Enemies Can Help Us Find God’s Path

Exodus 27

Place three bronze posts on each side of the entrance at the east and hang a curtain seven and a half yards wide on each set of posts. 16 Use four more of these posts for the entrance way, then hang on them an embroidered curtain of fine linen ten yards long and woven with blue, purple, and red wool.

Proverbs 13

Money wrongly gotten
    will disappear bit by bit;
    money earned little by little
    will grow and grow.

Where Is the Refuge in Which Heaven Can Dwell?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 12, 1958

If there are those among you who have been chased out as members of a cult and were derided as doomed, you will never perish. Jesus has been searching for this kind of person until now. Jesus has been looking for this kind of person as his resting place. Therefore, you must understand that before fallen humanity now is the fateful course in which they must find the subject of the words and the substantial bride and stand as the substantial body of God.

In setting the laws of the words, what must you do with your body? You are to reflect the unlimited light of God. When we examine this from the standpoint of the ideology of the creation, if our minds symbolize the sun, our bodies symbolize the earth. All things symbolize the laws of God’s words. In other words, all things symbolize the words of God. The earth symbolizes the human body. The sun symbolizes the human mind.

In this way, the creative powers of the eternal God form the sun. Centering on the sun, the earth circles. According to the movement of the earth, all things grow through the one set of orderly laws. They are passing through this kind of process without contradiction. Likewise, centering on the love of God, you must move when God moves and halt when God halts. You must maintain a relationship of the heart which will make it impossible for God to leave you behind, wherever He goes. By establishing the eternal ideology of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, when you stand in that position as the resting place through which the laws of the words can pass, then you can finally emerge as the representative of God, the lord of all things.

However, you have failed to become dignified before God, the earth and all things. You who have failed to cope with this historic mission cannot dare to open your mouth and utter any words. Accordingly, you must make note that this kind of universal mission lies with you.

Jesus knew that if someone interfered with him in the course he was traveling, it was not simple interference. He knew that even the enemies who blocked his way were, as it turns out later, in the position of doing it for his sake. This is why Jesus could forgive and love them, and in the end, even wish them blessing.

Therefore, you must realize that when enemies appear in the middle of the path you are walking, their purpose is to set you straight on the course from the deviation you have made to the side path. Thus, you must have the attitude to wish blessings for those enemies, and pioneer the path of Golgotha on the world level. In this way, you must cross the path of Golgotha on the world level and build, in your minds and bodies, the garden of rest where God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit can dwell. By winning all the battles with Satan, you must become someone whom even Satan can bless as the son of God.

Furthermore, only if you can become someone who can drag Satan before God and request a trial, saying that this Satan is the enemy that has been trampling upon humankind for 6,000 years, can you stand as the ruler who can govern the universe. For 6,000 years humans have been dragged before God, where accusations and charges were made. Now you must drag Satan before God and press charges against him.

Now you must possess the heart that can connect with the heart of God and the body that can connect with the laws of God. If this takes place, there cannot be any mistake or friction there. There will only be the unification of the ideology, action and life. Moreover, when this is done, God can dwell on the earth to find the eternal resting place and rejoice for eternity with humankind. You must keep this in mind.

Richard:  What appears to be bad can become a good thing.  We need to think like that.


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