We Marry to Resemble God

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#184-Vaccine Choice for West Virginia-Kudos to Governor Patrick Morrisey

Cheon Seong Gyoeng 1957

I represent the heavenly kingdom, and I am the representative of the Adam nation that stands as God’s representative. If I stand in such a position, then I must seek the representative of the Eve nation. I had to find a nation that could display absolute obedience. Which one was that? It was Japan, which took the place of Great Britain. Since Satan had taken away what God loved, I am taking away what Satan loves most. That is Japan and Germany. (195-205, 1989.11.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 573

    Where do we ultimately go? To the spirit world. We call it the world after death, but it is not the world after death. It cannot become the world after because it is a world related with love. Since that world is related with love, it is not the world after death. Since it began centering on true love, when we come to practice true love, here now is the spirit world. That is why love is great. (144-198, 220, 1986.4.24)

   The directions of up and down, front and back, and left and right can only be harmonized through spherical movement. Without harmony between the vertical and horizontal, harmony cannot be created. Unity could not come about. Only love can bring about unification. Thus, the Unification Church argues the case for a unified ideal world based on true love because this conclusion conforms to the viewpoint of the Principle. (144-219, 1986.4.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life

5.4. Blessing and spirit world

5.4.2. The spirit selves of husband and wife

    We are the group that seeks the ideal of love. Therefore, we have to implant the ideal of love in the horizontal realm in order to stand as spokespersons for the spirit world. We should plant it as a seed. We can grow bigger through our give and take action centering on the heart of love. A couple bearing the fruit of love in this way will enter the spirit world becoming one body with God in the realm of His eternal love. (144-224, 1986.4.24) Continue reading “We Marry to Resemble God”

Renounce the Habits of the Satanic World

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1998

    What is the Unification Church? Where is it heading, with the right and left wings in its arms? It is guiding us to safely pass through this world of struggle and strife, and to enter a world of happiness, the world of utopia. This path is not a level one. It means that the Unification Church should be equipped with a logical system that can take responsibility for all the failures and wreckage caused by various ideological systems. At the same time, the Unification Church should also be able to take these ideologies into its arms and move them horizontally towards unity. It should strive for a transcendent form of existence, based on a spiritual awareness that can move them vertically as well, centering on religion.
    The Unification Church should have the capacity to systematically analyze all ideologies from either the human perspective, such as humanism and materialism, or the theo-centric perspective, past and present, and integrate them into one. At the same time, our Church members should embody the one theology that incorporates spiritual reality and experience, and connects all religions transcending denomination from the vertical perspective. (162-102, 1987.3.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 893

    The reason you suffer now is for the sake of finding the freedom of heaven. It is to create heaven even in hell. Even if you go to hell and act like a judge, those serving time in hell would say, “Since you went through it all, we cannot accuse you!” In this world if a person went down to this position or if he went down from a high level to a lower one, wouldn’t he make a fuss? He would say, “Why should I go there? Why should I go?” Going down to a lower position is something that would never happen in a society of brothers, but is only possible within the realm of the parental heart. God, the most High, can go all the way down to the bottom of hell. That is a 894 Book 6 • Our Life and the Spiritual Realm parent – a true parent. He would do that even if He were to be injured in His face or whatever may happen to His body. (116-115, 1981.12.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 4. The Nobility of Life on Earth

4.2. The preciousness of our life on earth

    If you are liberated, God will be liberated. If your family is liberated, so is the heavenly family. It is the same with earth and heaven. Accordingly, the biblical statement, “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven,” is elucidated by the oneness of the dual structure. Continue reading “Renounce the Habits of the Satanic World”

You Should Realize the Preciousness of Your Physical Body

Cheon Seong Gyeong 530

    Why was man created? Usually men say that they can live alone by themselves, so they don’t care why they were created. Yet man was born for the sake of woman. Without woman, there is absolutely no need for man. Actually, nothing was created for its own sake.
    Consider our five senses. Were our eyes created merely in order to look at themselves? In the same way our nose, ears, mouth and hands were all created for the sake of our partner. The force that can mobilize and focus all five senses is true love. Eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hands are the tools that were created for the sake of true love. Nothing was created for its sake alone. If people take things belonging to others, and use them as their own, aren’t they thieves? Therefore, any man who arbitrarily uses his five senses and his body for himself alone is a thief, because these were created for his wife.
    What is the difference between man and woman? Their bodies, and the sexual organs in particular. Then, who absolutely needs the male organ? It exists for the sake of woman. One of the sexual organs is concave and the other convex. Why were they created that way? Both could have been pointed or both could have been flat. Yet they were made differently. Why? Each of them exists for the sake of the other. Woman absolutely wants what is man’s and vice versa. You did not know that the female organ absolutely belongs to man, and the male organ absolutely belongs to woman. By occupying each other’s sexual organs, man and woman come to know love. Only through the experience of the two attaining perfect oneness can we know the highest level of love. Nobody can ever deny these facts. Everyone must acknowledge them. An ideal couple comes into being in the place where the two achieve complete unity. Absolute love exists in that very place. God will come and dwell in such a place where love is absolutely unchanging. (287-27, 1997.8.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1807

    What is the Fall? God desired through the ideal of creation to bequeath His direct lineage, starting from a family to form a tribe, people and a nation, to create a world of peace, namely God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven. What is God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven? There must be a house of love where God can dwell: within my body, in the family, nation, world, and in the infinite spirit world where nothing is impossible. The individual is a house which God can enter and inhabit, centered on true love. The family is formed by a couple in which man and woman are different and opposite poles. In the Garden of Eden, the family united by love was the place for God to come to dwell in. The mother and father were prepared to bear fruit – God’s grandchildren – as the seed connected to His lineage for all generations.
    What is the Fall? If God is the first generation, Adam is the second. The Fall refers to being unable to have a grandchild of the lineage in the third generation. Not being able to have grandchildren is the Fall. Did Adam and Eve give birth to sons and daughters after or before the Fall? They had sons and daughters after the Fall. So who married them? Adam and Eve had nothing to do with God and were driven away. They then married and gave birth to children as Satan’s offspring. Today, the six billion people on earth are the sons and daughters who have inherited the lineage of the fallen Adam and Eve – who were expelled, hid themselves and married wrongfully – and are thus headed for hell. They have nothing to do with God. (2000.3.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 2. We Should Develop a Loving Character During Our Earthly Life

How important is your life on earth? You only live once. It is a short moment, but you only live once. Compared to eternal life, earthly life is but a point in time. It is too short. During this period, you need to prepare for the spirit world where you will live after earthly life. With this idea you should stand in the center and control and overcome everything. Otherwise, you cannot achieve perfection. You should know this. (207-99, 1990.11.1)

Wouldn’t it be simple if a person ceased to exist at the end of his or her earthly life? However, people are meant to live eternally. They are meant to live eternally. This is good, but it is also a big problem. People are meant to live eternally. You do not know this because you have not had any spiritual experiences. But those who have had spiritual experiences can meet everyone, all the way from Adam to ancestors of thousands of years ago. (159-277, 1968.5.19) Continue reading “You Should Realize the Preciousness of Your Physical Body”