With Rev. Moon’s Ideas We Can Save the World

CSG 2253

Viewed horizontally, Adam is the
eldest son, the second son is Jesus, and
the perfected Adam is the third son. Ver-
tically speaking, the third son is the third
generation. So the grandfather’s posi-
tion is the first generation, the father’s
position is the second generation, and
the son or grandson is the third genera-
tion. If this is inverted, then the grand-
son will be in the grandfather’s posi-
tion. It will be grandfather, father, and
grandson; the other way around. Thus,
you will be able to enter God’s Kingdom
by completing the four-position founda-
tion – the realm of three generations –
through me by practicing absolute obe-
dience. Hence, it is restoration through
indemnity. (258-208, 1994.3.17)

Richard:  We should understand how important it is to form a family four position foundatio centered on God.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon-HDK-8/2/04

Kodiak AK  9 pm

These Spiritual beings have found out Father’s name, they know that Father is the Messiah, the Savior, the True Parents.  ….  Now is the time for all these messages to show up and judge you.  ….  Through  Blessed Couples’ families, how can we save these people?  Otherwise they are stuck and cannot go any place. [referring to those in the Spiritual World].

…  Please study the  Divine Principle, otherwise there is no way to go.  When you study Divine Principle, you have the armament and ideas that will carry you forward.  Then whatever difficulty comes,  you can be strong and it will protect you.

I am struggling with the [issue of]disqualified blessed couples,.  Where do they go?  Please all Blessed Couples, please understand.

All leaders, I am going to gather and reposition. Tomorrow I am going to NY and then I am going to give special declaration to America; hey, these leaders, if you do not [follow my guidance].  Father wants to declare.  Is this true?

I am going to take out a righteous sword.  If something is wrong, I will try to cut and divide it. Separate.

[Within] this generation we must finish restoration to the original ideal, this generation must be finished.  Totally, we need to restore the whole world.  If not, there will be a lot of difficulty.

This is why this generation is important.  We will finish that [restoration].. So Father is very serious about this point.

[Reading continues]

Humankind is in the dump.  Now Father stands up. Father seriously …  Father understands, truly, truly, truly challenges God.  Father never  ever wants [to miss a good idea to help the Providence].  Good idea comes, Father decides.  Japanese man is like archangel position (reading continues)

….  Nakasone’s son, is Hirogumi.  Nakosone, even if he stood up in the right position Japan would have been saved.  It didn’t happen. ….  Father wants to support him.  He didn’t listen.  Nakasone, former Prime Minister and then Father explained all kind of directions for two hours to Mr. Nakasone, former Prime Minister in Japan.

However, he didn’t listen to all these ideas.

Nakasone was so delighted to have met true father.  He said “In Asia, I never ever met this kind of big desired person.  That expresses his heart toward Father.  But he did not follow Father.

….Even American congress people too.  Father has a special power, amazing power how to take care of and talk to those high political leaders.

Sasakowa Yoichi, was famous in Japan, if he listened to
Father’s directions and then it would have been easy to open doors to China.  But he failed.  If Sasagowa listened to Father’s directions, he could bless all of China now.

Sasagowa  was so arrogant.  “Oh, I didn’t, How Rev. Moon, especially Rev. Moon, take care of Congressperson in America.  How can he?”.  He just ran out of room.  ….

Nakasone’s second son, he wanted to receive the Blessing from Father, that is his request.  Father opened the way for that, but Mr. Nakasone’s as not clear about Father’s ideas and he failed to fulfill his responsibility.

Father has a special skill and special ideas. Hyundai doesn’t care about small companies.  .  Father is such a great kind of enemy, powerful to build the boat factory , beyond Germany, beyond any other country.  That kind of power, that kind of ideas, Father has.

Once Father has the idea, within 3 years all kind of nice technology will be set up.

…In I tae won they sell top products like Rolex and others.  Korean people, their technology is very wonderful on how to copy those products.  And then whatever new products appear in Japan within two months they are copied  in the Korea market.  Korean people sell the same quality of products.  Rolex watch is very cheap in Korea, you can go to I tae won market, you can buy at 10 per cent of price you can buy the same quality as a Rolex watch.  That much Korean people are very special.  Christian Bernard, our company has the same machines, but Christian Bernard is just half of the quality of Rolex watches.  Christian Bernard did not follow Father’s direction.

They cannot make themselves bigger than Rolex company.

Father developed Wacom in Japan.  What happened?  Some thief took all of Wacom’s technology ideas from Father.  You guys, whole leaders come here, you want to ask some benefit, you are not just serving others.  You are descendants of the fallen…

..because tonight you spent almost the  whole night HDK,  you might fall in the water, within 45 minutes you will die.  How do you keep your blood warm?  You keep warm with special clothes.  That is Very dangerous place, ocean hear, your fishing place.  Our captains were not thinking. Last time, You know that one.  Those captains were not thinking.  Some people might have gone to Spirit World.  If they all died, how much Rev. Moon would be persecuted.  That is why Father  is giving these ideas.  Mr. Sato, please train these leaders well.

Wear thick underwear, and keep warm.  Keep the air inside.  The life jacket will save you.  You will not sink.  Because air is inside, you life span in the water will be longer.  You have to be careful…….

End #####






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