You Can Go to Heaven if You Are Grateful All the Time

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#174-Tricia Jackson on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 291

    Essentially, what have we been trying to do during the Old Testament, New Testament, and Completed Testament Ages? We have been trying to bring God inside us. Who is the root? God is. God is the root of humankind. Originally, True Parents were not the root. True Parents also came from God, who is the root. Before Adam and Eve fell, they were in the position of God’s son and daughter. But after their Fall, all things of creation came to be in a higher position than Adam and Eve. This happened because Adam and Eve fell. Through the Fall, they sunk lower than all things. Since all things became higher than people, they have given their lives for humankind. They have shed blood in our place and through this, have worked to reverse the positions. This is why, in the Old Testament Age, offerings were sacrificed to pave the pathway for the sons and daughters to travel on.
    In the New Testament Age, Jesus came and sacrificed himself as a child to pave the way for Parents. Through martyrs shedding a great quantity of blood, Christians paved the road for the coming of the Parents in the age of the Second Coming.
    What is the relationship between Jesus and True Parents? Jesus is in the position of the Son, while True Parents are in the position of the Parents. I have said that Buddha is my disciple, Jesus is my disciple and Confucius is my disciple. Spiritual people can know everything if they pray. Wait and see. The Unification Church will be the center of religious unification in the end, correcting the standard for presidents, prime ministers, and all the proud politicians of the nations. This is my work, to accomplish this not by force, but by natural submission. (211-312, 1991.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1077

Is not happiness all about living and working for the sake of each other based on love? The wife lives for the sake of her husband, the children live for the sake of the parents, and the parents, grandparents, and grandchildren live for the sake of the family. When all members of a family strive to create something for the entire family rather than for their individual selves, when the grandfather, father, and mother and even the children are frugal in their personal spending in order to create something for the entire family, and when the entire family works hard to expand their common possessions, that household will prosper. For this reason, such a nest of love can expand from a place that refrains from spending money in order to save up and live for the whole. When these families spread out to society and the world, the ideal can be fulfilled. This does not happen centering on yourself or your own personal belongings. (167-214, 1987.7.19)

We continue our special reading for the Holy Day, The Declaration of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 10, 1997

In the future there will be no translation into Korean. Only those who can understand Korean will be invited to conferences. To the Japanese present, True Father said: You must learn Korean in three years. The Japanese way is not heaven’s way. Study Korean, study Korean, study Korean. When you go to the spirit world you should speak Korean, however in the spirit world one uses the language of the heart and therefore earthly languages are not so important. You should spend three times the amount of time you consume eating in studying Korean. Culture comes from language. Korean is a step above Japanese. Your descendants should know the language of your hometown. Those who have not studied Korean have felt it is not important. The Korean National Messiahs must teach Korean for three years. They must raise up someone can become the president of the country. For myself, I still have the mind to study the contents of the book. Continue reading “You Can Go to Heaven if You Are Grateful All the Time”