Feel that the Father is Your Father

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV expires in just 10 days!  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 1083

You may use words spontaneously,
but if you make a mistake in choosing
one word, its influence will last for one
year. If you misuse one word for one sec-
ond, you will be put in a situation where
you will have to pay the price for one
year. (43-111, 1971.4.25)

Ezekiel 1

12 Wherever the four living creatures went, they moved together without turning their bodies, because each creature faced straight ahead. 13 The creatures were glowing like hot coals, and I saw something like a flaming torch moving back and forth among them. Lightning flashed from the torch every time its flame blazed up.[f] 14 The creatures themselves moved as quickly as sparks jumping from a fire.[g]

Oh, Father! We Welcome You

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 9, 1959

More than anyone else, you are shedding tears for the sake of the people. You are leading a life in which you must look back and shed tears. However, since you now have come to understand the will of the Father which asks you to stand as the embodiment of His hope, faith and love, you must fulfill this mission. These Korean people do not have friends among themselves whom they can trust. Moreover, they do not have the one true family where they can settle down for life. What must you leave behind for this people? You must leave faith for the people who cannot believe, a family for the people who do not have families and love for this pitiful people who have no one upon which to rely.

When you possess this kind of heart, you will feel that Jesus’ situation in the Garden of Gethsemane is our own situation. In other words, his situation is our situation today, and it is the situation of our ancestors who lived through the course of history for the sake of the will of the heavenly principles. Therefore, you must now receive historical persecution and overcome it. No matter what kind of Satan you fight with, you must triumph 100 percent.

You must overcome whatever realm of death you are in. Crossing through that world of death, you must be able to head toward the blessed land of Canaan. You must be able to cling to the Father and share with Him the sorrow of His 6,000 years. You must clear up the mistakes of Adam and Eve. Possessing the heart of Heaven, you must be able to receive glory on behalf of the Father. God has been traveling the path of sorrow, determined to pass through the path of thorns. When you are driven out, you must endure through it by beholding the Father, who is concerned about you. You must be grateful to Him for giving you a day when He embraces you.

The time when we can believe in our heads has passed. Now you must become the incarnations of faith who can believe with your minds and bodies. You must understand Jesus, who has come alive, but the time when you understand with your head has passed. The time has come when you must understand through your minds and bodies. You must comprehend through your minds and bodies that the substantial body of Jesus represents the faith, life and love of God.

Therefore, if you say “Left,” then the providential history of God, which represents the history of the heavenly principles, should be able to say “Left.” If you say “Right,” then God’s life should be able to say “Right.” If you say “Stop,” then God should be able to say “Stop.” The grief of God is having lost the person and the family who can bring this to pass.

You must not shed tears over your own sorrow. One day you will feel God wiping the tears off your eyes. Do not complain that you have suffered injustices. God probably already knows about that, too.

Contrary to your assumption that the Father has left you, you are standing in front of the Father. Contrary to your assumption that you do not know the love of God, your body is already deep inside the love of God. When you come to realize that, you will feel that the Father is your father. The Father that you will come to know is not the God of faith who is bound to concepts. He is your real father whom you can experience substantially, whom you can experience in the sphere of your life.

In the same way that Jesus prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, please let this cup pass from me. But not as I will but as the Father wills” (Matthew 26:39), you must stand in a serious position and feel that you have become one with the Father.

When you do that, the faith, life of hope, and love of hope will become harmonized in you. When you move, all things will move. When you go, all people will follow you. When you enter this state, all things will feel joy from you. You will hear what others do not hear, see what others do not see, know what others do not know, and experience what others do not experience.

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