and receive a connection of life through love; when we grow up in love and reach the time when we can meet our partner, we receive our partner. (127-13, 1983.5.1) Continue reading “Nothing Can Destroy the Parent-Child Relationship”