Love Your Brother and Sister Like Your Mother and Father

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If Adam and Eve had not fallen, but instead had reached perfection, they would have achieved not only individual perfection but also the perfection of heaven and earth. Moreover, a new family based totally on God’s love would have been started. If a clan, tribe, people, nation, and world had emerged from this family, the world would have become a community of one large family serving God. The center of that community would have been God and Adam.

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In your family life during marriage, in order to feel true joy, you should bring God into the center and make a relationship where you can love each other while watching God rejoicing together with you. A man and a woman getting married and making love is not something you should be ashamed of. This is something most dignified, holy, and beautiful. However, since the first human ancestors violated God’s commandment, the history of love has been a sinful one and has been flowing in a shameful direction. (Blessed Family – 887)

Richard: Such beautiful advice for married couples. See here for information about The Blessing.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 2

The Way of Love in the Family

Section 4. The Reason We Need Brothers and Sisters

    Why do we have brothers and sisters? Why do we need brothers and sisters? It is because with brothers and sisters, boys can watch their younger sisters and elder sisters, and from them learn how their mothers grew up; and girls can watch their naughty elder brothers and younger brother, and from them learn how their fathers grew up. Continue reading “Love Your Brother and Sister Like Your Mother and Father”