God sends Christ to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

My latest written blog: http://blog.visionroot.org/2016/10/24/is-hillary-clinton-really-a-woman-of-integrity-and-the-lesser-of-two-evils/

My latest video blog:

Is Hillary Clinton Really a Woman of Integrity and the “Lesser of Two Evils? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iYDKL87T4o
God is substantially calling us to be Kingdom Builders: The Kingdom is not built on lies and deception, such as the Hillary Clinton Campaign: Watch Pastor Hyung Jin Moon’s sermon, Kingdom Elect: https://vimeo.com/188574525

Joel 3

1“In those days and at that time,

when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem,

2I will gather all nations

and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.a

There I will put them on trial

for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel,

because they scattered my people among the nations

and divided up my land.

3They cast lots for my people

and traded boys for prostitutes;

they sold girls for wine to drink

Obadiah 1

5“If thieves came to you,

if robbers in the night—

oh, what a disaster awaits you!—

would they not steal only as much as they wanted?

If grape pickers came to you,

would they not leave a few grapes?

6But how Esau will be ransacked,

his hidden treasures pillaged!

7All your allies will force you to the border;

your friends will deceive and overpower you;

those who eat your bread will set a trap for you,b

but you will not detect it.

Let Us Become the Citizens Who Take Possession of the Kingdom of Heaven

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

So, if we cannot find the Kingdom of Heaven, the foundation of victory where we can rest for eternity, then God and Jesus that we have been believing in, or the shepherd and angels who are following cannot escape from the suffering caused by Satan. You who are connected to heaven must understand what kind of person you were raised as and what kind of mission rests in you.

We have infinite Heavenly value that allows us to stand before God. Therefore, representing human beings and all things, you must develop the one victorious ideology of the heavenly kingdom. After inheriting the many internal agonies of God, who has been exerting himself for 6,000 years, and by inheriting the agony of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, you are to become the victor who can overcome all historical sufferings. God has been searching for this kind of victor for 6,000 years. Therefore, if you do not become this kind of victor, then you cannot materialize the ideology of the kingdom of heaven that God is trying to grant you.

If today on this land of deep resentment, someone can establish the ideology of the Heavenly Kingdom on behalf of Heaven, earth and human beings, then he will become a precious person who brings to fruition the entire purpose of the exertions of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the countless prophets and believers, and represent them. This precious person is indeed the one who can save countless ancestors who betrayed God, save from sin the countless humans who are living in the world of sin at the present, and at the same time build God’s eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

The Kingdom of God that human beings have been seeking by transcending history, the Kingdom of Heaven that God hoped to build by sending Jesus to this earth. Human beings of the future hope for the emergence of the one precious person who can fully manifest that kingdom on this earth, while God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and countless prophets and believers have been at strenuous work for the sake of the appearance of that valuable person. If that person does appear on this earth, then God will bear the responsibility to eternally protect that person. This is the principle. Centering on that person, eternal nation and world must be formed on this earth.

We pitiable Korean people, when we look back, our people do not possess anything. There is nothing of which to be proud. We do not have anything valuable of which we can boast to the world.

However, if we transcend the nation and the people and exert ourselves for the sake of the countless humanity, then the Kingdom of Heaven will not first be realized in America, England or some other nation, but, despite the fact that we are pitiful people, we can go before God and before anyone else. We can claim the Heavenly Kingdom as our own. When this takes place, then the many people who are searching for heaven will not be able to go toward God without going through this people.

Then, what kind of mission and role must we fulfill to bring to pass this Kingdom of Heaven? We must make the effort to realize through us the Kingdom of Heaven, for which throughout the long history until now, people have been crying out, “Kingdom of Heaven, please dawn upon us!” even when they were being trampled upon and being torn apart while passing through the road of conflict, the road of death.

If that Heaven is realized on the individual level, in other words, if the individual Kingdom of Heaven in which Father can dwell is actualized, then Heaven must be realized also on the family level. Furthermore, it must be expanded on the society, nation, world and universal levels. You must feel the sense of responsibility to accomplish this Kingdom of Heaven first.

Although many believers and prophets have come and gone in the history until today, God has not been able to fully reveal his internal situation to human beings through them. However, if there emerges a person who can fully divulge the internal situation of God and possess the key to the treasure chest inside the heavenly palace in the dead center of the Kingdom of Heaven, then because of him, God cannot but dwell on this earth.

Richard:  Christ is the one who comes to build the Kingdom.  This was Jesus and is the person of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

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