Build the Ranks of Heaven

I was glad to attend the memorial service for Edward Abendroth yesterday, August 18th.  Edward died suddenly on August 10th when a car ran into him while bicycling.  Let us remember Edward and his family in our prayers, including his wife Aika Becker Abendroth.

Watch my latest Video Blogs:
President Trump is Right on Charlottsville, VA protests:

George Soros’ Fake Race War:

CSG 1366

Currently the United Nations has
183 member states. Didn’t I bless 1800
couples? Similarly, in this period of
transition, 180 nations must be turned
around. The numbers 180 and 1800 sig-
nify the completion of the satanic num-
ber. These numbers come from six mul-
tiplied by three and four multiplied
by four. They are the numbers Satan
usurped from God, which is why we as
tribal messiahs were to originally restore
180 families; however, that number can
be reduced to 160 – they are providen-
tially equivalent. In fact, four times four
is the ideal number.
In the Seoul Olympics, 160 nations
participated. The number sixteen is also
involved in North and South Korea join-
ing the United Nations: North Korea, a
suzerain state of Satan, joined the Unit-
ed Nations as the 160th member state,
and South Korea joined as the 161st, sig-
nifying a new beginning. In terms of
indemnification, South Korea is stand-
ing in the lead. (272-284, 1995.10.8)

CSG 1398

Originally, through our achiev-
ing the Blessing of 36 Million Couples,
everything would be made flat. In order
for any water to flow into the sea, it must
reach that level first. What type of water
flowing into the sea flows in the slow-
est? The waters of the great rivers are
the slowest in flowing into the sea. Does
it look like that? It flows in as slowly as
possible because river water wants to be
absorbed completely by seawater, which
is the main body. Everything in nature
moves and continues to exist accord-
ing to the laws of heaven and earth.
Then why would we begin to make fast-
er progress after the completion of the
Blessing of 36 Million Couples? That is
because we have already reached the bot-
tom of the mountain and the terrain has
become flat. Since we have surmount-
ed the peaks of formation and growth,
in terms of the realm of Satan we have
reached the point of surpassing the top
of the growth stage. Isn’t our next goal
360 million couples? That would be the
realm of completion. (288-148, 1997.11.27)

Jesus Who Came with the Destiny of Restoration

Sun Myung Moon
August 3, 1958

Acts 3:13-24

The God that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and our other ancestors worshiped has brought honor to his Servant[c] Jesus. He is the one you betrayed. You turned against him when he was being tried by Pilate, even though Pilate wanted to set him free.

14 You rejected Jesus, who was holy and good. You asked for a murderer to be set free, 15 and you killed the one who leads people to life. But God raised him from death, and all of us can tell you what he has done. 16 You see this man, and you know him. He put his faith in the name of Jesus and was made strong. Faith in Jesus made this man completely well while everyone was watching.

17 My friends, I am sure that you and your leaders didn’t know what you were doing. 18 But God had his prophets tell that his Messiah would suffer, and now he has kept that promise. 19 So turn to God! Give up your sins, and you will be forgiven. 20 Then that time will come when the Lord will give you fresh strength. He will send you Jesus, his chosen Messiah. 21 But Jesus must stay in heaven until God makes all things new, just as his holy prophets promised long ago.

22 Moses said, “The Lord your God will choose one of your own people to be a prophet, just as he chose me. Listen to everything he tells you. 23 No one who disobeys that prophet will be one of God’s people any longer.”


There may be many people who come to church on Sundays as a matter of course, through habit or as an established custom, thinking that because this is Sunday, they should come to the Father’s temple and attend a service. You must understand that this place in which you are sitting should not be taken so lightly. This gathering materialized through some unknown background connection of which you are not aware. From the viewpoint of your individual being, as the center, your position and connection relate with the front and the rear and the left and the right. It is also a connection related to above and below. You must deeply remember this.

The fact of the emergence of the one person Jesus within history was not a chance accident. It was the result of the predetermined will of the heavenly principles. That is, Jesus came to materialize the connections of history, the current age of that time, and the future. If there had been a person who understood this fact, Jesus would not have died on the cross.

Though Jesus was merely one individual, if the connection Jesus carried had been extended to the whole and extended further from there, the historical connections of human beings would have been drawn together, even the connections of that age and the future would have been drawn together. No one knew of this at the time. Besides that, no one knew that Jesus was the figure who came with the central mission to mobilize the billions of faithful believers in Heaven and on earth and even Heavenly Father, based on the connections Jesus had with them.

In their ignorance, the chosen people were not aware of this. They thought highly of themselves, believing that they stood in the midst of God’s will and promise. However, because they rejected Jesus, they deviated from the will. Although they came forth having built a historical religious order, they ended up being placed in a situation where that religious order could not belong to Heaven. In addition, the Israelites had the national hope that the promised blessing of the last days would be materialized centering on them, and they boasted about the privilege of being the chosen people. Yet because they did not recognize Jesus, who was the subject of the macrocosmic ideology, they ended in a position of being soundly ruined. The people did not know in time that Jesus countered the great tragedy that was unfolding in human history with sorrow-filled tears and the blood of sacrifice.

The words Jesus cried out were the words of truth, overflowing from his earnest heart. The thirty-year life course Jesus walked was not spent to fulfill his own individual desires. He did not hope for his own benefit. The chosen people should have known this, but they did not. Only Jesus, who tried to accomplish the will of Heaven forgetting himself, knew it. Now this sorrow has become the root of our grief today. We must know this. Further, from the position of a man of faith, you must realize that the steps Jesus took were steps “I” have to take. The garden of ideology for which Jesus longed is the garden of ideology that “I” must accomplish.

Jesus yearned and hoped for the one ideology of the bride and bridegroom who could live in the realm of God’s blessing. Besides that, Jesus wished to embrace the crowd of 144,000 people centered on the banquet of the lamb that could consummate God’s blessing. With these people, he wished to return songs and the glory of bliss before the presence of the Father. This was Jesus’ earnest desire. However, because of the chosen people’s disbelief, Jesus could not materialize such an original hope and instead was crucified on Calvary. The prayer Jesus offered, shedding blood and sweat in the garden of Gethsemane, was a prayer that represented God’s earnest and intensely sorrowful heart. That earnest prayer was not meant for the sake of solving his own problem. It was for the good of the ignorant, slumbering people of that nation. It was for the beloved three disciples.

Jesus bore the responsibility to lead the ignorant people, embracing God’s hope. What would the heart of Jesus Christ have been like when he had to pray to Heaven asking for the hands of forgiveness to be extended again, in spite of the heavenly ways being violated? What was his heart like, trying to stop the chosen people from becoming a people of betrayal who deserved judgment? When Jesus pleaded earnestly, “Please do not lay their sinfulness to their charge,” he was facing the enemy in a crowd of people while walking the course of the tribulation on the cross. What kind of relationship did he wish to form with humankind, with the course of the providence or with the heart of heavenly nature?

We today should be able to go back into history and delve into the heart of Jesus. To that heart, we should bow our heads. By walking the steps the Lord took, following the traces the Lord left behind, and rendering devoted service to the altar for which the Lord died, we should become the people who can embrace God’s grievous resentment in His place. Further, we should reflect upon ourselves to see if we can seize Jesus’ heart, which represented the whole of humankind and the historical ties holding onto heavenly compassion. That is, we should ask ourselves whether we can become true friends of Jesus who can represent Jesus’ historical relationship, the relationship of the age, and the relationship of the future.




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