Jesus Represents both Human and Heavenly Principles

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CSG 1954

I am in a position to retake these
nations of Korea and Japan centering on
the Adam nation and Eve nation. With
the arrival of the age of restoration, they
must be restored centering on Eve. That
is why the Eve nation, Japan, holds all the
economic power. Consequently, Ameri-
ca needs Japan, China needs Japan, and
Korea needs Japan as well. In the realm
of competition, these nations are at war
with each other, vying to be the first to
attract Japan. I know about this. That is
why I brought them into exchange mar-
riages and completely tied Korea and
Japan together. America, China, and the
Soviet Union did not oppose this union.
(201-232, 1990.4.22)

CSG 741

The spirit world must be mobilized.
How can heaven be formed without
mobilizing the spirit world? It cannot.
Heaven is supposed to begin from the
True Parents, not the fallen descendants
who have existed until now. Just as the
angelic world helped when Adam was
created, the spirit world should return to
earth and help in the re-creation. With-
out doing so, it is not possible to build
heaven on earth. Is that not the Princi-
ple? Is this not the Principle of Resurrec-
tion? It will be recognized as true when
it appears as real and unchanging. (162-
114, 1987.3.30)

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958

Those who have become completely united with the heavenly will and have won the recognition of Heaven, and those who have had mysterious experiences probably understand this. They will feel God recognizing that they are His. At the same time, they will see all things bowing their heads toward them. Human beings today do not realize that on the day that all things of the creation recognize that you are the son of God and the possession of God, the countless spirits of the spirit world, as well as all things of the earth, will bow their heads in praise. If God and all things can recognize someone, then those with a true conscience can also be in harmony before them.

You can have the sense of your position and existence, but you must abandon all sense of possession. You must think that you will represent the will of all things, the will of humanity, and the will of the heavenly principles. Those who realize that they are marching forward with this ideology are the so-called enlightened people. To walk that path of enlightenment, you cannot possess all the things you want on earth, do all the things you want, and enjoy all the things you want in your life.

If you truly want to establish the value of existence based on the heavenly principles, you must first be able to deny yourself mercilessly. You must be determined to go forward with the enmity to mercilessly fight against your family, society and this sinful world. That does not mean you are to use brute force. You must attack sin with service and sacrifice. Traveling through this kind of course, Heaven has been battling silently for the long period of 6,000 years.

Now that you have come to know that God, the Creator, has been working hard to reclaim human beings in this manner, what must you do? You must become someone who can be in harmony as the possession of the universe, all people, and all things of creation. You must be taken as the possession of God. What must you do to become the possession of God? You must first learn to feel that God, the Creator who created all things, is our Father. By doing so, you must understand that the Creator God is our Father who, as the eternal, unchanging and Absolute Being, has been exerting Himself to restore the inseparable parent- child relationship since the time of the creation of the world.

If our physical parents gave us flesh and blood, then what kind of parent is the Creator? He is our eternal and unchanging spiritual True Parent. He is the Parent of our minds and the True Parent of our spirit, who gives us eternal life. Human principles have taught us, until now, that we must look up to and be filial toward our flesh and blood parents. Because there has been no law concerning the Creator of the heavenly principles, the human principles and the heavenly principles have been going their own separate ways. Therefore, there had to be someone who advocated the way of the heavenly True Parent, the Creator God, who can represent both the human principles and the heavenly principles. This person is Jesus.

When Jesus came to the earth, he said that the Creator was his Father and that he was one with Him. He advocated this with the content of the unity of couples and the unity of parent and child. Advocating the way of sons and daughters of filial piety toward the heavenly principles is greater than any other advocacy.


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