The Spirit World Is Devoid of Power Consciousness

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2031

    The people who behaved as they wanted, saying that they were the leaders, will have to bow their heads toward the people whom they contemptuously mistreated. When that happens, do you think your relatives will be pleased or not? It is the same thing when you go to your hometown and become the leader for 360 men and their wives, a total of 720 people. Is anything more needed? You should invite your relatives to a feast and pass out presents you brought on a truck. If you do this, you can bring everyone to your side smoothly within one evening.
    Why am I saying this? Centering on your own actions, are you going to bring one hundred people, one thousand people, or ten thousand people? If all of you say you will bring ten thousand people, there are not enough people. That is also a problem. You should be fully aware of what is happening around you, leaving little bits of food for others to eat as you go forward. If you try to finish everything quickly, it will not work. You should do everything at an average pace. Pick up and eat things one by one. Do you understand? (237-305, 1992.11.17)

Richard:  Home Church is a core ministry of the Unification Movement.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

    What is a filial son? It means a son who devotes his life in love to attend his parents. Then what is a loyal subject or patriot? We call a person a loyal subject or patriot when he is rooted in love, sacrifices himself and offers his life for his king who represents God. A saint is one who lives for the sake of the people of the world. He is a person who resolves to offer his life in loving all people regardless of the differences in their cultural background, national boundaries or race. A saint tries to lead people to the path of loving others not momentarily, but eternally. Taking this a step further, what is a divine son or daughter? Divine sons and daughters are ones who can offer their lives based on love, not only for this world, but even for the infinite spirit world, and for God. Everything is rooted in love. (143-151, 1986.3.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1371

If you were to compare a Japanese couple with an international couple, which would you say is the higher? You must serve the international couples. It is the same for Mr. Furuta and Mr. Oyamada as well. On whose shoulders lies the most important responsibility of leading Japan in the future? It is in fact the traditional standpoint of heaven to gradually appoint those who have intermarried as the leaders. This is not the case at present, but you should bear in mind that it will happen. The same is true for the United States. This is the first time I have spoken about such things in public. I am telling you because the time is ripe. (217-54, 1991.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 3

The Spirit World

Section 3. The Content and Situation of the Spirit World

3.6. How to use knowledge and power in the spirit world

    You can make as much money as you want in the spirit world. God is the King of knowledge. Knowledge, money, and power are but some of the values people pursue during their physical life. Can professors boast of their knowledge forever? Can they go around showing it off? It lasts only a lifetime. Your knowledge is with you only during your life and the same for your money and power. Thus, do not boast of your knowledge, money or power. God regards them as valueless. They are all valueless in the spirit world. (203-291, 1990.6.27) Continue reading “The Spirit World Is Devoid of Power Consciousness”

Success or Failure in Life is Decided in a Moment

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2036

    First, you must choose an area of 360 houses for your Home Church. If you do not decide on the 360 homes of the Home Church altar, the principled significance disappears, and it cannot become the conditional altar that would allow spirit world to return to earth. That is why it is important to choose 360 homes first. If you do not decide the altar of 360 homes first before everything else, you cannot establish the meaning of Home Church. To be victorious on the altar of 360 Home Church houses, you must pour out your blood, sweat, and tears. If you completely restore those 360 homes and are victorious, I will bequeath to you the glory of all my victories.
    In other words, this is the condition for you to inherit the position I stand on, the position to restore through indemnity God’s heart of restoration. The 360 Home Church work we are doing corresponds to the Cain-like angelic world. If you succeed with the 360 Home Church houses of the Cain-like angelic world, your own Abel-like tribe will restore itself automatically. If you witness to these 360 Home Church houses, you will become the tribal messiah of the Cain-like angelic world. After that, your own tribe will welcome you, and you will become an Abel-like tribal messiah.
    Centered on this earth, we must establish Home Church wherever we go. We must create a movement of 360 Home Church houses. That is a clan. It is a special clan. If we do not liberate that clan, a special clan cannot come into being. Originally, we should accomplish this after the third seven-year course is completed. However, you are doing this work during the third seven-year course. It may seem like a dream to you, but it is a fact. (105-158, 1979.10.14)

Find out more about Home Church.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1475

    The Lord of Creation has placed every part of His form in the face of human beings. Hence, God’s characteristics can all be found in the human face. The eyes symbolize God. Thus, when a being comes into existence, the first feature to develop is the eyes. Since the center of the universe is God, the eyes symbolize Him. Therefore, you can tell just by looking into the eyes of someone, indeed anyone, whether that person is conscientious or not. (39-247, 1971.1.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1268

    What should an adopted son do? He must be engrafted to the true son. The wild olive tree must be cut off at the root, and then the sprout of the true olive tree can be engrafted into it. It would be as if there were a movement to convert all the wild olive trees into true olive trees. In order to be reborn, you need to inherit the lineage of True Parents. That is why the whole of humanity hopes for True Parents, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit yearned to carry out the marriage feast of the Lamb. (19-164, 1968.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 916

    The Unification Church allows for honoring ancestors and should carry on that tradition. In the future, however, this will be done with reference to the True Parents, and will thus differ from the secular tradition in the secular world. By attending the heavenly Parent, the heavenly kingdom and the heavenly ancestors, a royal domain will emerge, one where we can eternally attend the realm of tribal messiahship as part of the mainstream lineage and bequeath the way of attendance to succeeding generations. It will be a nation where we can attend the King, and sing praises for the eternal reign of peace and prosperity. You, your mother, father, family and tribe can go directly to heaven only after having lived in such a nation. (220-221, 1991.10.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.10. When entering the spirit world

2.10.1. At the time of impending death

    Success or failure in life is not decided over decades, but in a moment. Compared to a human lifespan, birth occurs in but a brief moment. Of course, we spent ten months in our mother’s womb leading up to our birth, but that was a period of preparing for that one moment of birth. Ultimately, no matter how good the preparations may have been during those ten months, if the baby does not pass through the decisive moment successfully, it meets a tragic fate. Continue reading “Success or Failure in Life is Decided in a Moment”

True Fruit and False Fruit Will Reveal their True Identity

New Richard Urban Show:
#173-Kevin “KC” Christian on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Happy 33rd Anniversary of Day of God’s Eternal Blessing!  (August 4th, July 1, heavenly calendar)
For the holiday, we present the special reading below from the inauguration day of this holiday.

The Ceremony Of The Declaration Of God’s Eternal Blessing

Reverend Sun Myung Moon
July 1, 1991
Seoul, Korea

I just arrived from Alaska. I am making a special visit because this time has great significance from the point of view of the dispensation.

The Meaning of July 1, 1991

The first day of July this year is not an ordinary first day of July. From the point of view of the history of the dispensation, this is the central year of the three-year course, which itself is a transitional period in history. The flow of history must now change. The democratic world and the communist world have lost their direction completely, and the religious world has also fully lost its direction. All foundations in which men took pride have been destroyed. This had to take place.

When the autumn arrives, the true fruit and false fruit will reveal their true identity. False fruit naturally will enter the fire and burn, and true fruit will be reaped. But from the perspective of the dispensation of restoration or salvation, we are not interested in many fruits. The fruit of realization which religions seek is not many but only one. Although there are many religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism and so forth, the fruit they pursue is one.

Who is the owner of that fruit? It is not some sovereign. It is not some nation. People who rule over nations cannot reap the fruit and the many religious groups cannot each reap this fruit and claim it as their own. The fruit must represent some particular religious group that represents all religious groups, which reaps the matured fruit to be received as the fruit of God. Continue reading “True Fruit and False Fruit Will Reveal their True Identity”

Home Church Is The Base Of The Kingdom Of Heaven

Happy True God’s Day!
Enjoy the special reading below for the holy day, and have a great holiday!

Reverend Sun Myung Moon,
January 1, 1980, Midnight
World Mission Center

The year of 1979 is finally over. The year of 1980 has dawned with great hope and glory. In 1980 we can find a very important number, eight. As we learn in the Divine Principle, the number eight denotes a new beginning and new hope. The Unification Church just welcomed the 1980’s. Now what is the goal and direction of our movement? This year our job is to undertake substantially the home church providence.

From the providential point of view, the third seven-year course would have been turned entirely into the home church crusade. The goal and slogan I gave on the first day of 1979 was “Home Church and the Completion of the Kingdom of Heaven.” The new slogan for 1980 is “Home Church is the Base of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

This slogan shows us that without home church the Kingdom of Heaven cannot become a reality. What kind of Kingdom of Heaven are we talking about? The Kingdom of Heaven is where there is rest and Sabbath, where there is true joy and happiness. When you take that rest do you do it all by yourself? You want to enter the kingdom together with your wife, with your children and parents, with your tribe, your nation and the world. No matter how much you are longing and ready to take Sabbath, if your parents are not in a position to take Sabbath with you, or your wife or children, then certainly you cannot very well take rest. In the Unification Church you are proud of having True Parents. If you are serving them but they are not in a position to take rest or have peace then would you take a rest all by yourself?

Continue reading “Home Church Is The Base Of The Kingdom Of Heaven”

Does God Really Exist?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2037

If we lose America, even if we lose the entire earth, but you hold on to true love, God becomes yours, heaven becomes yours, and the even the earth automatically become yours. Is that conclusion wrong or right? Then, what are you worried about? Even if you say, “Man, I hate Home Church,” it is just a bunch of noise. With true love, the more difficult it is, the greater its value. (104-151, 1979.4.29)

To work hard in your Home Church while you are living on earth is a blessing. Life is short. (142-297, 1986.3.13)
Richard: Home Church is a service ministry to 360 (or more) contiguous homes in your neighborhood. It is the ‘launching pad’ for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1071

You should offer a prayer of gratitude even if you are strongly chastised by your husband, saying, “How can I expect my husband never to reprimand me? Thank you.” (27-88, 1969.11.26)

Richard: Below, we begin our study of the entire Cheon Seong Gyeong, published in 2006.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 1

The Original Being of God

Section 1. God is the Incorporeal Subject Partner

1.1 The Incorporeal God

    God is without form. If we should conceive of Him as large, He is infinitely large, and if we should conceive of Him as small, He is infinitely small. (35-156, 1970.10.13)

    Does God really exist? Can God be felt as more real than the pain that makes you say “ouch” when someone pinches you, or more real than the experience of eating when you are hungry? This is the question. When we know that God truly exists, all problems will be solved. (89-72, 1976.7.11) Continue reading “Does God Really Exist?”