God’s Authority Will Spread Out

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1314

    During the three years from 1970, we even mobilized the 777 Couples, didn’t we? Didn’t you do the same? This was worldwide. We mobilized them in order to undergo hardships for the sake of the nation during the three years. What this means is that there is no family on earth, representing the nation or the world, who can be a match for the families of the Unification Church. Every family must become like the families in the Unification Church. How we were criticized during those three years! Since their mothers and fathers opposed them, the couples wrapped their babies in blankets and left them on the doorsteps of their parents’ houses at night, before setting out. Why did they have to do that? It was because they had to set the condition that they loved their nation more than their own sons and daughters. Continue reading “God’s Authority Will Spread Out”