Always seek God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness

Do you want to help youth succeed by learning relationship intelligence and the importance of abstaining from sex before marriage?
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18“ ‘Do not take your wife’s sister as a rival wife and have sexual relations with her while your wife is living.

Richard:  God still has rules for sexual relationships, i.e. only inside of marriage.  All the various sexual perversions of our society are an abomination before God;  they are not God’s will.

Psalm 107

38He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly; and suffereth not their cattle to decrease.

39Again, they are minished and brought low through oppression, affliction, and sorrow.

40He poureth contempt upon princes, and causeth them to wander in the wilderness, where there is no way.

41Yet setteth he the poor on high from affliction, and maketh him families like a flock.

42The righteous shall see it, and rejoice: and all iniquity shall stop her mouth.

43Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD.

Richard:  If you love God with all your heart mind body and soul, and that includes honoring His sons Jesus and Rev. Sun Myung Moon as the Second Coming, then God will work to give you the desire of your heart.  It may not happen in the timing or way that you expect, but when we ask for bread, God does not give us a stone.  I can see this in my own life, where the things that I most deeply desire God provides, but not in ways that I may immediately know, yet He is there wanting to help fulfill the deepest desires of our heart if they are righteous and good.

Let Us Restore God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 15, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Matthew 6: 16-34

What then should you do, being faced with this period where everyone talks of today being the Last Days? This is the age of the worldwide conclusion. It will be the close of history, science, ethics and religion.

According to the words that Jesus cried out, to seek that kingdom and that righteousness, you should become the people who render unchanging, devoted service to establish God’s kingdom and His righteousness on this earth. You should not think of all the things that belong to you. By doing so, you can be proud of yourself and become a person who fulfills the mission of being a representative of God.

That is, by applying the essential ideology of that kingdom to your own life, you should accomplish that one day of hope to formulate the substantial value and to promise an eternal future. If you do not become such people, you will have nothing to do with the will that God had Jesus unfold, sending him after having toiled for 4,000 years since the fall of Adam and Eve. You will have nothing to do with the will of the Triune God that unified Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

From this viewpoint, what should you look for now? You should find the elements of unrighteousness that make it impossible to establish that kingdom and that righteousness; that is, which make it impossible to establish the universal ideology. You should then win the victory after struggling in your own life and become a representative of Jesus, God’s son.

If you want to become righteous people of that kingdom, you should not be so foolish as to fight over what to eat or what to wear. You should become people who lead a life of having transcended the problems of what to eat, what to drink and what to wear. What is more, if you were given a little bit of such things, you would rather distribute it to people who are naked and hungry.

Members of the congregation! Do you know what God’s heart is like? If there is a piece of bread, it is God’s Shim Jung to make people want to not eat that piece of bread alone, but to have a mind that wishes to distribute it to many others. Although Jesus represented this kind of Shim Jung, the people at the time of Christ were not like that.

What then are the causes of family discord and family fights? It is because each member of the family thinks the family exists for his or her own sake. If there is something to eat, because the member thinks it is for him or her alone, fights and discord break out. You should heed that this is the very arrow of sin and Satan.

Therefore, today you should solve the problems of what to eat and what to wear. You should break down the mind that only desires your own individual benefit, namely, the condition of disharmony in the family. You should firmly step over such a historical contradiction. Similarly, you should not forget that you are standing in a position to emerge as a true victor before God, transcending all the problems of food, clothing and shelter.

What kind of position then was Jesus in when he exclaimed that we should first seek that kingdom and that righteousness? It would be a lamentable and sad thing if the minds of God and man were different over mere things. That is the reason, in the state where God’s mind and Jesus’ mind had become one, Jesus wished the minds of men and his own mind to be united. However, because people disbelieved and betrayed him, Jesus could not be united with them. For that reason, he was placed in a position of indescribable sadness and grief.

Suppose you have something to eat. What should you be thinking of while eating it? You should eat it with a heart of love that longs for the essence of God and the essence of the kingdom. You should eat with a heart that you will sacrifice and serve for the sake of others. When you become a person who lives, bearing this kind of heart, even if you happen to acquire a large quantity of treasure at a stroke, you will not do with them as you please.

Thus, you should become the people who eat having the feeling of the Father’s heart, who wishes to give. This heart can be revealed even through a small piece of bread. You should eat with concern about God’s will being attained on this earth and the many pitiful people who are in difficult situations. When you become a person like this, you will not be subjected to material privation.

 Richard:  Here Rev. Moon compels us to engage with the culture and root out unrighteousness, the core of which is child sex trafficking, all kinds of sexual perversions and abominations and the push by the culture to destroy the Godly man-woman and child relationship within Godly marriage.

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