What Kind of Nation is America Today?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 533

    Typically a man thinks his sexual organ belongs to himself, and a woman thinks her sexual organ is her own. That is why the world is perishing. Everyone has been mistaken concerning the ownership of the sexual organs. People have been thinking that love is absolute, eternal and dreamlike, but had they known that the ownership of eternal love lies with the opposite sex, the world would not have become like it is today. There have been numerous PhD holders and scholars, and yet none of them has ever thought about this. Can any of you deny it? If you could ask your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, the original ancestors – and even God who is the Origin of the universe – they would all agree with this. It is an iron rule which will remain as a universal principle even after the universe has existed for billions of years. The natural conclusion is that when you stand before God, He will judge you as righteous or unrighteous according to this immutable law.
    In fact, the Fall of Adam and Eve originated in the violation of this law. Each of them erroneously thought that their sexual organ was their own. Due to this mistaken view, they were driven out and could not be acknowledged anywhere in the universe. In the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, masculinity and femininity – that is, the sexual organs – are reserved for the sake of one’s partner of love. Adam and Eve did not know this. Then why do the sexual organs exist? For love. Thus male and female exist in order to find love. (279-244, 1996.9.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 939

Is it just an ordinary thing for the spirit world to cooperate with me? However, now I must deal more severely with the spirit world and all other issues. When I see red, I can be fearsome. When I see red, I am merciless. I will wipe away all the historical indemnity, many times over. There is no way to comfort God who has seen blood spilled throughout the course of history. My idea is to stop this with my tears. (207-175, 1990.11.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 12

Seeking True Families

Section 6. The Fall: The Root of Free Sex and the Origin of Individualism

    Why did God grant Adam and Eve their sexual organs during their creation? Would He have married them when they reached maturity or not? The problem lies in their Fall, which changed their lineage. This is why God drove them out of the Garden of Eden.
    Originally, Adam and Eve were to have become God’s body and wife respectively. The Fall, in a sense, introduced a disease into God’s body and ideal, as Adam and Eve acted like His enemies. Continue reading “What Kind of Nation is America Today?”

Who Owns the Male and Female Organs?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1335

    Who are the 36 Couples? The first group within the 36 Couples consists of those who had married as they pleased, who were brought into the presence of God, and connected to Him through the Blessing. Next, the second group of couples consisted of those who were engaged but who did not marry before the Blessing. Matching and blessing people is not something I do casually. Why? Because these couples are for the sake of the salvation of all humankind. The third group is for virgin men and women. All already married couples should absolutely obey the first group of the 36 Blessed Couples. You will understand this more clearly when you go to the spirit world. The second group should absolutely obey the third group of couples.
    When the time comes for God’s will to be accomplished on earth, it will be the third group of the 36 Couples who will become the center. You are hearing this for the first time from me. So for whom would the Lord come first? He is not coming to see the already married couples. He is not coming to see people with failed relationships from the past. He is coming to find virgin men and women. (148-284, 1986.10.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1069

Beginning with the very first moment of love, you are one, not two anymore. Once you are a couple, you cannot behave individually but should mutually take responsibility for everything. (253-211, 1994.1.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 12

Seeking True Families

Section 3. Man Owns Woman and Woman Owns Man

    Around what axis do subject and object, or yang and yin, unite? Kissing? Love is abstract rather than concrete. What is the substantial body upon which love can settle? You do not know what makes man, man and woman, woman. It is none other than the sexual organs. Is there anyone who dislikes them? If you like them, how much do you like them? Continue reading “Who Owns the Male and Female Organs?”

Nobody Is Born With a Concept of “Myself”

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1735

Should not Adam and Eve’s wedding be God’s wedding? Where will you go to meet God, who created the object partner of His love to be superior to Him? Where will you go to unite with Him? Through the nose? Where would it be? This is a weighty matter. As such, the sexual organs, found in both men and women, are the original garden wherein God can reside. That is where His love is perfected for the first time. That is the place where concave and convex come together as one. That is where the perfection of human beings, that is, the perfection of woman, man and God, takes place centering on love. (261-220, 1994.6.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1141

If Christians and other people walking the path of faith are to resolve the bitterness caused by our ancestors having fallen prey to Satan’s accusations, having been trampled upon and victimized in massacres, they must clarify the identity of Satan and understand the heart of God in history, in the present age and His concerns about the future. This world will start turning only when God in tears is able to call people, “Oh, my sons, my daughters!” (8-130, 1959.11.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 12

Seeking True Families

Section 1. Nothing Was Created for its Own Sake

    What is the basis of individualism? One cannot claim anything as his alone. When a child, through the love of its parents, grows from an egg in the mother’s womb and is born, 99.999 percent of its existence is from the mother’s bone, flesh and blood, which was combined with the 0.001 percent from the father’s sperm. There is no concept of “myself alone” in nature. Nobody is born with a concept of “myself.” Continue reading “Nobody Is Born With a Concept of “Myself””

You Should Realize the Preciousness of Your Physical Body

Cheon Seong Gyeong 530

    Why was man created? Usually men say that they can live alone by themselves, so they don’t care why they were created. Yet man was born for the sake of woman. Without woman, there is absolutely no need for man. Actually, nothing was created for its own sake.
    Consider our five senses. Were our eyes created merely in order to look at themselves? In the same way our nose, ears, mouth and hands were all created for the sake of our partner. The force that can mobilize and focus all five senses is true love. Eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hands are the tools that were created for the sake of true love. Nothing was created for its sake alone. If people take things belonging to others, and use them as their own, aren’t they thieves? Therefore, any man who arbitrarily uses his five senses and his body for himself alone is a thief, because these were created for his wife.
    What is the difference between man and woman? Their bodies, and the sexual organs in particular. Then, who absolutely needs the male organ? It exists for the sake of woman. One of the sexual organs is concave and the other convex. Why were they created that way? Both could have been pointed or both could have been flat. Yet they were made differently. Why? Each of them exists for the sake of the other. Woman absolutely wants what is man’s and vice versa. You did not know that the female organ absolutely belongs to man, and the male organ absolutely belongs to woman. By occupying each other’s sexual organs, man and woman come to know love. Only through the experience of the two attaining perfect oneness can we know the highest level of love. Nobody can ever deny these facts. Everyone must acknowledge them. An ideal couple comes into being in the place where the two achieve complete unity. Absolute love exists in that very place. God will come and dwell in such a place where love is absolutely unchanging. (287-27, 1997.8.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1807

    What is the Fall? God desired through the ideal of creation to bequeath His direct lineage, starting from a family to form a tribe, people and a nation, to create a world of peace, namely God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven. What is God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven? There must be a house of love where God can dwell: within my body, in the family, nation, world, and in the infinite spirit world where nothing is impossible. The individual is a house which God can enter and inhabit, centered on true love. The family is formed by a couple in which man and woman are different and opposite poles. In the Garden of Eden, the family united by love was the place for God to come to dwell in. The mother and father were prepared to bear fruit – God’s grandchildren – as the seed connected to His lineage for all generations.
    What is the Fall? If God is the first generation, Adam is the second. The Fall refers to being unable to have a grandchild of the lineage in the third generation. Not being able to have grandchildren is the Fall. Did Adam and Eve give birth to sons and daughters after or before the Fall? They had sons and daughters after the Fall. So who married them? Adam and Eve had nothing to do with God and were driven away. They then married and gave birth to children as Satan’s offspring. Today, the six billion people on earth are the sons and daughters who have inherited the lineage of the fallen Adam and Eve – who were expelled, hid themselves and married wrongfully – and are thus headed for hell. They have nothing to do with God. (2000.3.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 2. We Should Develop a Loving Character During Our Earthly Life

How important is your life on earth? You only live once. It is a short moment, but you only live once. Compared to eternal life, earthly life is but a point in time. It is too short. During this period, you need to prepare for the spirit world where you will live after earthly life. With this idea you should stand in the center and control and overcome everything. Otherwise, you cannot achieve perfection. You should know this. (207-99, 1990.11.1)

Wouldn’t it be simple if a person ceased to exist at the end of his or her earthly life? However, people are meant to live eternally. They are meant to live eternally. This is good, but it is also a big problem. People are meant to live eternally. You do not know this because you have not had any spiritual experiences. But those who have had spiritual experiences can meet everyone, all the way from Adam to ancestors of thousands of years ago. (159-277, 1968.5.19) Continue reading “You Should Realize the Preciousness of Your Physical Body”

A Woman Dreams of Having a Husband Who Will Not Hurt Her

New The Richard Urban Show:
#174-Tricia Jackson on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1905

Up to this day, I have overcome everything from this most wretched world. So there isn’t anything that I do not know about. And there isn’t anything that I cannot do. I can do anything. If I go to a farming village, I can be the king of farmers. I know well what to cultivate on certain types of land. Also, when I go to the sea, I am the king of fishing; I am already famous with “Rev. Moon’s system” of catching tuna. Moreover, I can be the cameraman taking pictures1906 when all the people are cheering victoriously, and I can be the cook if I enter the kitchen where they cook meals. That is how the owner is, isn’t it? The owner is responsible for looking after all things. You must not forget the fact True Parents have worked behind the scenes in many activities. (229-67, 1992.4.9)

Cheon Seoong Gyeong 1029

By offering a tithe from your material possessions to God, you can establish a condition equal to having offered all that you have. Even if you do not offer everything to God, offering a portion of it with all of your heart and mind will enable the rest to be considered holy. The person who tithes will never perish. As days go by, his storage room will be filled with more material blessings. (31-239, 1970.6.4)

We continue our special reading for the Holy Day, The Declaration of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 9, 1997

The world wars were to pay indemnity to restore the world. Now the world is beginning to bow before conscience. At this time, God is making a foundation even for Christians to come back into the providence. We offer three cheers of Mansei on this day, but the time must come when the whole world offers three cheers of Mansei. We have to love all the creation, the air, the animals, the plants, centered on God.

For this reason, True Parents go to nature, to inform the creation how happy it will be to return to God. Nature, for its part, is delighted to meet the representatives of God on earth, the True Parents. We need to develop the leisure industry that can enable people to enjoy the creation. We will create natural areas where people will be moved by the beauty of nature. They will learn about God through nature. Nature has suffered at the hands of people, who in their ignorance have exploited it. Because of the fall, nature could not receive love through people. The purpose of creation is to be one with God.

Man and woman must be one with each other and one with nature. Everything was separated from God and from everything else through the misuse of the sexual organs of Adam and Eve. Now all things must be restored through absolute sex. God protects the Unification Church because the purpose is absolute love. Your mind and body must become one, centered on true love. You need to reach the point where you can be naked and still centered on God.

Continue reading “A Woman Dreams of Having a Husband Who Will Not Hurt Her”