Cheon Seong Gyeong 681
Where are you now? You must know your location. You must know where you are. Satan and God are dividing you up between them based on the fulfillment of your portion of responsibility. They are saying, “This person is yours, that person is mine.” People who do not fulfill their portion of responsibility will not belong to God. Satan will claim them as his.
While longing for God’s love, ideal conjugal love and ideal filial love, fulfill your portion of responsibility. You cannot do that by saying, “I need money. I need this and that. I must educate my children.”
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1068
Up to the point when they die, parents should bequeath the heavenly tradition. For what does a family exist? Even though it exists for the children, first of all it should serve God and the nation. In the end, this is the path that will benefit your children. Only then can your children gain the fortune of God and the fortune of the world and nation. Accordingly, even though your precious children born after your Blessing go through suffering, you should not align yourself with them but rather with the fortune of God, the world, and nation. (21-87, 1968.11.3)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8
The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents
Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents
2.4. Phenomena occurring after the proclamation of True Parents
2.4.4. There will be no conflict in the future
Until now Koreans have never even once invaded a foreign land. The Korean people are a race who have deep affection and love for humanity. From this point of view, I can say that the Korean people are close to the realm of God’s heart because they have sacrificed more than any other people. Continue reading “The Kingship that Proceeds from God Will Be Established”