No One Understood Jesus’ Mission

Enjoy the Kingdom Report with Pastor Hyung Jin Moon:

Watch my latest Video Blog:  Jesus Came to Bring a Sword, Not Peace:

Exodus 28

Weave the tunic of fine linen and make the turban of fine linen. The sash is to be the work of an embroiderer.

Richard:  Do yo present yourself in a way fitting for a son or daughter of God?

Ezekiel 41

Then he measured the temple; it was a hundred cubitsk long, and the temple courtyard and the building with its walls were also a hundred cubits long. 14The width of the temple courtyard on the east, including the front of the temple, was a hundred cubits.

Richard:  Is you life organized to make use of time in a way pleasing to God?

Let Us Become the Brides Who Reclaim What Was Lost to Jesus

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 4, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

John 12:44-50

44 Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. 45 The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me. 46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. 47 “If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. 49 For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”


Father, we offer sincere gratitude to the Father, who has been protecting us until now. We know that this day in particular is a day we must cherish in our memory.

Father of love! We sincerely hope and wish that You allow this to be a moment when we can remember that day of the past. Reflecting back on the loyal heart of that time, let us examine in what state we find ourselves and to what extent we have returned glory to the Father during the past week.

We sincerely thank the Father who has called upon us first from among many people and who sought us out first among this pitiful people. Father, we earnestly wish You will allow us to understand how grave is the responsibility entrusted to us, who lack so much.

The Father knows that the purpose we seek and what we are trying to seize is not for the sake of some earthly desire. Rather, it is for the sake of alleviating the grief of the Father. Therefore, please guide us not to forsake this will and retreat. Furthermore, Father, we sincerely wish that You permit us to become the children who can raise high the Father’s signal light of victory to guide the thirty million people to the love of the Father. In this way, please allow this 3,000-li peninsula to become the garden that can be embraced inside the Father’s bosom of love.

Father of love! We have come together today in hope of going nearer to the Father. Please allow us to repent before the Father for all our inadequacies in this moment. Let us cleanse all our iniquities before the Father and obey the will that the Father has permitted according to the directions given this hour. We offer all the words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Jesus, Who Was Rejected on the Earth

Today I will speak briefly on the topic, “Let Us Become the Brides Who Reclaim What Was Lost to Jesus.”

You know very well that although many people believe in Jesus and welcome him now, calling him Christ and Lord, he did not enjoy that same glory at the time he came to the earth. Of course, it is not the case for those of us who believe today. Yet among the people of that time, no one believed that the words Jesus left behind were the words of Heaven. There were none who believed those words could substitute for their lives.

Although Jesus came for the sake of the earth, he was not welcomed by the people on earth. You have to understand that there was no one who sincerely welcomed him on behalf of individuals nor on behalf of families.

Although Jesus lived thirty years in the family of Joseph and Mary, everyone in that family was ignorant of his heart, his cherished hopes and his life and task. Not only that, there was no one who deeply understood the words of Jesus and who received him as the Christ. On the contrary, they betrayed and abandoned him. Such was the family of Jesus.

Jesus had the dispensational mission to rectify the individual and the family through his life and words. Yet among the chosen people at that time, there was no one who felt Jesus’ mission as his own.

Even though all aspects of the life of Jesus, seeing, listening, talking, acting and working, were carried out on this ignorant earth, his life was not lived only for the sake of the people on earth. He lived for the sake of the new will of God, which people did not know about.

Moreover, when Jesus could not realize his will in the family, he hoped that his will would be proclaimed through the society or the religious groups. Nonetheless, Jesus was not welcomed by Judaism or the people of Israel. Not only that, the words Jesus spoke were rejected. His life, as well as all the works that he performed, were rejected.

Accordingly, you have to learn to fathom the heart of Jesus, who was abandoned. What great loneliness he felt and what great pain left its scars in his heart. If you become ignorant of the agonies of Jesus, you will never emerge as the one who understands the life, ideology, works and words of Jesus, who bore responsibility for the 4,000-year history.

Today we understand a little bit about this situation of Jesus through the verses in the Bible, but we understand only with our heads. Moreover, we understand merely by listening with our ears. However, this is not enough. When Jesus was spreading the words of truth to the people of Israel in the past, they also merely listened with their ears and understood with their heads. Because they could not feel and experience his words in their flesh and their actual lives, ironically, it facilitated Jesus’ path to the crucifixion. For this reason, you have to clearly know that you should not listen only with your ears nor comprehend only with your heads.

What must we do today? While we understand the words we hear in our heads, we must also learn to comprehend them in our hearts and put them into action. However, at that time, until Jesus passed through the path of death on the cross, not even one person appeared who comprehended Jesus’ words in their heart and put them into action.

Among the Israelite people, Judaism and the disciples with whom Jesus spent three years of sharing joys and sorrows, whom he taught with all his heart and soul, there did not appear even one such person. All of them fell victim to faithlessness. Although Jesus poured out all of his heart and energy, teaching them about the situation of God through dreams and with such words as, “Those who have seen me have seen God,” the disciples whom Jesus loved did not understand Jesus’ situation. There was no one who understood the words in their heads, felt them in their hearts, and put them into practice through their bodies.

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