Why Are Families in this World Being Destroyed?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1031

Today, what would you call the way of collecting donations in most Christian churches? They circulate bags for the donations. In the Unification Church, do you receive donations in that fashion? Do you collect using some kind of mesh strainer? Before people leave, you should place the donation boxes at the entrance. People will donate as an act of devotion and expression of your gratitude for having received grace from God. Those who do not want to donate will avoid those boxes. Heaven does not want such trifling sums of money. It must be money offered with devotion. You should not just donate the money you find in your mother’s or father’s pocket. You should keep the donation money for three days as sanctification and then offer it. Why are you thinking of donating an amount that is not even worth a meal for lunch? You should be offering your entire life’s assets…. (166-319, 1987.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1145

What comes first: love or self-awareness? Love comes first. If that had actually happened, we would have been successful in everything. If that occurred, there would have been no walls or ravines on the path of life. Our life would have meshed with the gears of the heavenly principle and rotated smoothly. The great heavenly principle would have made this possible. However the woman abandoned this principle and started out from self-awareness. According to the Bible what did she want to eat? When she looked at the fruit it was good for food and it was said to make her eyes open; at that moment Eve realized her ego. This became the problem. Please understand that once you become aware of your own “self” and begin to assert yourself, you are already in the realm apt to be invaded by the cunning Satan, by your fallen nature! You must understand this clearly. (171-109, 1987.12.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life

5.1. Why we need to know about the issue of eternal life

    Why are families in this world being destroyed? Why are mothers, fathers and children becoming enemies? It is because there is no true love. The most important thing is eternal life, but people do not know that the spirit world exists. Continue reading “Why Are Families in this World Being Destroyed?”

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

Now your families should become ideal families, directly attend True Parents and God, and become the representatives of True Parents. Through all of you becoming the families that represent the first, second and third Adams – the Messiahs who came in the Old, New, and Completed Testament Ages – you have come to attend God, and thus all humankind can go directly to heaven. Through this, we enter the age of blessings for the liberation of the realm of the fourth Adam. (298-224, 1999.1.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 783

What kinds of people live with the hope of God? They are those who can cross joyfully over the valley of death that brings sorrow to humankind. Those are the people who hold on to the hope of God. Therefore, you should not become someone who, in the face of death, resents and laments over all the affairs of this world. Instead, you should become someone who can stand before Heaven with joy and be proud of the value of your death. We should know that God is looking for those sons and daughters of hope. God cannot help loving a person who feels the joy of Heaven in such a situation. He cannot help answering the cry of the group of people who cry out to Him from such a position. (6-54, 1959.3.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 6

Transformation during Young Adulthood, and true Marriage

Section 5. What Causes the Transformation in Adolescence?

    Children have vague dreams and just want to grow up healthy. As they enter youth and physical changes start to occur, their interest in the opposite sex heightens and their eyes sparkle with curiosity and beauty. They wear fashionable clothes and show off their style and become absorbed in beautifying and polishing their faces. If you look at a young woman’s lips, you can see if she is at this age. Continue reading “Who Is Your Mind Centered On?”