The latest Richard Urban Show:
#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families and Communities
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1795
As true love is most precious, violating it is a universal crime. Immorality, juvenile promiscuity, family breakdown, incest, homosexuality, indescribable sex crimes, and so on are the reality of today. These cause God grief. The ideal of creation lies in the fulfillment of the family ideal which is based on sublime and eternal love, but why did it result in today’s miserable way? We can say that in the Last Days the result of the Fall of the first ancestors is bearing fruit in displays of decadence, just like the seeds that were sown. (135-12, 1985.8.20)
Americans do not understand that there is no foundation of true love in their nation. Ultimately, things will go to ruin because of false love. Couples, siblings and parent-child relations break up. Incest spreads and sweeps people into hell, destroying everything. Having come completely to the zero point, American society must be built anew. It is one world under God! All color barriers, obstacles, customs, and conventions must be abolished. Only the parental heart and love of the family will remain: that is, to invest and forget as parents truly love their children. This is the concept of heaven. (293-152, 1998.5.26)
Richard: This, the breakdown of morality and family and the debasement of love, is absolutely the most core issue facing society today. Join this discussion by viewing and commenting on the latest Richard Urban Show: Richie Robb on Strengthening Families and Communities.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1278
What is the difference between the second generation children of Blessed Families and young members who are candidates for the Blessing? When those candidates want to receive the Blessing, they need the holy wine ceremony and other ceremonies as well. It is very complicated. However, in the case of the second generation, there is no need for the holy wine ceremony. Their roots are different. Your roots are lodged in the fallen world, but theirs are not.
Everyone looks similar from the outside, but their histories and backgrounds are all different. The beginnings were different and so the process of growing up was different. The current situations they are in are different and their future destinations are different. Even though the final destination (spirit world) is the same, the final place they are going to there is different. It cannot be the same because those of the second generation are in the position of blessed children. (144-281, 1986.4.26)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3
true love
Chapter 2
The Reality of Love
Section 2. True Parents’ Love
2.2. True Parents give birth to humankind through true love
True Parents bring the people of the world together and marry them from the position of parents. Here, they not only transcend racial differences but even marry good people with bad people. Although True Parents deny evil love, evil life, and evil lineage as a whole, they do not abandon Cain, who killed Abel, but rather bless him at the same level. Like the tides of the sea, when the ebb tide and flow tide meet and are in balance, at the time of the transition period of good and evil that is the conclusion of the providence of salvation (restoration through indemnity), they bless good people and bad people together, thereby completely expelling Satan.
The Fall occurred through the false marriage in the Garden of Eden, and so True Parents are reversing this by marrying people in the proper way. Through True Parents sweeping away that which was done by the false parents, they are abolishing hell and carrying out the work to bless in marriage even the tens of billions and hundreds of billions of ancestors in the spirit world. Through the family foundation of the earthly descendants, which is based on true love, the ancestors in the spirit world and the descendants on earth are becoming one vertically, and furthermore, through the foundation of such families, East and West are forging a connection. (300-224, 1999.3.14) Continue reading “The Fall Occurred through the False Marriage in the Garden of Eden”