Inherit the Heart of Love, Patience and Loyalty from Jesus

Happy New Year!

Jeremiah 11

20But, O LORD of hosts, who judges righteously, who tests the mind and the heart, let me see your vengeance on them: for unto you have I revealed my cause.

Ezekiel 38

7Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.

Jesus’ True Heart for God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 4, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Then what is the source of Jesus’ love, patience and loyalty? They are not from Jesus himself. Jesus was only playing the role of a mediator who could connect the love of God to humans. Jesus, who came to save ignorant humans, was the incarnation of God’s love and a substantial being with God-like value.

Then how could Jesus manifest God’s love, which had not existed before in history? He could overcome any difficulties for God and His will, and could even give up his own life. That is why God’s love could dwell with him, and for the first time in human history, he could personally incarnate the love of God. When Jesus came to this earth and sought God’s love, he did not place a priority on logic. He did not talk about the definition of love or its logic. He represented human history in the light of actualizing love. He did not mention anything that he personally did not feel or actualize. It was because he knew that one could have an eternal relationship with God only through real acts.

Then where did Jesus’ actualized love come from? It was not from Jesus himself. Because he could fathom God’s inner heart, he could also create such an inner standard of heart. People did not know this.

Then what is God’s love like? Today people on earth betray God and others and change their hearts many thousands of times, but God cannot do it. God’s love is eternal and unchanging. Because man did not know such a heart of God, people did not believe and betrayed each other.

Then where is God’s patience coming from? The reason God has been leading a dispensation of struggle was to fulfill love. Also, the reason He has been endlessly patient with evil has been to establish the ideology of a good life. That is, to establish the standard of the unchanging heavenly laws to create a true human, He has been patient for 6,000 years. To fulfill the true will of God in this way, by finding a person who resembles God and can represent the value of all humankind, God has first been loyal to humans and infinitely patient with them before He expected them to be the same to Him.

Therefore, to achieve the will of God, who operates centered on heavenly principles, you should experience the same situations felt by God. He has been unceasingly loyal to humankind. The heart of God, who has been continuously sacrificing Himself to establish His will and who has been endlessly transcending even Himself to establish the ideas for the future, has the limitless desire to give. You should understand that you cannot stand before God with any kind of your own views or concepts.

Who could receive the love of God, who had been patient for 4,000 years to give His infinite love? There was no one but Jesus. Jesus knew this, and he could be grateful for the love of God even when he felt lonely.

Then where was there a person of character who understood that God had been sad for 4,000 years and that He had been patiently fighting Satan during that time? Who know that God could be proud of himself, by manifesting the result of the value of that patience? Again, it was Jesus alone. Thus, Jesus, who had to walk the path of Heaven’s principles on behalf of God’s patience carrying the hope of God, who wished that he could lead humans the right way, was sunk into grief.

The Saints in the Last Days Who Should Follow Jesus’ Example

Therefore, you should also feel God’s loyal heart as Jesus did. Thus, you should realize that you should not only remain in the position of the prodigal son, but could represent the full value of God’s principles as the ideas of the creation. You should also realize that the heavenly value and historical value can be compared with one’s own value.

We should take after Jesus, who felt the love, patience, and loyalty of God. He understood that he who was found through God’s 4,000 years of toil and patience and that he was the hope of God. We should inherit his love, loyalty and patience. You should understand the heart of Jesus, who desired to find one such person.

Because Jesus represented the love of heaven and came to the earth as the historical being who could represent heavenly loyalty (that is, because he came as a person of principles to this earth) all the struggles in Heaven were transferred to earth. We should understand this.

We can inherit his unfulfilled mission. If such a person does not appear, not only it is impossible for Jesus to come back to earth; he also cannot have a relationship with people on earth. No one could understand the sorrow of God, who was in the position of watching Jesus. This was indescribable. Also, Jesus himself felt unbearable sorrow, thinking of God who had been toiling for 4,000 years only to find Jesus alone in the position of climbing over the path of death. Jesus, who understood the lingering sorrow of God, prayed, “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Yet not as I will, but as You will” (Matthew 26:39).

Then how could Jesus who had died on the cross be resurrected? Because Jesus could laugh at Satan and his enemies who were ridiculing his death, without losing his dignity as God’s son. He pioneered a path as a master of the universe transcending his death, which Satan could not do. Also, by inheriting patience, love and loyalty, which do not exist in the satanic world, Jesus did something unimaginable in the world of Satan. That is, he could bless the enemies who killed him. Therefore, he could be resurrected and Christians could be reborn through their faith in the resurrection of the Lord.

As you understand the principles of heaven established by God, today you should take after the example of Jesus, who marched forward with the determination that he would never change even if he perished thousands and thousands of times. Also, by resembling the loyalty and patience established for us by Jesus, we should become a successor to and a child of the resurrection who can inherit his unaccomplished work and actualize it on the earth.

You should form a Shim Jung relationship with God in which you do not change, whether in happiness or sorrow. Multiply God’s love together and become the people who can fight the battle against Satan on behalf of Jesus. Such a person is a brother or sister of Jesus, and a person whom God had been anxious to find during the past 2,000 years.

You who are living in the last days, by taking after the love, patience, and loyalty of Jesus, as his representative, you should accomplish the ideas of Jesus not only on the two-dimensional level, but on the three-dimensional level as well. Further, you should be victorious in every battle with Satan and have him surrender to you. Please keep in mind that this is the mission of the saints in the last days.

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