The Indescribable Heart of Jesus

Jonah 2

From inside the fish, Jonah prayed to the Lord his God:

When I was in trouble, Lord,
I prayed to you,
    and you listened to me.
From deep in the world
    of the dead,
I begged for your help,
    and you answered my prayer.

You threw me down
    to the bottom of the sea.
The water was churning
    all around;
I was completely covered
    by your mighty waves.
I thought I was swept away
    from your sight,
never again to see
    your holy temple.

I was almost drowned
by the swirling waters
    that surrounded me.
Seaweed had wrapped
    around my head.
I had sunk down below
    the underwater mountains;
I knew that forever,
    I would be a prisoner there.

But, you, Lord God,
    rescued me from that pit.
When my life was slipping away,
    I remembered you—
and in your holy temple
    you heard my prayer.

All who worship worthless idols
turn from the God
    who offers them mercy.
But with shouts of praise,
I will offer a sacrifice
    to you, my Lord.
I will keep my promise,
because you are the one
    with power to save.

10 The Lord commanded the fish to vomit up Jonah on the shore. And it did.

Psalm 45

7You love justice and hate evil.
    And so, your God chose you
    and made you happier
    than any of your friends.

Let’s Be the Person Who Has the Heart of Jesus Christ

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 26, 1958

Phillipians 1: 1-11

Although Jesus was victorious in the battle against Satan on the wilderness course, after having disconnected all conditions of hope, Jesus still had reasons to make a substantial sacrifice offering. You should understand this.

Accordingly, Jesus went into Jerusalem with the beloved disciples. He lost the chosen Israelite people and the denomination and walked the path of Golgotha all alone to be sad. You should understand such circumstances of Jesus, too. What is more, you should understand Jesus’ Shim Jung walking along the path of Golgotha in desperation, bearing the cross in silence, looking at the chosen Israelite people who were hounding him with whips, yelling and howling, even though in this circumstance it was the Israelite people that are to be reproached, and the twelve disciples that are to be cursed.

Since Jesus was human, if he had humane emotion, he must have felt mortified. Curses and bitter feeling must have sunk deep in his mind and the feeling of great indignation must have overflowed his heart. However, Jesus understood that the will of God, Who wishes to restore this people and this world, is yet to be completed and closed his cursing mouth and changed his sorrowful Shim Jung.

Because Jesus realized that the providence of salvation that saves the latter generation humankind would be destroyed if he cursed at this people for Heaven and judged for God, he could establish one standard of salvation. If Jesus had expressed his feeling of being mortified according to how he felt, and stood in a position of cursing and feeling bitter as a substitution for God, this world would have its hope all disappear. This world would have seen its end then.

Because Jesus knew such things, Jesus’ Shim Jung, who knew that there was God’s will yet to be attained even if he had to cross over the hill of death, said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34) to the people whom he should have cursed and fretted, and to the enemies on whom he should have taken vengeance. Similarly, you must understand that it was the moment of anxiousness and seriousness when the second will of providential salvation had just been inherited and started its dispensation. That is how God could establish Jesus as the executor of the second salvation, and to command the grace of resurrection over the humankind.

Jesus, who was faced with such a situation as this, forgot the enemies’ nailing him against the cross, worried about God’s Shim Jung reminiscing on the history, was concerned about the posterity of the future and forgot his blood and flesh being shed and torn apart. Further, bearing Heaven’s historical sorrowful Shim Jung on its behalf, taking on the historical God’s resentment and the responsibility for the historical salvation, Jesus made an appeal saying, “Heavenly God, please grant us redemption!” You should become the people who can think of the Shim Jung that was gradually stopping Jesus Christ, who was in such a situation.

The life of Jesus who, after having been born of a human for the sake of all humanity, not being able to find even one place of comfort, lamentably, being driven hither and thither, like a lonely orphan, walked the lonely path like a driven exile. As we think of this one fact that such a life ended as a death on a cross at the top of Calvary in the end, we have to try to imagine how God’s Shim Jung, looking at this, could have felt! God’s sorrow would have made Him wish to knock the bottom out of Heaven and earth. Since it is written in the Scripture that the whole Heaven and earth was dark for three hours at the time of Jesus’ death, it is to indicate that God bore a suffocating Shim Jung looking at the scene of Jesus being offered as a sacrifice on the road of death at Golgotha, in spite of Jesus being the son whom God had waited trusting for 4,000 years, and Jesus being the second Adam raised by God to restore Adam who had been lost for 4,000 years. You should understand God’s sorrowful and agonizing Shim Jung in this manner.

Because Jesus who knew this understood that God’s sorrow is greater than his sorrow, God’s pain is greater than his pain and realized that God’s will to restore the people of the nation even if they were being distrustful is yet to be attained, Jesus in spite of all could become a sacrifice of tame submission saying, “My death is insignificant.” You must learn about Jesus who was filled with Shim Jung of this kind of tame obedience and filial piety.

Though Jesus died in this manner, there was absolutely no one who consoled Jesus in his death, and attended Jesus’ dead body as God’s son. Furthermore, the Roman soldiers who treated Jesus as they pleased, held up their spears in the end and thrust them into Jesus’ heart. You must learn about Jesus’ heart that became the target of thrusting this way. You should stop to think about Jesus’ heart, which stood before the cruel enemies who were determined not to leave even one drop of blood in Jesus’ heart, even after all blood had been drained out.

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