Cheon Seong Gyeong 1673
Man and woman have to walk the path to maturity individually. The man only realizes he has to marry a woman when he sees everything in the pair system living together and giving birth to their young. With the coming of spring, he observes cows, pigs, dogs, cats, mice and even locusts doing so and exclaims, “Oh, that’s how it is! One alone isn’t enough!” He is awakened, or as we say, enlightened to this fact. So far, man and woman had only directed their attentions toward each other obliquely, but then they realize, “Ah, the one I need is Adam!” and “The one I need is Eve!” (229- 321, 1992.4.13)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 855
In the spirit world, just by saying with a strong heart of love that you want to meet with a person who is a hundred million miles away, he will appear at once. If you ask him, “Why did you come here?” he will answer, “I came here because you called me.” If you ask him, “From how many miles away have you come?” he will reply that he came from a hundred million miles away. The spirit world transcends distance. It is to become the base for your activities, so why are people tying themselves up in knots for things that do not exist there, like money, knowledge and power? Such things do not exist at all in that world. Nothing related to those things will endure.
People need money, knowledge, and power in this world, but these things are not needed in the spirit world. If these are your focus, nothing in the spirit world will welcome you. Even if the spirit world were to show interest in you and want to unite with you, you could not have anything there. Nothing that stands against the original essence can become one with you there. You will not be able to catch the interest of the spirit world. (205-128, 1990.7.29)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 3
The Spirit World
Section 3. The Content and Situation of the Spirit World
3.3. The center of the spirit world
What is the center of the spirit world? It is a world structured and centered on the One Absolute God, the originator of the universe from the beginning. There is nothing He has not created. Since all things belong to Him, they feel as He feels and exist in relationship to Him. For example, the human body consists of one hundred trillion cells. When any of the cells at any part of the body feels something, it directly relays it to the brain. It is the same for all creatures that have been connected to their Creator since the universe was created. Continue reading “What Is the Center of the Spirit World?”