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CSG 799

This universe is a museum of love.
Human beings must become the own-
ers of this museum. The mineral world
and plant world multiply centering on
relationships of love. Without love, his-
tory would end. History can continue
because there is reproduction. Conse-
quently, man and woman should mar-
ry and give birth to children. Without
doing so, they cannot find their place in
the spirit world. When a baby is born,
you should come before God and offer
that baby as a gift to Him. Without
this gift, you cannot hold your head up
When you go back to your home-
town, what is it you will be most proud
of and want to show your parents? You
will take pride in how well you raised
your children. It is the same in the spirit
world. When you go before God, there is
no greater gift than bringing God’s chil-
dren, the people of heaven, whom you
have raised on this earth. Money, power,
and knowledge are not important. (229-
15, 1992.4.9)

Ezekiel 4

Ezekiel, son of man, find a brick and sketch a picture of Jerusalem on it. Then prepare to attack the brick as if it were a real city. Build a dirt mound and a ramp up to the top and surround the brick with enemy camps. On every side put large wooden poles as though you were going to break down the gate to the city. Set up an iron pan like a wall between you and the brick. All this will be a warning for the people of Israel.

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958

If we delve more deeply into the sphere of the original nature, we will not be able to deny that our minds and bodies are not our own. The things of creation might seem to be the masters of the whole world of creation and the universe, but if you think more deeply, you cannot deny that they belong to the Creator.

For example, it is easy to think that the owner of this earth is the earth itself. Yet no one can deny that this earth belongs to the universe. Although it is easy to think that all existing things on the earth are their own masters and came into existence on their own, no one can deny that they cannot exist outside their relationship with the earth.

Similarly, when you examine all existing things, you will find that from the big things to the small things, all are in inseparable relationships. Even when you examine the earth, you can understand that this earth cannot exist by itself. In other words, when it operates according to the laws of nature based on inseparable relationships, it can then obtain the conditions to exist as the earth. If we acknowledge that there is a cause, the Creator, then we cannot deny that this universe came into being because of the Creator God, the earth came into being because of the universe, and all things that exist on the earth came into being because of the earth.

Who is the ultimate source of all things that exist on the earth today? In other words, who is the parent of humankind? You will not be able to deny that it is the earth. Who is the parent of the earth? You will not be able to deny that it is the universe. Yet it is a fact that there is still no explanation for the question of who is the parent or ultimate cause of the universe.

Although all things exist as the fruits of a causal process linked to a parent-like relationship, they attain satisfaction only in the world of results. This is the historical and practical contradiction.

Should there ultimately be some solution for all things in the universe and for you who are in this situation? At the end of history a person must appear who can give answers to all these questions, a person of character who can go forward toward the universe after becoming the one substantial embodiment who can represent the ideology of the Gospel. You have to understand that if such a person does not emerge, we cannot conclude that God has been leading the providence, centering on humankind.

If you feel you are the ones who are governing this visible world of all things today, the so-called masters of all things, then this is a misunderstanding. Your bodies are not yours. Your minds are not yours. If someone asks you what evidence there is that they are yours, you will be stuck and will not be able to answer.

If this problem is solved, then this will become a historical beginning point. At the same time, it will become the solution point, based upon which all problems can be solved. However, humankind on earth today has completely forgotten this problem, as they casually go about their lives.

God mourns more grievously over the fact that people have become like this, than He does over having lost the universe. Therefore, if there is someone who can feel and experience the heart of God, then the fundamental providence of religion will begin from that person. You have to understand that the path to find God again will be pioneered from there. In the same way that all earthly things consider the earth and Heaven, the Creator, as their parents, your existence is not limited to yourself either.

Have you ever felt that the earth is your parent? Our bodies have been constructed with all elements of the earth. We cannot deny that the earth is our origin. However, people often forget the earth is embracing them. Now that you have learned that the earth is the parent of materials, you must go one step further and understand that there is a parent who gave you birth as a being of character.

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