Cheon Seong Gyeong 2249
It is in the true family that our pure, true love grows and is perfected. The true family is the initial stage on which true parental love, true conjugal love, true filial love and true fraternal love are put into practice, and jointly grow to fruition. The true family is the fundamental nucleus of a peaceful world, for it is here that we learn about God’s true love through true parental love; it is here that we are trained by means of true fraternal love to acquire true universal love for the true nation and for all people of the true world. Not only that, but the true family is the basic unit of historical connection, for it is through true love being handed down from parent to child that the generations of past, present, and future are connected together in a consistent value system of true love. (288-199, 1997.11.28)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1037
When you pray, you pray in the name of the True Parents. What are the parents? Do not think of this word only with regard to myself and True Mother; rather, think of the level of the True Parents in terms of the mother and father who can embrace the world at a higher level and truly love all people as one by transcending racial or national feelings. This is why I also pray in the name of the True Parents. (33-143, 1970.8.11)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 2
Death and the Spirit World
Section 2. Understanding Death
2.7. Things to do before we die
2.7.7. Experience love
Do not just think of yourselves, saying, “I am the only one!” Are you only limited to your own selves? If all the elements from your mother and father and all elements supplied to you from the things of creation were removed from you, you would disappear. Then, what is the being called the self? It is a position that represents the mother and father. You live through your mother and father by going through the period 590 Book 5 • Earthly Life and the Spirit World in the womb, inheriting their blood and flesh, and being provided for by them. Continue reading “Do Not Think “I Am the Only One””