Are there Women Who Say, “I Will Live Alone?”

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2018

    Because the world also will naturally follow the same pattern of the restoration of a homeland, we can establish a world of unified peoples by creating a nation that moves in one direction. This is the culture of Adam, isn’t it? That is the culture of true love. Your birth was because of love. If a man says he was born for himself, then he cannot embrace true love at all. Because true love is trying to embrace everything completely to the end, then it must give limitlessly and forget what it has given. That is why the universe comes to receive your embrace.
    In the heavenly world of the future, the time for living off a monthly salary will pass away. As couples, you must pay complete indemnity. Throughout the ages of history, the rule of all creation has been absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. Because of love, you also need faith and you also need obedience. Because of love. Even the God of the entire universe is obedient to infinite love. God invests and then forgets, and so we also invest and forget what we have invested. This is obedience.
    Absolute faith is based on absolute love. In order to achieve love, you need absolute obedience. Until death, you need love. Even if you die one hundred times over, you need love, so you must properly seek the way to it. That is why dying and going to the spirit world is not death but a way to seek God’s love. It is not dying. It is the way to find God’s love. God made the path of death for the sake of love. If your heart and mind cannot hold onto this higher level, then you cannot restore love. (296-50, 1998.10.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 923

    Christians have not known that God is a God of grief and a God of pain. Does God exist as the Holy King and Lord of Judgment? What is there for Him to desire that would make Him want to be the Lord of Judgment? Because of the Fall, God is compelled to act as a judge. Yet no one knows how to set this right. There is no one even in religious circles who knows this. The only place that knows is the Unification Church. (196- 172, 1990.1.1)

Study the Unification Principle:

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 6

Transformation during Young Adulthood, and true Marriage

Section 4. What Kind of Time is Young Adulthood?

    Ladies and gentlemen, in young adulthood, a young man feels as if he were a prince of heaven and earth. It is a time when one thinks of everything by turning it upside down self-centeredly. Since young adulthood is a period of rebellion, young people can, without recognizing it, take a dangerous path at any time. This is why the problem of youth today has become a global problem.
    In young adulthood, only things that center on you interest you. If something has a relationship with you, you are excited about it, no matter how insignificant it is. When you look at ladies around the age of twenty, they giggle for no reason. They laugh when they see a ripe persimmon drop from a leafless persimmon tree in the autumn.
    There is a mysterious connection: everything is related to them, arousing the highest emotion. Hence, young adulthood is a turning point when you can come in contact with everything and make a connection with it. Why is that so? It is because it is based on God’s original nature of creation, which seeks to completely – 100 percent – unite a man and a woman through God’s love. (33-332, 1970.8.23)

    No matter how pretty a lady may be, she has her young adulthood only once. At that time, she is the best of all flowers, and it is the most precious time of her life. Nevertheless, are there women who say, “I will live alone?” They are not women.
    Also, among men, are there some with fine bodies who yet say that they will live by themselves at this great pinnacle of youth? In such times, they will surely come to look for their partner. They are like this, and who do they resemble? They resemble God. Could we find such a person if God were not like this? God is like that. It is the same for men and women – in the heart of their youth, which is the most precious time of their life, they go out looking for their partner. (32-248, 1970.7.19)

    The most flowery time, the period of young adulthood when the flower is in full bloom, follows puberty. This is the seven years between the ages of eighteen and twenty four. These seven years frame a period when the beautiful flower of love blossoms and they are never repeated. How precious, then, is this beautiful period, which comes only once in your life?
    Ladies and gentlemen, you know the peony, don’t you? It buds with a very distinctive yellow flower. How many layers do you think one has? The petals are wrapped up tightly. Can you undo one? It is wrapped up tightly so it cannot be easily harmed. The same is true for men and women. When will you bring to full blossom your crimson love, the bud of love that is like peony flower? It is in this period that beauty, within the harmony of heaven and earth, reveals itself best. For human beings, it is the time of blossoming to the highest degree. It is a period to become the superb work of God and shine as His greatest expression.
    The most flowery and beautiful time in one’s development is the time of youth. Your looks in your youth are like the greatest flowers. A person who can love this period to the fullest will be invited to God’s living room. A man and a woman who practice this kind of love can receive God’s blessing and be invited into God’s living room. If you men understand this, you should prepare accordingly. (26-151, 1969.10.25)
pgs. 471-472