We Must Reverse the Way of Individualism

Cheon Seong Gyeong 717

    We human beings were born because of God. The motive for our birth comes through the Creator. We are made by Him, but for what? This is the question. Did He create us because He wanted to leave diamonds to us because He likes them? Did He create us because he wants to bequeath His power, or to pass on all His knowledge because He likes knowledge? What is our origin, our beginning? This is the question. Even if we were to assert ourselves as having originated from the absolute God and being born out of an internal bond with Him, if we do not clearly understand the process for returning to the original homeland in the future, everything now underway will remain unfinished.
    The motive for our birth comes from our mother and father. We were born because the lives of our father and mother intertwined. But the inheritance of the characteristics of both parents was not the result of their lives colliding. Beforehand, the fundamental action and motive that connected these two lives together, was love. When we consider the preciousness of life and love, life is in second place, and love is in first place.(177-305, 1988.5.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 1. The Inevitable Path of Our Life

1.3. Death is inevitable

    One day we will go to the spirit world. There is no doubt about that. People visiting Korea land at Gimpo Airport, but that does not mean they have traveled in Korea. From Gimpo Airport, where do we go? Do we go to South Jeolla Province or South Gyeongsang Province or Pyeong-an Province? From Pyeong-an Province, where do we go? To a county. From there, where next? A township. What is next? A village. From there, we must go to a neighborhood. This is not easy. If people cannot determine their dwelling place, what is the value of success in social life? That is a problem.
    If God orders me to come, even tomorrow night, no matter how great I may be today, I have no choice but to go. However loudly I might protest, I would have to go. I will go while protesting loudly, but only after speaking the right words. I must present the way that the nation and the world must go. It will be my death if I fail to do so. (177- 41, 1988.5.15) Continue reading “We Must Reverse the Way of Individualism”

God Is the Power Plant

Happy True God’s Day! (January 1st, 2025, Heavenly Calendar)

For today’s Holiday, we present the special reading below. Enjoy!

The Sound Of The Bell Of The Mind

Reverent Sun Myung Moon
January 28, 1979

How did you know today was the lunar new year? The Oriental custom of celebrating the new year based on the lunar calendar is thousands of years old. Unlike the West, when the new year comes we always add one more year to our age. So today you are really one year older; happy new year to you!

When you climb the mountains at night and look down in all directions you can see many sparkling lights. Colored lights always stand out, but bright lights stand out most of all. That is what spirit world sees when they look down on this world of ours. Your mind is like a light in the darkness, even though you cannot see it as such with your physical eyes. An electric bulb has an external shape, inside of which is the tungsten wire which actually lights up. As you know, the actual source of the light is the electricity generated by the power plant.

Continue reading “God Is the Power Plant”

This Fallen World Originates from Private Desires

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187

Alaska, where the ceremony of The Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages was held, is becoming famous. The last time I came here I said I would build a church at the North Pole. If the Soviet Communist Party opposes it, I will take the responsibility. I will build the Unification Church at the North Pole. You have to spend your life in order to build the foundation of blessing for all people of the world, but before you die, come to our Church at the North Pole and offer your devotion for forty days and then you can die. Think about this. An ideal city will be created in a world of icebergs. Then, even though it will be thousands of miles away, everything can be supplied by the air. You should try living like this. It would be a wonderful thing. With the power of science today, that would be nothing. We can use prefabricated systems. So we will build an airfield and try to live there, so what problem could arise? We are creating a base in the tourist area of Kodiak… think about it. It will become a gateway unprecedented in history. (193-217, 1989.10.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1248

Why should you get married? It is in order to resemble the form of God. God exists with dual characteristics. He is a unified being in which both characteristics exist together in harmony. Man and woman were created to reflect the dual characteristics of God, and so, man and woman should come together in complete unity and harmony, become like the seed, and return to the position of the true character of God. (290-170, 1988.2.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 1. The Inevitable Path of Our Life

1.1. The body is far from eternal life

    The earth also breathes and moves. Your cells breathe as well. Do you want to live eternally on earth or do you want to live eternally in a place where you become an invisible entity of love? You should live eternally in a world where you become an invisible entity of love. Even when God wants to reveal Himself, you cannot see Him with your physical body. That’s why you need a spirit self.
    God is the center of the invisible spirit. Therefore, He wants to give human beings, who are His counterparts, everything from the eternal realm of the ideal that He created. (111-111, 1981.2.1) Continue reading “This Fallen World Originates from Private Desires”

We Know the Spirit World Exists

Cheon Seong Gyeong 395

The family is an unchanging point of origin, a timeless cornerstone that cannot be altered even by the father, by brothers and sisters, or by the system of government of any country. Nothing can alter the sovereignty of the family – not the world, not heaven and earth, not even God Himself. For this reason, the concept of revolution will never be needed in the family. No revolution is necessary since the family is the throne of love. (25-85, 1969.9.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2408

Since God is the essence of true love, if we become connected to true love, we all become one body with Him. As representatives of God, our parents are the living God. Our husband or wife is the other half of God. Our sons and daughters are also small Gods. In this way, a family structure comprising three generations centering on true love is the foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven. Without such a foundation, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be built. Families are the center of the universe. The perfection of families is the foundation for the perfection of the universe. That is why if you love the universe as you love within your family, you can freely go anywhere. In this case, God is in the conglomerate central position of love, as the Parent of the entire universe. (298-306, 1999.1.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life

5.4. Blessing and spirit world

5.4.4. The position of Blessed Families in the spirit world 

    We Unification Church members are sure about the existence of the spirit world. We do not just believe it, we know it. Based on our many experiences, we cannot deny this… Up to this point where the Unification Church has established its present worldwide foundation, it has undergone a process with many spiritual experiences. Therefore, Unification Church members came to be in a position where they cannot deny the existence of the spirit world. Continue reading “We Know the Spirit World Exists”

We Marry to Resemble God

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#184-Vaccine Choice for West Virginia-Kudos to Governor Patrick Morrisey

Cheon Seong Gyoeng 1957

I represent the heavenly kingdom, and I am the representative of the Adam nation that stands as God’s representative. If I stand in such a position, then I must seek the representative of the Eve nation. I had to find a nation that could display absolute obedience. Which one was that? It was Japan, which took the place of Great Britain. Since Satan had taken away what God loved, I am taking away what Satan loves most. That is Japan and Germany. (195-205, 1989.11.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 573

    Where do we ultimately go? To the spirit world. We call it the world after death, but it is not the world after death. It cannot become the world after because it is a world related with love. Since that world is related with love, it is not the world after death. Since it began centering on true love, when we come to practice true love, here now is the spirit world. That is why love is great. (144-198, 220, 1986.4.24)

   The directions of up and down, front and back, and left and right can only be harmonized through spherical movement. Without harmony between the vertical and horizontal, harmony cannot be created. Unity could not come about. Only love can bring about unification. Thus, the Unification Church argues the case for a unified ideal world based on true love because this conclusion conforms to the viewpoint of the Principle. (144-219, 1986.4.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life

5.4. Blessing and spirit world

5.4.2. The spirit selves of husband and wife

    We are the group that seeks the ideal of love. Therefore, we have to implant the ideal of love in the horizontal realm in order to stand as spokespersons for the spirit world. We should plant it as a seed. We can grow bigger through our give and take action centering on the heart of love. A couple bearing the fruit of love in this way will enter the spirit world becoming one body with God in the realm of His eternal love. (144-224, 1986.4.24) Continue reading “We Marry to Resemble God”