Cheon Seong Gyeong 298
You should quickly work to hang up pictures in the homes of at least 120 families. Try to put up 120 or more. Placing pictures in those homes can be counted as a local level breakthrough. That is laying a foundation. Through this their ancestors in the spirit world will come every morning early and offer a bow to the picture. Turn on the light after one o’clock, two o’clock, or three o’clock to welcome them.
When your ancestors come, and after they have offered their bows, then after another two hours, at five o’clock, you should offer a bow. The spirits in the spirit world have not been able to attend True Parents. The ones who have gone to the spirit world are in the elder brother’s position and the ones here on earth are in the younger brother’s position. Since the younger brother has the eldest son’s birthright, that is, since the positions are now reversed, the one in the spirit world comes down and offers a bow. Their bows mean that they will help their descendants to prosper. This is what God does.
You should quickly work to hang up pictures in the homes of at least 120 families. Try to put up 120 or more. Placing pictures in those homes can be counted as a local level breakthrough. That is laying a foundation. Through this their ancestors in the spirit world will come every morning early and offer a bow to the picture. Turn on the light after one o’clock, two o’clock, or three o’clock to welcome them. When your ancestors come, and after they have offered their bows, then after another two hours, at five o’clock, you should offer a bow. The spirits in the spirit world have not been able to attend True Parents. The ones who have gone to the spirit world are in the elder brother’s position and the ones here on earth are in the younger brother’s position. Since the younger brother has the eldest son’s birthright, that is, since the positions are now reversed, the one in the spirit world comes down and offers a bow. Their bows mean that they will help their descendants to prosper. This is what God does.
Richard: Contact us if you would like a picture of True Parents for your home.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1251
The ideal of creation is not achieved centering on oneself. All hearts must become one with God, the subject. If He moves, I move. If He does not move, I do not move. In other words, the inside and outside must become one centering on unity of heart. The purpose of creation cannot be fulfilled unless the standard is set, through which you can become harmonized with God in the manner described above. (35-231, 1970.10.19)
Section 2. What Kind of Place Is the Spirit World?
2.1. The spirit world and the physical world
2.1.1. The center of the spirit world and physical world
You must be concerned about the spirit world. Today there are many religions in the world and their path is to search out the world where we can live eternally in relation to the spirit world, a world of eternal life, a world where we can live together with God. That world is the destination of religion. However, what has become of religion nowadays? It is on the decline and we have entered an era in which people are concluding that religion is only for the weak, and unnecessary for everyone else, or that it was created by people as a moral idea. Continue reading “The Purpose of Religion Is to Plant Within Us a Spirit Mind”