The Purpose of Politics Should Be to Bring About Peace

The Richard Urban Show:
#122 – Impeach Biden Now Over Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipelines
Listen to the Podcast

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2372

If you look carefully at the Family Pledge, you will learn the way to completely liberate yourself through restoration through indemnity. Those who recite the Family Pledge belong to the realm of perfected families, not the realm of families in the fallen world. The realm of families is established based on true love. So the unity of minds and bodies, previously separated because of the Fall, can now take place. It also means that you cannot recite the Family Pledge unless your minds and bodies are united. (264-244, 1994.11.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1668

Everything in the world was created by God as the textbook to help His beloved children attain the ideal of love. Thus, it was created with a reciprocal structure. Minerals exhibit subject object interaction, as do protons and electrons in the case of the atom. Nothing can continue in existence without engaging in action and motion. Thus, with human beings as the center, the universe is created to reach that central point. (137-59, 1985.12.18)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Reasons to Study the Original
Substance of Divine Principle

View slides 15 to 19 for today’s study: