The Rock was a Symbol for Jesus

Happy Independence Day! We thank God for the freedoms that our ancestors and faithful forebears fought so hard for. We pledge to keep them by fulfilling our own portion of responsibility in front of God, our Father.

The latest Richard Urban Show:  #135-Restoring Election Integrity-The Four for the Core Program

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2379

If our ancestors had not fallen, we would have lived our lives serving God. You must serve God with your heart, and in the course of your daily life. (150-213, 1961.4.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 62

Although there are many religious paths today, the one religion that can penetrate the heart has not appeared during the course of history. Because God exists, however, such a religion must inevitably appear. Some religions instruct in social ethics and morality and others teach about the infinite spirit world. However, there must be a religion that combines teachings on ethics and morality with those that describe the incorporeal world, uniting them upon the essential core of one heart. I have searched for such a religion and it is Christianity. Christianity is a religion of heart. Through the Fall, human beings lost God and forgot that God is our Father. We lost the substantial True Parents and Christianity is the religion that can reintroduce them. (9-140, 1960.5.1)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Providence of Restoration Centered on Moses

The Israelites had to wander in the wilderness, one year for each day of the 40 day spying mission, due to their faithlessness.
They should have united with Moses and entered Canaan together with him. Rather, they complained and fell into faithlessness again. Moses was to restore this by striking the rock at Kadesh-barnea, thus bringing forth water to save the Israelites. However, when Moses raged in uncontrolled anger at the murmuring of the Israelite people against him, he struck the rock twice, which was a sin.
The rock represented Jesus, the restored Adam, the root of the tablets of stone. The rock was also a symbol of God,
Striking the rock twice symbolized striking down the restored Adam, meaning Jesus. This was a remote reason Jesus would be crucified as a result of the faithlessness of the Jewish people.
Because of Moses striking the rock twice, only the younger generation of Israelites entered Canaan. the older generation died in the wilderness. Also, Jesus had to suffer the three temptations of Satan (Matt 4:1-11).
Soon after the rock was struck twice, the Israelites again disbelieved, and God sent fiery serpents to kill them. Those who looked upon a raised bronze serpent were saved. This symbolized that if the Israelites did not believe in Jesus, he would be crucified and those who repented after Jesus was raised on the Cross would be saved.
Joshua was the one who inherited Moses’ mission.
See slides 18 to 21 below:
Note that today we have a modern-day Ark. It is called the Cheon Bok Ark, and consists of the eight holy scriptures designated by Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

The Israelites were Faithless and Had to Spend 40 Years Wandering in the Wilderness

The latest Richard Urban Show:  #135-Restoring Election Integrity-The Four for the Core Program

Cheon Seong Gyeong 847

Do you know how infinite and unchanging the spirit world is? We are now aware of the vastness of the universe. The universe is over 22 billion light years across. How big is that? Light travels 300 million meters in a second. In one second, light can go around the Earth seven and a half times. The distance light covers at that speed in one year is called a light year. Light takes 22 billion years to cross the universe, not 200 days. So how vast is the universe? The entire universe is the stage for our activities. (206-83, 1990.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2342

The Unification Church is the place that unites God and humankind and unites mind and body through the ideal of true love. God has true love, true life, and true lineage, and we came from Him. We, therefore, should also have true love, true life, and true lineage. Since humankind was born with a relationship of unity between parent and child, centering on God’s true love, the mind and body of each person should have been united into one naturally, just as God’s mind and body are naturally one in true love. However, human beings are still continuously struggling on the front line, with their bodies on the side of Satan connected to satanic love, life, and lineage and their minds on the side of God. (201-354, 1990.4.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1114

God loves me, but He cannot help me when I am walking the course of indemnity in the process of fulfilling the human portion of responsibility. I must go forward and overcome Satan on my own. Adam was originally given the realm of the ideal through which he should have taken dominion over Satan and the satanic world. I must surpass that realm. (124-304, 1983.3.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 866

This is an enormous universe God has created! There are no cars or restaurants in the spirit world. Yet in the spirit world, we can lovingly express our original abilities. We can create everything as if we were like God, the Creator, who creates all sorts of things based on the concept of true love. When out of love, you command something to appear, the thing will appear in its complete form. If you say, “That kind of tool appear!” it will appear at once. Isn’t that wonderful? If you wishfully think, “I need to prepare this kind of meal for the ten thousand or even millions of people who have come to a banquet hall,” it will appear without fail. If you wish for a golden formal dress, it will appear instantly. How beautiful and wonderful this is! It is wonderful indeed! (217-293, 1991.6.2)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Providence of Restoration Centered on Moses

    Moses had to set the foundation for the Messiah. The tabernacle was a symbolic representation of the Messiah. As long as even one person kept faith in the tabernacle, then this object of faith could be passed on like a baton in a race. In this way, God intended to accomplish the purpose of the providential Will.
    There were three courses of attempting to set the Foundation for the Tabernacle. The first time, after Moses fasted 40 days and received the two tablets of stone with the ten commandments and instructions concerning the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle. However, the Israelites had become faithless and were worshiping a golden calf that they had built.
    God appeared again to Moses and told him to carve another pair of stone tablets identical to the first pair, promising that He would again give them the Ten Commandments. The tablets symbolized Jesus and his would-be bride.
After the Israelites set out on their second journey to Canaan, they began to complain again. They wanted the food and luxuries of Egypt. Thus, the second foundation for the Tabernacle also failed.
    The third foundation for the Tabernacle was to be accomplished by success in the spying mission in Canaan of the 12 spies. However, only Joshua and Caleb gave a faithful report. the other spies said that the Canaanites would devour them. This caused the people to murmur against Moses, and they attempted to stone Joshua and Caleb.
    Thus, the second national group level course to restore Canaan failed. The people of Israel would have to wander in the wilderness for 40 years and all of the first generation die in the wilderness.
    See slides 14 to 17 below:

God Redeemed the Israelites from Pharaoh’s Opression

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The latest Richard Urban Show:  #135-Restoring Election Integrity-The Four for the Core Program

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2286

Rather than belonging to your parents as their sons and daughters, you should first become God’s. Were it not for the Fall, that would have been natural, but the order was reversed. At present, we have not yet become His children. Although we sprang from a different root, we must be cut off from that root, at the very base of the trunk, and a new bud attached or engrafted in. That must be centered on True Parents. Then, on the conditional basis of having become the sons and daughters of the True Parents, God can be liberated. (166- 306, 1987.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 900

With what is the spirit world liberated? With what is God liberated? Complicated relationships were created by our human ancestors. They have created chaos in the spirit world. Therefore, the descendants must now compensate for their ancestors’ mistakes. If a child wishes to become a filial son, he should pay back his parents’ debts. In that light, we should create a movement to knock down all the walls blocking our ancestors in the spirit world. In so doing, your ancestors will come down and teach you. This sounds like a dream but it is very real. (191-205, 1989.6.24)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Providence of Restoration Centered on Moses

By destroying the Satanic side and bringing victory for God’s side, God demonstrated to the Israelites that God was on their side. By circumcising his son, Moses was able to save his family and the Israelite Exodus was made possible.
Circumcision symbolized removing the blood of death, restoring men’s capacity to govern and the restoration of children as they were originally created by good
Moses performed three great miracles and orchestrated 10 calamities before Pharaoh released the Israelites.
By circumcising his son, Moses was able to save his family and the Israelite Exodus was made possible.
Circumcision symbolized removing the blood of death, restoring men’s capacity to govern and the restoration of children as they were originally created by good
Moses performed three great miracles and orchestrated 10 calamities before Pharaoh released the Israelites. By destroying the Satanic side and bringing victory for
God’s side, God demonstrated to the Israelites that God
was on their side
The Israelites went through a three day course after leaving Egypt before escaping across the Read Sea.
See slides 10 to 13 below:

Lack of Faith Prolongs God’s Work

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New  The Richard Urban Show:  #135-Restoring Election Integrity-The Four for the Core Program

Everyone is afraid of me because if I say a word, things happen in the world exactly as I say. This does not happen from nothing. As I know the path of history for sure, I also know the time and then I say it. Things do not happen as I say because I prophesy; they are just supposed to happen that way. If you also became able to see all the directions of heavenly fortune, you would be able to talk about everything that will happen in the future, even things that will happen after a thousand years. (233-161, 1992.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1385

When I proclaimed that three years after blessing the 30,000 Couples, I would bless 360,000 Couples, not one person believed that I could actually accomplish this. Not one person believed in me. So was it accomplished or not? There is no one in this world except me who would take on such a mission. Who on earth except me would take on such a daunting challenge? Not even a whole nation would presume to take responsibility for such a task. It was truly a record-breaking event. We climbed to the top, treading on the families in the satanic world. Now that we have successfully blessed the 360,000 Couples, accomplishing the growth stage, we can climb to the top, stepping on the nations of the satanic world. Now all that is left for us to accomplish is the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples. That would mean the beginning of the era of absolute authority. We are entering the era of God’s absolute authority over marriage. (275-282, 1996.1.1)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Providence of Restoration Centered on Moses

In the first ethnic group level course to restore Canaan, Moses was the central figure. After completing 40 years of life in the Pharaoh’s palace, he killed an Egyptian. This was to be a 21 day course, but it failed when the Israelites complained about this righteous act and Pharaoh sought to kill Moses.
Moses was again the central figure in the second Ethnic Group Level Course to Restore Canaan. As always, to se the Foundation of Substance, the Israelites had to love, mediate through, obey and multiply goodness from Moses. To start this Providence, Moses performed three great miracles and executed ten plagues.
Moses was the person in God’s position, representing the word. God sought to kill Moses, but his wife Zipporah circumcised their son and Moses avoided death.
See slides 6 to 9 below:

Moses’ Course was the Model for Jesus

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New  The Richard Urban Show:  #135-Restoring Election Integrity-The Four for the Core Program

Cheon Seong Gyeong 889

Originally, families were supposed to enter the spirit world but there are no families there. Jesus was single and did not live a married life. What about the great sages such as Confucius or Buddha? Or the kings? They are living single lives in the spirit world, without an ideal partner, since they were descendants of the realm of the archangel. If I continue to talk about these things, someone ignorant or unknowledgeable might learn a lot and think, in an unprincipled way, that he could be like a king. You cannot become a top leader without true love. You have to live for the sake of others. (296-191, 1998.11.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 630

Would you skip breakfast tomorrow morning because you had breakfast this morning? You will keep crying out, “Oh, food!” until your life ends. Likewise, you have to eat God’s words every day in the spirit world. That is why you have to train yourself on earth. Your hunger for knowledge, even after going to the spirit world, will push you to ask, “What words will God speak to us? What do they mean?”

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Providence of Restoration Centered on Moses

It was God’s responsibility as the Creator to show human beings the way to subjugate Satan. Jacob showed this course in symbol, Moses in image, and Jesus in substance. This Providence would be carried out on the ethnic group level. Moses set the archetypical course that Jesus would follow.
See slides 1 to 5 below: