Discard the Thought of Going to Heaven Out of Personal Motivation

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2083

What are we to do, living in a divided
nation, with North and South bordering
each other along the thirty-eighth paral-
lel? The question is how will we go about
resolving this issue? That is, we must
suffer more than both the North and
South Korean people. Through hard-
ships, our patriotism will be solidified
to encompass the nation and become
the shortcut to save Korea. This is the
solution. It is the same for the unifica-
tion of the world of evil and the world of
good. Loyal patriots who are more faith-
ful than the loyal patriots of the world
of evil must emerge. This broken history
can be restored with the appearance of a
person who can demonstrate a stronger
allegiance to the world than that held by
our loyal ancestors. That’s how I see it.
(61-125, 1972.8.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1542

Christ at his Second Advent is com-
ing to save humanity. Once the heaven-
ly standard has been established, God is
ready to strike. He takes the offensive.
That does not mean that He kills His
foes by executing them in the style of
Stalin; instead, He makes them surren-
der at once. He must make Satan sub-
mit to Him, firstly through His ideology,
secondly through His citizenry, thirdly
through His sovereignty, and fourthly
through His territory. Everyone desires
to have ideals, friends, power, and mon-
ey, and these four items represent the
four that have been listed above. (12-169,

Richard:  This is a helpful way to think about Cheon Il Guk, or the nation of God.  When you have ideals (an ideology), friends (people or citizens), power (sovereignty) and money (land, territory) you have the basic elements of a “nation”.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

In that state, you who are searching for the world of the heart should not have faith for your sake. Please discard the thought of going to heaven or the thought of trying to accomplish something out of personal motivation.

Jesus never had the thought of entering heaven himself. His notion of faith was believing for the sake of the universe, the nation and God. These are not fanciful words. It was the truth. How invigorating it is to have faith in doing something, not for myself, but for humanity, the world and for the Father!

If I love something, it is not to love it myself, but to love it in the name of the nation, humankind and God, and to live for the sake of others in the name of Heaven and earth. Therefore, we should attend God in the name of humankind and Heaven. We should also have a grateful heart as we attend God and the heart to practice what we believe. Continue reading “Discard the Thought of Going to Heaven Out of Personal Motivation”

Rectify Yourself to Walk the Path of Goodness

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2114

You have entered the global age and
although you may be in an individual
position, you are connected to the great-
est saints of the world. If you have the
character of heart and live a saintly life,
you will have the spiritual foundation
through which spirits will freely assist
you when needed. So now, with respect
to the current activities of the Unifica-
tion Church, the patriots of each nation
have returned to their previous coun-
tries on earth and set up homesteads
around the foundation of the Unifica-
tion Church. Until now, the number of
people who died is tens or hundreds of
times greater than the current popula-
tion of the nation, is it not? They have
come and are now waiting for us to
expand our work. This is why all mis-
sionaries should lead national move-
ments and mobilize everyone. If they
give the order to march forward togeth-
er with the spirit world and on behalf of
everyone, these spirits cannot but help.
(162-108, 1987.3.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 745

We should offer sacrifices to God
with a theoretical system and practical
foundation with which we can subjugate
the spirit world. This ceremony of sacri-
fice was today’s morning pledge service
(November 17, 1990, the 31st Children’s
Day). In that place, I prayed that since
the time had come, the current that had
been flowing in reverse through heaven
and earth must now flow in the right
direction. Since God has restored the
birthright of the firstborn, all second
sons to be born in the future and those
existing now are under His rule. Conse-
quently, in the era of the second son after
the restoration of the birthright of the
firstborn, heavenly law cannot condone
the devil’s sphere of activities.

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48

Goodness is never realized by one’s self. It is realized when one transcends one’s self, one’s environment, nation and world and connects with the highest goodness of the Creator. Goodness is possible only through a course of accomplishment.

We must understand that we should find the direction of goodness, understand its destination, and move in that direction. At the same time, we must become goodness itself and leave behind the accomplishments of a good life. It is not an overstatement to say that no one in history has ever understood this truth and led his life responsibly and confidently. God has worked laboriously with human beings. For 6,000 years God has been guiding human beings, who do not know how to repay His work and who are not grateful for His having saved their lives.

If this course of historical sorrow does not end in your generation, it will continue with your descendants. If you cannot feel that this sorrowful course is active in your life, flowing within the life you breathe, there is no way you can truly say that you love your nation and Heaven. Continue reading “Rectify Yourself to Walk the Path of Goodness”

Heaven is Pursuing Goodness

Ezekiel 3

Listen carefully to everything I say and then think about it. 11 Then go to the people who were brought here to Babylonia with you and tell them you have a message from me, the Lord God. Do this, whether they listen to you or not.

Richard:  We cannot control what people will do when they hear the truth of God’s Word.  Our responsibility is to give the Word with a loving heart.

Isaiah 31

The Egyptians are mere humans.
    They aren’t God.
Their horses are made of flesh;
    they can’t live forever.
When the Lord shows his power,
he will destroy the Egyptians
    and all who depend on them.
Together they will fall.

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48

The topic of the sermon I want to speak upon is “Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots.” Let us become those who love Heaven and the nation.

Originally, human beings were to love Heaven, love their brothers and sisters, and love this land. They should have loved Heaven, people and the earth.

When God created humans, His goal was for them to love in such a way. Yet all who are living on the earth today have lost the ability to love Heaven, their brothers and sisters, and the earth, because they are fallen descendants. This is the grief caused by the fall. Continue reading “Heaven is Pursuing Goodness”