Center Your Soul on God

CSG 2244

Had Adam and Eve matured and
married, they would have been unified
within God’s realm of direct love. Who
is the center here? It is God. When that
happens, human beings become the
bodies of God, who takes on a substan-
tial form. Had Adam and Eve been thus
unified, they would have become God’s
bodies, the parents of humankind, and
the center for God. If God – however
omniscient and omnipotent – were to
start experiencing joy without a partner,
we would call Him crazy.
We human beings are relation-
al beings before the absolute God. We
must become as one body through abso-
lute love. If God, Adam, and Eve had
become as one body, the children born
through Adam and Eve would have been
theirs and God’s simultaneously. If that
had happened, then, as God’s offspring,
they would have established on earth a
family, tribe, people, nation and world.
As there would be no one to sever their
Chapter 1 • God’s True Love Is the Motivating Force for the Creation 2245
relationship based on God’s eternal love,
their nation in itself would have become
the kingdom on earth founded on His
love. (54-64, 1972.3.11)

CSG 1205

In order for the Western Civiliza-
tion to come to Asia, a bridge must be
made. If the archangel makes an offer-
ing, it cannot simply become the pos-
session of God. Since all things were
lost through Eve, he must make the
offering having established unity with
Eve. What belonged to heaven was tak-
en and belongs to Satan, so by the prin-
ciple of restoration through indemnity,
the archangel nation on God’s side must
gather and bring all material things and
then make unity with Eve. It must be
grafted onto Japan, which is the Eve
nation. Why did Japan become an eco-
nomic power in modern times? In the
age of this dispensation, bridges must be
built. Japan will inherit all that belongs
to America. This has been taking place
in the period of 120 years, from the
Meiji Reformation until 1988. Try to
calculate it. This is connected to 1988.
During this 120-year period that ends
next year, Japan is to inherit everything
from America. (166-292, 1987.6.14)

Jesus Who Came with the Destiny of Restoration

Sun Myung Moon
August 3, 1958

In the field where men have to fulfill the macrocosmic mission of relationship, the spirit must be united, let alone the relationship between top and bottom. Just as one cell of my body is moved by the unified Shim Jung, it should be possible for my mind to connect to the historical course.

What kind of relationship do you have with Jesus, who cried out bearing the historical responsibility; with Jesus, who thought only of God’s will; with Jesus, who died on the cross? This is the important matter of concern. You should be able to say, “Father! Though I am feeble, please allow me to be responsible for even one part of Jesus’ burden.” You must have a tragic Shim Jung that can cry with Jesus, feeling the fretful heart with which he cried, unable to discuss his own grieved heart with anyone. With such a mind, you must take charge of even one part of Jesus’ difficult situation.

In your life of faith today, to not fall into ruin, there should be at least three people who pray all night in the church, clinging to Jesus. Such a church, such a religious order will not perish. Although the gospel Jesus transmitted has been propagated on this earth and many religious orders have formed, when we look at how Christianity has strayed from the will of Jesus, we should reflect on ourselves today and become the people who can follow in the footsteps of Jesus as he struggled hard during the three years of his public life.

Having connected with God’s Shim Jung and the historical Shim Jung, Jesus had a commanding mien and was full of confidence when he appeared before the people. Yet when he was not facing the people, he would quietly shed tears. When he saw people straying from the righteous way and from the ties of God’s heart, believing mere formalities and ceremonial functions, in his heart he felt like lifting a whip and striking them.

Now we should restore Jesus’ mind that can connect with our heart and the ties of our life. We should also search for a group of such people with Jesus’ mind. Since we do not have such a mind, we should consider to whom we have to hand over this task as an unfinished work.

Since we are placed in such a position as this, we must bear all the historical mistakes perpetrated in the past. Going further, it is not enough to know the grief of the days past. Going beyond that, you must know even the Shim Jung that cherishes a hope for the future and be able to say, “Since I will be responsible for all this, please take a rest.” Since no part of your life has been aglow with this kind of passion, you must repent.

Toward what kind of age is this world today moving? The present time is the age where we fight centering on materials, but in the future, there will come an age of struggle centering on thought. That is, stepping beyond the age of materialism that can affect the body of a human being, the age of an “ism” based on thought, representing the mind, will emerge.

In a human being, there is the body and the mind. Above the mind, there is the soul; above the soul, there is God. Therefore, only when the human being unites completely into one with God will he or she become perfect. Each person is one mere, small, independent entity. However, he or she represents the whole of history and all relationships of the future. Therefore, he or she possesses macrocosmic value. Why has human history been flowing down until now? What did our many ancestors and the prophets and sages come forth wishing for? Because they were fallen human beings, they have been seeking the center, after having connected from afar. That is, we have been coming forth from the age of the clan to that of the tribe, through the age of the race to the age of the state and the international age, through the age of a worldwide federation. Heaven has been searching for the one person who can be a representative, linking God’s heart on top of the foundation of having combined the historical relations, the current period relations, and the futuristic relations. You must remember this.

Therefore, the time of World War I was a time of struggle centered on materials. In other words, all people in this world tried to obtain materials. There was a time when the world cried out for materials.

Life Centered on the Mind

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