Heaven Is a Place You Must Enter with Your Parents and Siblings

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2069

    We must return to the hometown of our origin! This is based on the Principle. How can you deny this? It’s the logical conclusion. Those who don’t think so raise your hands. Can you deny this? There is no way, other than the way of obedience and submission. That’s why we are doing that in Korea, at this time. By returning to your hometowns, you must complete the foundation for the nation upon the foundation of having completed the tong ban breakthrough activities in you area. This is done by starting in each family and raising them through the formation, growth, and completion stages.
    The family is the formation stage, the tong and ban (local community and neighborhood) are the tribal growth stage, and then the nation is the completion stage. These three points must be connected in the family. If you don’t connect these points in the family, then they can’t be connected at the tribal level. They can’t be connected to the nation, and they can’t be connected to the world. (218-184, 1991.7.28)

Richard: Read more about Tong Ban/Home Church activity.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1061

Just as I instructed at the time of the 1968 Blessing of 430 couples, you also should become tribal messiahs. You must fulfill this mission. For instance, the 36 couples from the Kim tribe should be organized centered on members of the Kim family who have already received the Blessing, just as the 36 Couples are organized in the church around me. If it is too difficult to establish 36 couples, you should at least become the ancestors of 12 couples. Then you should become the ancestors of your tribe and organize your tribe into twelve branch tribes. When you accomplish this, your entire tribe will be included in those twelve branch tribes, thus becoming a tribe of your direct lineage. (31-276, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 5. Heaven is a Place One Enters as a Family Unit

What is heaven? You talk about going to paradise or heaven but it is not a place you enter alone. Heaven is a place that you must enter with your parents and siblings. (15-278, 1965.10.30) Continue reading “Heaven Is a Place You Must Enter with Your Parents and Siblings”

The Family Is the Nest of Happiness

Cheon Seong Gyeong 601

    The biggest question then is whether we can offer our lives. When I started out on this path, I asked myself if I was resolved to lay down my life.
    I was resolved to die. I also thought about how I would die as well as the last words I would utter. I did not think about how I could live.
    Since God’s providence revolved around Korea, I sought the position of death. Where was that? It was the place to confront the enemy, that is to say, the place where the enemy was to be found. I went out in search of the enemy headquarters. Because the foundation of the Will based upon Korean Christianity fell into satanic hands, I went to North Korea, which was Satan’s den, to recover it.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1187

    The Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages signifies that the historical course of vertical indemnity and the course of horizontal indemnity that went through the stages of individual, family, people, nation, and the world. That is the vertical and horizontal courses consisting of eight stages are completed. Due to this, the right of eldest son has been restored, and the course of indemnity for all humanity is abolished. That is what I have done by holding this ceremony. The right of the eldest son is restored; the Parents are embracing all humankind. Thus, an end is brought to the history of war and struggle that was necessary in order for the right of the eldest son to be restored in the realm of parental love. The time has come when indemnity is not needed and we can reach harmony in love. In order to achieve this, I had to hold the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages. By holding this ceremony, the Parents forgave both the elder and the younger son, so that next we can enter the age of the realm of forgiveness for the fallen parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 4. The Realization of the Ideal of Love Starts in the Family

    From where should the ideal of love start being realized? From the Unification Church? The nation? The world? Even if someone unified the world, if he failed to unify his own family, he would be an unhappy person. The ideal of love should first be realized in the family. The family is the nest of happiness. Therefore, God’s Kingdom begins from there. When Jesus, who came to the earth to realize God’s Kingdom, said, “I am the Bridegroom and you are the brides,” he was referring to the family level. Continue reading “The Family Is the Nest of Happiness”

God’s Kingdom Begins from the Family

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1333

    Humanity can be divided between those who have formed families and those who have not. The latter can be subdivided into two groups and one of those groups is made up of people who had relations as they pleased with the opposite sex, but who failed to form a family. We can therefore divide humanity into three groups: those who married, those who related to the opposite sex but did not form families – of which there are many nowadays – and finally, virgin men and women. Such are the relationship entanglements that exist in the world today.
    In other words, viewed vertically, people live on three levels: matrimony, engagement, and celibacy. The second category of people reflects the state of engagement between Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They would be able to form a new family. In order to restore through indemnity all these different types of people, some representatives must be called to form families, according to God’s dispensation. That is how the 36 Couples came to be established. (58-183, 1972.6.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1165

    The Bible is a sacred scripture, but it contains many things that are difficult to accept. Isn’t that so? How could it be that Jacob and Rebecca united to deceive his brother Esau and his father Isaac, in order to receive the blessing? Why did Tamar have a relationship with her father-in-law, and bear Perez and Zerah? Why could the blessing come to the tribe of Judah, under Perez and Zerah? The question is why are there issues that cannot be accepted from a human moral viewpoint?
    In the first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, four great women who had illicit relationships: Tamar, Bathsheba, Rahab and Ruth, are listed in the genealogy of Jesus. This gospel is the equivalent of Genesis, but the question is, why do the first pages of the New Testament focus on these women, who are stained and impure? Without understanding the Principle view of the Fall, there is no way to understand this. It has remained a mystery. By searching throughout my life, however, I have been able to answer these questions for the first time. (211-137, 1990.12.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 3. The Family Is Basic Unit to Realize God’s Kingdom

Our family and God’s Kingdom have the same form. Our family comprises parents, spouses, children, and siblings. It can be unified through love. Here unity can be attained, life transmitted, and the ideal substantiated. Continue reading “God’s Kingdom Begins from the Family”

What Is God’s Ideal for the Family?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2194

    A true parent will never say to their child, “You have become a filial child, so, you do not need to become a patriot. Do not go the way of a patriot.” A true parent must teach that filial child, “You have to sacrifice your family and walk the path of a patriot. You must serve your country, fulfill the duty of a saint, and you have to sacrifice your duty as a saint in order to go the way that Heaven desires.
And beyond this, you have to sacrifice Heaven and Earth to find God.”
    People become filial children only by sacrificing themselves for their families. Further, in order to become patriots, people must be willing to sacrifice their entire families in order to save their nation. Only in this way can they become patriots.
    Saints are people who are willing to sacrifice their country in order to save the world. Divine children must be willing to sacrifice the world in order to realize God’s Nation and Land, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Humankind has been ignorant of this truth. You need to invest and sacrifice yourselves. If not, then the ideal of one world or one country will never be accomplished. (285-218, 1997.5.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 687

    Before the Messiah – in other words, the True Parents – comes on the earth, the entire spirit world is completely divided, similar to this divided world.
The True Parents in corporeal form must tear down the many walls that have been built up. Only then will the two worlds be connected. In that connection, the True Parents not only represent the physical world but also the spirit world.
By attending the True Parents and by means of absolute love, for the first time you are able to pave a road that connects to the spirit world. By demonstrating absolute loyalty before the messiah, you establish the precondition of having demonstrated absolute loyalty before even the greatest of all spirit people. You establish the condition of having demonstrated absolute loyalty to God’s commands. You have to demonstrate absolute loyalty to the True Parents in the place of God. Why is that? It is so that 687
you can establish a tradition that enables you to become one with the citizens of heaven.
    Why do you need to attend the True Parents? Because they represent the spirit world and God. It is so that you can form a bond of heart with the True Parents and be qualified to participate in the realm of the victory of heart that True Parents sealed with love. (105-112, 1979.9.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 2. The Family Is the Base of Eternal Happiness

    In our daily life, on what basis would you say someone is a happy person? Can people be called happy because they possess some external ability, power or authority? They cannot. Also, are people happy because they have enough money to keep them from envying others? No. Furthermore, can people become happy through acquiring global knowledge or attaining a position from which to control the world at will? It is absolutely not the case that people become truly happy with just those things. (23‐11, 1969.5.11) Continue reading “What Is God’s Ideal for the Family?”

What Is the Best Thing in the Family?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2096

You probably have experienced that there is a mysterious side to my smile, like that of the Mona Lisa. I believe that most of you probably are experiencing hundreds of thousands of ways of viewing my mysterious features. At certain times, I appear to look like this and other times like that. This is because at different times the spirit world is cooperating with you in different ways. I think most of you experience this. Those in the spirit world all know me. So when they see this picture, would those in the spirit world like it or dislike it? Your ancestors can be connected with the picture as the medium. I want you to know that’s how good it is. (132-190, 1984.6.1)

Richard: Contact us if you would like to receive a picture of Rev. and Mrs. Moon.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1213

Originally, in order for Adam and Eve to complete each stage of growth, they were each given their portion of responsibility. For each stage of the growth period, they had a corresponding portion of responsibility. Therefore, for three stages of growth, they had to complete three stages of responsibility. There is no exception. All people are on equal terms: they can grow by fulfilling their own responsibility. If God demanded from fallen people fulfillment of the same portion of responsibility as that of Adam and Eve, we would have no hope to restore ourselves to the original position before the Fall. We lost a chance to fulfill our portion of responsibility. So now to compensate for this, we must set indemnity conditions. (The Way of a Church Leader – 711)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 11

The Family Is the Eternal Foundation of Happiness

Section 1. Why Do We Like the Family?

Why do we like the family? Because it provides the foundation on which you can freely exchange love and happiness. Hence, people yearn for their hometown, the place where their parents and siblings live. (38-328, 1971.1.8) Continue reading “What Is the Best Thing in the Family?”