The Physical World Is the Subject in Achieving Perfection

Cheon Seong Gyeong 672

   Do you know what kind of place the spirit world or heaven is? It is the world to which altruistic people go. Egoists can never go there. They go to hell. Even famous ministers do and they will know where they are once they get there. Our Unification Church tries to save our enemies, even the communists. Yet the communists want to cut off the heads of the Unification Church members. That is the difference. So, what kind of thought should sway the world? We must be stronger than the communists. We must not grow strong by becoming evil people. If our strength is based on love through living for the sake of others, it will be enough to save the world.
    We are not people who are living in heaven, but rather are seeking to go to heaven. How long will such a life continue? Will it end today or last a decade or a century? What would you do if you died while doing that? Hence, you must be engrafted. Cutting off and engrafting must be carried out. (91-173, 1977.2.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1194

The democratic political system is a system of struggle. That is why we have to rise to the position of parents. Only then can the struggle be stopped. Siblings can all unite, centered on the parents. The world of peace starts from such unity. There is no other method. First, people need to find the True Parents, and then everything else including true children, true nation, and true peace can be found. There is no other way. (205-190, 1990.9.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 3. The Essence of Life

3.4. The purpose of life on earth is mind-body perfection

    What is the purpose of the Will? It is to perfect humankind spiritually and physically. Individually, our spirit represents the past and our body the present. Both worlds were invaded. We are to conquer the present satanic world physically and the past satanic world spiritually. When you triumph over both past and present by upholding the standard of mind over matter, your future will be blessed. (73-96, 1974.8.4) Continue reading “The Physical World Is the Subject in Achieving Perfection”

The Kingship that Proceeds from God Will Be Established

Cheon Seong Gyeong 681

    Where are you now? You must know your location. You must know where you are. Satan and God are dividing you up between them based on the fulfillment of your portion of responsibility. They are saying, “This person is yours, that person is mine.” People who do not fulfill their portion of responsibility will not belong to God. Satan will claim them as his.
    While longing for God’s love, ideal conjugal love and ideal filial love, fulfill your portion of responsibility. You cannot do that by saying, “I need money. I need this and that. I must educate my children.”

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1068

    Up to the point when they die, parents should bequeath the heavenly tradition. For what does a family exist? Even though it exists for the children, first of all it should serve God and the nation. In the end, this is the path that will benefit your children. Only then can your children gain the fortune of God and the fortune of the world and nation. Accordingly, even though your precious children born after your Blessing go through suffering, you should not align yourself with them but rather with the fortune of God, the world, and nation. (21-87, 1968.11.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.4. Phenomena occurring after the proclamation of True Parents

2.4.4. There will be no conflict in the future

    Until now Koreans have never even once invaded a foreign land. The Korean people are a race who have deep affection and love for humanity. From this point of view, I can say that the Korean people are close to the realm of God’s heart because they have sacrificed more than any other people. Continue reading “The Kingship that Proceeds from God Will Be Established”

Everything is Decided in an Instant

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New-Latest Richard Urban Show:
#134:  Absolute Sexual Ethics is the Solution to the Transgender Issue

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2452

    It is really rather amazing. I too have had sons and daughters and raised them, but I relate to my grandchildren rather as friends. That is, we became friends.
    As people grow old, we tend to feel lonely. Our environment changes and our sphere of activity is reduced. In this way, we start to form tight bonds with our grandchildren.
    This process leads to the perfection of the grandparents, and also the perfection of the parents; they come to create a single seed together. When the top place or position is connected with this point, everything becomes connected. Only when these two are linked can the one seed be created.
    That is how both the grandfather and the father are perfected, making one seed, and that is why everything has to become connected when the top is connected to this point. Only when the two generations are connected together can the one seed be created.
    Thus, centering on the sons and daughters of Adam’s family, centering on them as the one single model, and horizontally, being connected centering on the royal descendants of this direct line, the family is expanded horizontally. Without becoming a seed that has experienced the three great realms of heart, expansion is impossible. (283-79, 1997.4.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1028

You should be sweating when you give a sermon. Sweat should be running down your spine. It has to be done with tears and sweat. This is an ironclad rule. (160-194, 1969.5.12)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

Noah’s Family

Noah set the Foundation of Faith, but due to Ham’s mistake, the Foundation of Substance failed.  Therefore, no Foundation for the Messiah was set in Noah’s family.
Here, we see once again the importance of the human portion of responsibility.  No matter how small it is compared to God’s portion of responsibility, it is essential that it be accomplished for God’s will to be done.  We also see that we need to see God’s viewpoint, not just act according to our own way of thinking.  If we don’t know, we should be humble enough to ask.  Then, God will teach us at the right time.  The sum total of all instances adds up to our life.  Thus, everything is decided in an instant.  See slides 10 to 12 below:



Human Perfection Requires Our Own Portion of Responsibility

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2345

    I pray that from today the powers of evil will retreat and the powers of goodness will advance and, by assuming overall command and leadership, strive to establish the new heavenly civilization, so that the glory and grace of heaven will fill the entire cosmos and all Blessed Families worldwide will inherit the sovereignty of the love and liberation of the physical and spirit worlds, and thereby become worthy to be the registered Blessed Families of the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity.
    On this day and in this place where the Cosmic Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth have attained oneness of mind and body, I declare and direct that everyone will strive to achieve the age of sovereignty of the one ideal, of the unified world of Cheon Il Guk based on the liberation of heaven. I pray that You will let us achieve everything in accordance with our desires. I report this in the name of the True Parents. Amen! Amen! Amen! (404-288, 2003.2.6)
Prayer given at the “Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening Cheon Il Guk” and the “Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic True Parent and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth” conducted on February 6, 2003.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1270

The fruits that Christians have produced through their lives of faith are the fruits of the wild olive tree. In order to produce fruits of the true olive tree, they need to be cut off at the base and have the sprout of the true olive tree engrafted on to them. If the sprout cannot be engrafted, the tree should be pulled up completely and burned to ashes. If the wild olive tree is not uprooted completely, it will produce further fruits, which will then be strewn around the tree and will grow into more wild olive trees.

Richard:  All Christians need to receive the Holy Marriage Blessing from True Father Moon and his bride, the True Parents.  If not, Christianity will gradually become weaker and weaker.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 148 to 151 below about the growing period and the human portion of responsibility.


The Marriage of Adam and Eve Is God’s Marriage

The latest Richard Urban show:
#126-Character Has Consequences and the Core of Character Is Sexual Ethics

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2063

We should do Tong-ban breakthrough activities, do you understand? In your village, if you think about the people according to each clan, and you have one hundred homes, how many ban (home neighborhoods) does that make? Only by going down to the ban will you move a Mr. Lee of the Lee clan, or a Mr. Pak of the Pak clan. In this way you can move everyone in the area. Since it was in the family that the seeds were sown incorrectly which led to its ruin, it is in the family that you must harvest the results and make a heavenly family that can prosper. Your destiny rests in fulfilling this. Let’s bring this matter to a closing point. (210-291, 1990.12.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1124

    Until now, people have not understood their portion of responsibility and so have not understood the twists and turns of the past. Why were good people sacrificed while things went well for evil people? If you look at history, why is it that dictators ruled the world, while even when a good king did emerge he was not able to unite the world? Only the dreams of unifying the world that dictators have advocated are recorded. That is because this is Satan’s world.
    Because the realm of the human portion of responsibility was invaded, even if we look at all humanity, at all the people in the earthly world, and even at all the ancestors who were here and who went to the spirit world, there has not been a single person who could fulfill this portion of responsibility. This can be understood through the Principle. I did not just randomly put these concepts together. If we do not understand the issue of human responsibility, we cannot resolve all the complications of history. Why has history been one of war? Through the fulfillment of the portion of responsibility, conditions of goodness can overcome the conditions of the evil world. We must carry on the fight, grappling with those who have become part of the fallen satanic world. That is why history reflects the conflict between good and evil. (137-266, 1986.1.3)

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 96 to 99 below.