Maturity Means Waiting for Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1470

Where is the righteous path in life? From where did human beings originate? They were born from love; then what path should they follow in life? It is that of love. For what should they die? The logical conclusion is love. What kind of love is that? It is that which can be welcomed by the macrocosm, not just the microcosm. The purpose of life can be perceived as originating in the heart of the macrocosm and approved by God, the angelic world, all creation, all people, and our parents. That purpose is to live in the universe, to love in it, and to die in it. (83-164, 1976.2.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 860

God is the Creator who made heaven and earth. He is the origin, the very parent of all beings in this world. He is the origin of the value of all existence. Because of Him, this phenomenal world of today came to exist. Such an absolute being does not change according to the changing of the ages. An absolute being does not change. He is not limited by time and space. He transcends all limitations and is the one who governs every limitation. Who is that being? We do not only call Him God. He is our “Father,” so we call Him “Heavenly Father.” What do you call God? He is your Father who gave birth to you. The word “rebirth” exists because of the Fall, but it was God, your Father, who originally gave birth to you. Your physical father forms a bridge between you and God. But after your physical father goes to the spirit world, you will call him your brother, not your father. In the same way, you will call your physical mother your sister. (21-249, 1968.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 1

The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 5. The Time for Adam’s and Eve’s First Love

God told Adam and Eve “not to eat of the fruit,” because it was not the time for them to love. Since they were still in their growth period, God gave the commandment to wait until they became mature. (Blessed Family – 310) Continue reading “Maturity Means Waiting for Love”