The Richard Urban Show:
#171-Jack Hefestay on the Root Cause of Societal Decline
Cheon Seong Gyeong 491
When determining who to entrust with responsibility for the family, no parents would want to choose those inferior to them. Why is this so? It is because parents always hope their children will outshine them. The same is true with 492 Book 4 • True Family respect to the nation. The rulers of a nation should wish for their successors to be greater than they are. Whether in the family or in the nation, the desire should always be for successors who are superior to them in every regard. This is something that is desired eternally, and that transcends the fortunes of history. (Blessed Family – 1002)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1366
February 8, 1975 was for me a most unforgettable day until now. I matched the Blessing candidates until just one hour and a half before the ceremony was to take place. Have you ever heard of such a wedding? I was still matching the couples until 8:30 a.m., even though the Blessing Ceremony commenced at ten o’clock in the morning. I stayed up the whole night, but marriage is very important in a person’s life and cannot be a game, so when a match was rejected, I proposed another and then another and so on. (83-226, 1976.2.8)
Richard: Find your eternal match at Be the one to find the one.
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3
true love
Chapter 2
The Reality of Love
Section 4. Conjugal Love
4.2. Conjugal love cannot be fulfilled if it is shared with another person
According to people’s original nature, they do not want their partner’s love for them to be divided. The completeness of the horizontal love relationship between husband and wife is destroyed if that love is shared; whereas, this is not so in the vertical love relationship between parent and child. This is because of the Principle of Creation, which mandates that the husband and wife attain absolute oneness in love. In love, people have the responsibility to absolutely care for their partner. (277-200, 1996.4.16 Continue reading “Love Does not Change, But People’s Hearts Change”