Why Did God Create Human Beings?

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    When male and female came into being, would the entire body have been made first, or the sexual organs? Is the gender, female or male, decided midway in the growth process, or is it decided at first with the coming into existence and then the being grows as such? How about it, Dr. Yoon? Isn’t it decided before they begin to grow? Such is the case. Who decides whether a being should be male or female? Can you become a male just because you want to be one? Women must remain absolutely as female, and men must remain as male. They cannot change back and forth.
    Can I become a woman like Mother through wishful thinking? It was already decided at the time I came into existence. It is determined at that moment when the sperm meets the ovum. The sexual organs are decided before the emergence of man and woman. One cannot be almost a man and then become a woman at the last minute. The man is a man absolutely, just as the woman is a woman absolutely. (197- 51, 1990.1.7)

Richard:  Here, amazingly, 34 years ago, Rev. Moon addresses clearly the transgender issue.

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Why should religious people obey absolutely? It is necessary in order for them to become absolute object partners in relation to the absolute Subject partner. And when facing evil, don’t you ever become its partner, even if you have to die. I am telling you, never become accomplices of evil! The commandment to love means that you should love people, but do not love the sin people are united with. You must understand this. (57-57, 1972.5.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 1

The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 2. God’s Absolute Requirements

    Why did God create the universe? Continue reading “Why Did God Create Human Beings?”