Christians Should Take Down the Cross

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But in the new age of resurrection,
the body grows based on God’s love, life,
and lineage and uses true love as fertilizer.
One side disappears and the other
prospers. From that point, God is present
with you and Satan is separated away
forever. No one knows the pain that is in
God’s heart. We know this only because
God appeared in history, and through
me here, revealed this profound mission;
otherwise, we would not know it.
Chapter 6 • True Parents and Us 245
It is truly amazing. Even Jesus did not
know it; or even if he did know it, he
could not say what was in his heart. Also,
no religious leaders have been aware of
this hidden secret of the universe. I have
come here before the world to reveal the
secrets of the universe for the first time
in history. From now on, we should turn
our direction from the individual foundation
to the national foundation. If the
leader of a nation repents of his past and
turns around, God forgives him. This is
part of God’s new tradition and signals a
new lineage. Otherwise, we cannot separate
from Satan. This also signifies the
ceremony of the transfer of lineage that
takes place before the Blessing Ceremony
of the Unification Church.

p. 244 pr. 3

Richard:  This Rheema can be applied to President Trump.  He has repented of his past ways (immorality) and has sought God.  Next should be the Blessing ceremony given by Rev. Moon.

If you control your body, striking it
for three years or longer, you will then
enter the realm of the completion stage
of the growth period. Is this not so? If
you make more of the physical side, the
spiritual side diminishes. If you get rid
of the physical side, the spiritual side
will be elevated. Therefore, for the same
reason, when you ignore the superficial
things and attach importance to the
deeper aspects of life, the spirit world
will come closer to you. Then, when you
are engrafted to the original standard
of conscience there will be a great surge
like that in an electrical power plant
when positive and negative interact.
Consequently, changes occur in heaven
and earth. You should be aware that you
need to have such spiritual experiences.
(282-308, 1997.4.7)

p. 811 pr. 3

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Kodiak Alaska

8/2/2004 5 am HDK

Here are oriental, Korean, Japanese.  Western people might say, “O, I am from a developed country person, I am proud”,  I am clearly explaining that Western people should get out of individualism.  They should be clear about this  They don’t care their parents, don’t care their family. Look at the Western world, homosexuality.  Man and man, can they make a family, man and man together, can they birth children?  And then they make the idea of adoption. and set the tradition a strange way.  This is disgusting.   Even God Himself does not want to work with these ideas.  Western word is the problem.

Western people have big eyes, and oriental people very small.  Western big eyes, only look at today,  don’t see importance of (environment).  Try to think of environment, western people try to use force to dominate.  Later on, those people pay indemnity.  Look at the drug war in China.  Because of this, Western world has struggle with drugs.  Look at the young teens, what is going on now?  Because of western people, especially England, try to destroy the young people in China through the drug war, now pay indemnity.  Look at India,  what is their struggle, now all the Indian people starving.  In India there is cow, pig here and there, but there is starvation, dying now.  They didn’t teach them how to do agriculture, that’s why the people are starving.  We see that later on, they lost everything.

America consists of all 125 races, nationalities.  People think of their own country, but America is not true owner of this country.  What is the Indian, the Native American?  That’s a miserable situation, the Native Americans, they are truly the owner.  So, Eskimo, Indian, somehow connect to the Oriental way;  they came here earlier time.  They are native residents.  Americans, they killed Native Americans; they got sick and died.   I heard that more than 50 million Indians were killed here.

Look at the human history, how long it is, and then in America during the last 200 years, and they are all killed, they disappeared.  They try to protect the Indians, especially reservations of Indians, what happened?  They put Casinos for gambling, they did not put good schools.  They tried to destroy step by step.  They did not teach anything. God is parental position.  God does not do that way.  That is against God, what America now doing.

Mr. Dong Moon Joo,  at the Washington Times (20th Anniversary), Father gave a speech:  that means I am now going to introduce God.  Time to now take down the cross.  Jewish people they should understand, Protestant, they also need to understand .  First Israel, Second Israel, Third Israel; they all need to understand.  They should take down the cross.  The first Israel took down the cross, that is why we had that rally.  Then, the Jerusalem Declaration, then second declaration is Washington, third Israel is Seoul Declaration.  Why are we doing that way? Because we understand history, in order to understand whole (stack) of history, that is why Father works.  Father in the beginning when founded HSA talked about how to save the first Israel, Second Israel, Third Israel and then also how Father is connected to Moses, Abraham, all those things. And then Father worked so hard, and no one even understands;  Father raises up the flag and  only worked hard.  Now, the people recognize, other religious people, righteous people they understand and welcome Father …. In the Muslim world you see one hand with the Koran, and the other hand with a  knife.  With the UC, both hands are empty, because of true love, because I sympathize to serve you, that’s UC, [time changes from night to morning-you don’t know when the time is changing from western to eastern].  How many white population in the world, only 800 million, and then more than 3 billion, 4 billion Asian people, how white people against Asian people, no way, so are they going to kill, to use Atomic bomb where Asian is?, no way.

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