Japanese Missionaries worked hard for America

he Word is Life:

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Hoondokhwae is the treasure chest
that I stored up under all sorts of hard-
ships and deprivations and that I have
opened up to the people. I have told
everyone not to translate it; it cannot be
translated. You should do hoondokh-
wae until I say otherwise. You must
know that. You should do hoondokh-
wae whenever time permits. You should
always keep a speech book in your pocket
and do hoondokhwae even when you are
alone, even in the bathroom, and keep a
record of the part you have read, even if
it was for a couple of hours a day.
You already know that you must read
The Way of God’s Will and the Divine
Principle, but you should also read Bless-
ing and Ideal Family and all the oth-
er major speeches because they are the
records of victory over the satanic world.
In the Unification Church, you should
become one with these sermons, which
include all past battles of the True Par-
ents up to the present. By uniting with
and following these contents, you will
become one with True Parents. These
sermons should take root in yourself,
in your family and extended family up
to seven generations, and then in 160
or 180 families horizontally, all united
together. (288-16, 1997.10.31)

p. 2100 pr 2

Jeremiah 33

 You’ve heard foreigners insult my people by saying, “The Lord chose Israel and Judah, but now he has rejected them, and they are no longer a nation.”

25 Jeremiah, I will never break my agreement with the day and the night or let the sky and the earth stop obeying my commands. 26 In the same way, I will never reject the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob or break my promise that they will always have a descendant of David as their king. I will be kind to my people Israel, and they will be successful again.

True Father HDK- 5:00 am  8/2/2004

Kodiak, AK

Father brought the factory, brought all of those ideas.  But no one truly recognized Father’s vision.  And then Hyundai,  a Korean company developed this bridge over there (in Kodiak, connecting the two marina areas).  And then that way Korean company could connect (with) America.  Korean people built.  ….they don’t care about the Pacific ocean, … America is more connected with the Atlantic ocean.  It has connected more with England, so on the East coast, many cities are named with European named cities because they don’t care about Oriental…

American people killed the native Indians.

Who is owner of China?  It is Korean.  And then even China, they (Westerners?) misused and abused.  The Koreo dynasty.

Last time I met one professor (Hyung?), from Korea University and then many issues that one professor (hong) and then compared to others, and he was president, Father behind protect and support him.


Father came here to America.  Father came and brought Japanese people…

American people don’t like Japanese people, but Father brought Japanese people here in America, and that way Father made a foundation here.  That way, one day  America should digest Japanese people.  Japanese people work so hard,  and if they do not accept, then Japans people will became the owners of America. That’s Father’s idea.  That’s why Japanese women work so hard here in America.  These ideas are not just meaningless.  Father prepared the future.

So,  Father even mobilized 4300 Japans,  Each country received a certain number of missionaries… Father did. Father thinks about the future, so he sent the Japanese women, Father came to prepare all educational materials.  Father really recognizes that the Japanese people have a certain heart to work wherever they can to bring results and connect to Father.

Who did the special new project in Paraguay?  Japanese national Messiahs, all together  worked to develop the project.  It is in Paraguay, in the Libre area.  They were invited to bring education for Indian people. They don’t like Indian, they don’t like Japans, but the Japanese NM educated all those Indian peoples.  Now Indian people, they more recognize the Japanese Messiah; they have constructed very well built houses.  All the border patrol, and other people, like soldiers, they somehow can connect centering on Japanese National Messiah.  …


America somehow is abandoning, ignoring, the Pacific Island nations[Father spoke about the strategic importance of Cheju Island in Korea]

….  Father may go back to Korea.

Father thinks about the Washington Times; he thinks about it today (in) Kodiak [Father can not have confidence in the current political leadership of America]

Father worked somehow to protect the world without conflict coming in between South America and North America.  Father worked  to form the Washington Times,  the Peace Assembly and all these media  to try to bring harmony.  Look at South America, what’s going on there  They are now leftist, Communist.

Father met Gorbachev in the Soviet Union.  Father met Kim Il Sung in N. Korea.  Father wants to save those people, including Kim Jung Il.  …..

World & I and Insight were closed even though I did not give a direction to close them, but somehow that happened anyway.

[Father made a great foundation, centering on the formation of the Washington Times]  …. Father want to save South America, Father wants to save the black community.  Even N. Korea, they are going to have some embassy built in S. America, many countries; Brazil and other countries.  …..

Father wanted to talk to central leaders at this important Peace King Cup fishing tournament., but somehow, many central leaders did not come. [Father talked about Sun Moon University and about the land around the University]

Father wants to educate second generation, SMU should be better than any other university in Korea, that is Father’s desire.

[Father talked about the foundation that was set in the past with University presidents in Korea, even when Japan occupied Korea]


Father considers Mr. Kim as a son.  When Father was in Danbury, he took care of all of  True Parents family.  Father never forgets if somebody works hard.

Father wanted all church(American) leaders to make the World & I. That’s why Father encouraged all the church leaders to go to UTS.

Father has great vision of the industrial side, but no one understands, Hyundai, Bell?, all those companies, They do not know Father’s vision, so now what happens, they are miserable now.  [Father talked about economic development in Korea and Southeast Asia].

Fathers has a clear vision and clear ideas.  America and Korea must know Father’s vision..  …..  Through education and economic development Father wants to help undeveloped countries.  That is Father’s main concern.

Don’t think that Father has money…  Even  Father borrows money to support all kinds of providential projects.9

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