The Son of God Has Absolute Power

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1078

I do not support the idea of taking a bath every day. It is not good for the health. I make it a rule to take a bath once every three days. I take a bath only when I cannot help it, when I have been sweating a lot. How much water do we consume by taking a bath every day? It is bad for the health. You may say, “Oh! Father is a barbarian,” but that’s okay for me. In the Garden of Eden, God, Adam, and Eve were all barbarians. At that time did they have a bathroom like we have today? Did they have toilet paper? They had nothing. Therefore, you should feel grateful for all those things, and you save this world even if you have to live this way. (131-283, 1984.5.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1388

    When we were preparing for the 30,000 Couples Blessing, Kwak Chunghwan said that it was impossible, didn’t you? You said you weren’t sure if we could accomplish it, didn’t you? So then when I spoke of blessing 360,000 couples, it was like fortune-telling in dreamland. Do you think a fortune that is told in a dream can ever be right? What I mean is it was something that could not even be imagined. I had nonetheless already announced that we could accomplish the 360,000 Couples. Then God had said, “Okay!” I thereafter set out to do everything necessary to accomplish this task, the answer from God having already been given. So at every moment of every day, for three years, I had only this view in mind. Night and day, everywhere I went, I prayed and offered devotions centering on this goal. The devotions I offered were not less than the combined devotions of the five billion people in the world. No one knows the extent of it, not even Mother. Only God and I know.
    A perfect subject makes a perfect object. It is God’s responsibility to perfectly substantiate the faith of the perfect object. What do you think about that? Isn’t that brilliant? Everything came to be done according to that faith. So what about the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples that is coming up? Going from 30,000 couples to 360,000 couples was easier than you thought. This will be very easy. There are bound to be many people in the world who cry out for Rev. Moon day and night. Through this Blessing, I opened the way for Mother’s parents and mine to be reunited as husband and wife, and all the sins committed by the thousands of generations of ancestors in history were forgiven. (272-117, 1995.8.30)

Find out about the Blessing here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 1

The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 8. Adam’s Family Should Have Set the Tradition as the True Family

    If our human ancestors had not fallen, whose sons and daughters would you be? Without question you would have been born as God’s sons and daughters. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, all human beings would have been God’s true sons and daughters. You would not be people that are toyed with, dominated or slandered by your enemies as you are today. Continue reading “The Son of God Has Absolute Power”