Exert Yourself to Build God’s Kingdom on Earth

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 2120

In the future we will have to be reg-
istered. When the North and South are
united, the families of the Unification
Church around the world, those Blessed
Families who have been active, will all
go beyond the tribal level and become
registered. If the North and South are
united through my power, heavenly law
will establish the loyal officials of the
Unification Church around the world as
the representative people and the peo-
ple who provide the seed. Who would
oppose this? Historically speaking, who
would oppose me, when I have worked
as hard as I have for the sake of the inde-
pendence of Korea and the return to
hometown in Korea? (197-212, 1990.1.14)

Jeremiah 35

12-13 Then the Lord told me to say to the people of Judah and Jerusalem:

I, the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, want you to learn a lesson 14 from the Rechabite clan. Their ancestor Jonadab told his descendants never to drink wine, and to this very day they have obeyed him. But I have spoken to you over and over, and you haven’t obeyed me! 15 You refused to listen to my prophets, who kept telling you, “Stop doing evil and worshiping other gods! Start obeying the Lord, and he will let you live in this land he gave your ancestors.”

16 The Rechabites have obeyed the command of their ancestor Jonadab, but you have not obeyed me, 17 your God. I am the Lord All-Powerful, and I warned you about the terrible things that would happen to you if you did not listen to me. You have ignored me, so now disaster will strike you. I, the Lord, have spoken.

Let Us Experience the Sorrow of God

Sun Myung Moon
March 2, 1958

The people who have struggled to walk the path of public interest have forsaken all that they had and spent their life with a heart that seeks only to live for the sake of the whole. In other words, if what belonged to them turned out to be some condition of sorrow before Heaven and humanity, they courageously eliminated it. You have to feel again that the path on which you are exerting yourself, to eliminate unrighteousness and sin, is none other than the path of the heavenly will.

Although Jesus came to the earth, there was no apostle who truly believed in and attended him. Thus, the only thing he possessed was the one body that God recognized. The Israelites, centered on Judaism, should have been at the forefront in believing in and attending Jesus, but they could not. The world and all things had to bow before Jesus.

What do you have today of which you can be proud? Do you have the confidence to represent history or transcend time to assert that something is your own? You are weak people and cannot. You do not have anything you can call your own today. Today this land has lost its master, and the people have also lost their master.

What must you do in this situation? You must never pack to leave, for your own sake, to avoid this course of sorrow. If you possess the heart to govern the universe, then you can forsake that kind of thought and go forward. If you want to live, then you must offer your life. If you want to win the victory, you must step above death and rise. When you walk this kind of path, because you are human, you cannot prevent sorrow from seeping into your heart, even without your being aware of it. However, people must overcome this hill of sorrow and offer all of their minds and bodies to the Father. They then may go in search of all things.

Now we must learn how to offer material things, everything we have, to the Father and fight with Satan on behalf of Heaven. When your minds and bodies are offered totally as the Father’s own, Satan cannot make false charges.

God comes seeking us as individuals, but He wants to find the family, the society and the world centering on these individuals. The course of the providential history of Heaven has descended all the way down to the earth while seeking us. Now it must go toward the direction of Heaven again centering on us, but that path has been blocked. The people who are pursuing goodness have cut off and denied all worldly things until now. They have tried to seek the way through which they can establish the original things lost before God, but we must understand that this way has reached its limit.

Until now, our sorrow has been for the sake of finding God. What kind of sorrow remains in the end period of all religions? What remains are the sorrow that seeks to attend God and go to the end of the earth. Therefore, you must go forward with the determination to realize the will of God with the notion of having received a royal summons.

You must feel the grief of God. You must experience the grieving heart of Jesus. You must feel substantially the fact that for 6,000 long years, God has been groping in grief to seek each of you.

Even in this hour, God is concerned about people and the many future generations and is exerting Himself, wishing for an eternal kingdom to be built on the earth. However, today people have been completely neglecting this fact.

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