Human Beings Enable God to Be the Master of Love

Happy 42nd Anniversary to the 2075 Couples Blessed in marriage at Madison Square Garden in 1982!

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    The Fall was brought about by free sex and so it can only be overcome through absolute sex – having one eternal spouse of the opposite sex – centered on the absolute love of the True Parents. The conversion of lineage can only take place with absolute sex; it cannot be achieved by free sex or casual sex. The restoration of lineage must be carried out. Through the declarations I made with the Family Federation for World Peace, I have established the authority on which this can be brought to fruition worldwide. Based on all the victories achieved by the True Parents within the global domain, the Blessed Families in the stead of the True Mother, then Cain and Abel, must unite with her. In short, they need to become as one with her.
    The impact on families of juvenile immorality, free sex and homosexuality can only be reversed on the basis of the True Parents’ ideology, through which the restored family, nation, and world can advance to establish God’s kingdom on earth and in heaven. This means that everything must be completely turned around. On the Blessed Family foundation, individuals and families representing Cain and Abel must unite centering absolutely on the True Parents, first becoming as one with True Mother. Centering on her, the democratic and communist worlds, Catholics and Protestants, and the spiritual and physical worlds can be united. On this global foundation, everything could then be indemnified centered on Mother. Thus, it became possible to proclaim the settlement of the Family Federation for World Peace and the elimination of historical indemnity.

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    Good ancestors, territory, and a nation will emerge from you. Therefore, you who have received the Blessing must always think about heaven and earth from the minute you open your eyes. The Blessing is for the sake of your sharing blessings with others. You need to convert the lineage that was defiled by the Fall. Without accomplishing this, you cannot remove Original Sin. Without removing Original Sin, you cannot rise to the level of receiving the Blessing as true children. That is how the Principle works. The Holy Wine Ceremony is a ceremony to convert the lineage that removes Original Sin inherited from the Fall. In other words, it is a ceremony to exchange one’s flesh and blood. (35-210, 1970.10.30)

Richard:  Receive the Blessing at  Singles join here.  Married couples join here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 1. God’s Love

1.1. Love originates from God

In giving us love, how much would God want to give? God’s love is not given according to a limit that says a certain amount is enough. It is a love that wants to give infinitely. Even after giving everything, God will still say, “I want to live in you because of you.” What is the essence that brings this about? It is love. If love is present, God would be happy to live even as a servant. The father can feel joy even when his beloved little son climbs onto his dining table and poops there. Love transcends the law. (36-77, 1970.11.15) Continue reading “Human Beings Enable God to Be the Master of Love”