Understand the Heart of God

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $25 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 2092

Once you become the head of the
family, all your relatives will go out to
fight if there’s a battle. Then you can
take a rest while commanding them!
That is why I have told you to take up
the mission as tribal messiahs. What am
I telling you to do? I am telling you to do
your mission as tribal messiahs. Until
now, in reality, you have lived away
from home. Now you must go look for
your hometown. You must break into
tears and put your whole heart into your
Just as the Israelites lived in Egypt
for four hundred years, we have done the
same for the past forty-three years. Now
we must return to our hometown and
let love take root. You must love God,
your parents, and your brothers and sis-
ters. You must disconnect the source by
which the worldwide Satan can falsely
accuse you. The establishment of the ide-
al heavenly kingdom in the blessed land
of Canaan was not fulfilled because the
Israelites could not remove that source.
Therefore, do not expect anything from
the satanic world. Even if we must con-
tinue carrying a burden, we are the best.
Even if we get cursed or the dog in the
village barks at us at night, we are the
best. You must go forward, progressing
by digesting the villages and marching
proudly with an outcry of love. With
this in mind, I want you to fight onward.
(178-139, 1988.6.1)

Ezekiel 34

23 After that, I will give you a shepherd from the family of my servant King David. All of you, both strong and weak, will have the same shepherd, and he will take good care of you. 24 He will be your leader, and I will be your God. I, the Lord, have spoken.

Oh, Father! We Welcome You

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 9, 1959

In our lives today we too often neglect the value of the important part within us. When we think that Heaven has come seeking us throughout the course of history and is always working in our surroundings, when we understand that Heaven wants to reside with us, we have to bow our heads before the historical course and the providential will of the period.

Although people should bow their heads before the will of the heavenly principles, they have neglected the providential will. Forgetting their dignity and honor, they have failed to find the direction in which they must steer. You have to feel the anguished heart of God as He looks down upon such people. You have to understand that the time has come when you must become concerned about this will of God’s providence. If we outwardly say that we want to attend this Creator as the subject of our faith, but in reality conduct our faith centering on ourselves, then we have nothing to do with Heaven.

When we look at ourselves, we can see that, although each of us is merely one part out of the 2.4 billion people of the world, God is trying to believe in us and love us as the ones who have the value of the whole cosmos. He wants to live with us. However, people today cannot imagine this heart of the Father, even in their dreams.

God is relating with us with infinite hope, but we are facing Heaven with limited hope. Who is going to be responsible for bridging the gap between this limited and unlimited hope? We have to understand that the greater this gap, the more Satan will accuse us before Heaven.

Therefore, you must recognize that you have come into this crisis, the realm of historical sin, and we must lower our heads before the heavenly principles. We must possess a heart of repentance and become like clay and water, which can be molded again. Nonetheless, many people today disregard the heavenly principles because of their own assertions and beliefs. You must understand that their movements and actions do not remain with one individual, but connect with the whole world, the whole cosmos.

To whom is Heaven going to entrust this task? You must take charge of it today. You can take charge of this task in the state you are in and fulfill your responsibility before the providential will. You must be able to attend God. What must you do to fulfill it? First, you must know the standard of God’s hope. You have to understand the heart of the Father, who rejoiced while creating humankind. You have to understand the ideology of the creation in which God wanted to rejoice.

With what heart did God create this world? God created this world with a heart that longed for all things to become worthy of His infinite trust. He longed for human beings to become worthy of His infinite trust. Accordingly, inside the realm of the uniform ideology in which there is no need for such a term as “faith,” you must form such an inseparable mind-body relationship and unity with Heaven that even after many years have passed, you remain unchanging. God tried to believe in people, that they could stand in the position of oneness and not even have a sense of the word “faith.” The heart of God, who tried to have such eternal faith, was left behind due to the human fall.

God wanted to inject His eternal life into humankind and to raise them as immortals on the earth. Because of the fall, though people lived, it was as if they were dead. The foundation of God’s love, where God and people become eternally one and are immersed in the uniform ideology, the foundation on which all things of the creation can be in harmony, was shattered because of the fall.

Accordingly, people became such that God could not believe in them, beings who bore no trace of God’s life. Consequently, God’s love could not take root, and our ancestors were chased out of the Garden of Eden.

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