Cherish the Embodiment of the Faith, Live and Love of Jesus on Earth

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CSG 2148

I would like to
speak on the topic, “The Path for Amer-
ica and Humanity in the Last Days.”
From the historical perspective of God’s
providence of salvation, the Last Days
are those of the evil history of Satan’s
sovereignty and the starting point of the
good history of God’s sovereignty.
Accordingly, they are the time when
God’s entire providence is to be accom-
plished; that is, when perfection of the
individual, family, ethnic people, nation,
world, and finally cosmos are to be real-
ized. Each time God heralded the Last
Days in the course of His providence, He
sought to guide human beings through
an ideology centered on Him, but they
failed to fulfill their portion of respon-
sibility to stand in the position of good-
ness and terminate evil history.

Psalm 5

You are my King and my God.
Answer my cry for help
    because I pray to you.
Each morning you listen
    to my prayer,
as I bring my requests[b] to you
    and wait for your reply.

You are not the kind of God
who is pleased with evil.
    Sinners can’t stay with you.
No one who boasts can stand
in your presence, Lord,
    and you hate evil people.
You destroy every liar,
    and you despise violence
    and deceit.

Oh, Father! We Welcome You

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 9, 1959

In the Garden of Eden, our ancestors could not become people who could be trusted for eternity. Who had the standard for the heart of eternal trust? God had it. They should have become people who had the standard of heart for eternal life, but because they betrayed God, God possesses this standard. Although they should have become people who had the standard of heart for eternal love, because they fell, God also kept the standard of heart for that love.

If we ask who came to point out to humankind the elements that could guide the ideology of the Garden of Eden, it was none other than Jesus. Although God toiled throughout the long course of history to find the one standard on earth which could represent the faith, life and love of God, He could not find it. Although He tried to find it through Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Moses, He could not find anyone with this standard. Jesus was the person He could finally raise after 4,000 years of toil.

What kind of person was Jesus? He was not one with worldly powers. He did not have worldly knowledge. He was cornered and driven out as the traitor of the era. He was the representative hero who was driven out into this sinful world on behalf of righteousness.

The reason Jesus was mistreated was not because he was not precious or because he was lacking somehow. It was because the whole world was a land of faithlessness. He was ostracized because the world did not have life and love. What kind of representative was Jesus? Because of the fall in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve could not become trustworthy parents. Jesus thus came as the substitute for Adam. He came as the hero of faith in whom one could not help but believe for eternity. He came as the representative of the love of God to reconnect the bond of the life of God, which was lost in Eden. He came to connect the love of God, which was lost in Eden, to human minds.

What kind of person is Jesus? He is the Messiah of faith, the Messiah of life, and the Messiah of love. In other words, he is the Savior of faith, the Savior of life, and the Savior of love. During the 4,000 years when God governed human history, He hoped to fulfill the standard of heart for His life and love. This was actualized through Jesus. Consequently, the providential history of God finally had another beginning on the earth and the new will of restoration was realized.

The people of that time should have had substantial faith in Jesus, who came with this historical will. They should have become one with his ideology. Jesus came as the one incarnation in which God’s formless ideology of faith, His formless ideology of life, and His formless ideology of love were expressed.

However, there was no one who testified, “Oh! You are the fruit of the faith of God, who has been exerting Himself for 4,000 years in search of us. You are the embodiment of God’s hope and life that He has been seeking for 4,000 years. Oh! You are the hero who comes with the eternal love with which we can rejoice in the garden of God’s ideology.” No one welcomed him. No one probed into his heart and revealed his secret words to the earth. This was the second cause of the sorrow of humanity.

Jesus came to the earth for this reason, but he passed away without testifying to the faith, life and love of God as His one embodiment. Therefore, the faith, life and love which are one with the spirit of Jesus became far removed from humankind. If we were to reflect upon it closely, the fact that Jesus became the hero of spiritual faith, spiritual life and spiritual love is not a joyful thing. You have to understand that the deep-rooted sorrow of Heaven lies in that fact. In other words, God wants the embodiment who represents His ideology on earth. Jesus, as the embodiment of God, came to the earth with the faith, life and love of God. Because humanity destroyed that embodiment, God became a God of tears.

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